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Everything posted by AnthonyOAFC

  1. All the best Alan, a true true true latics legend.
  2. Well done to the singers in the RRE to be honest. At least they're creating a little bit of atmosphere.
  3. Couldn't agree more! He's honest in every interview, he wants to play football the right way and is working with a difficult budget. Well done PD!!!
  4. Thinking about it now, Either is good for me! Friday night would be pretty good as would Sunday!
  5. Agreed! He's done absolutely brilliant things for this club! Keep the faith!
  6. If we keep the fans long term, then by all means they're welcome. What annoys me is that they come for one game and bugger off. I remember when we played Carlisle and had that offer on, this lady was next to me shouting 'COME ON BOYS, WE CAN DO IT' and screaming everytime we had the ball. A few seconds later she was saying 'Who's he, is he any good?'. Irritates me but if it's pumping that little bit more money into the club, brilliant! I'd just rather they kept attending games rather than coming to 1 game and then never coming back!
  7. Not bad, not bad at all! I love all this pre-match excitement, just hope it isn't a crap atmosphere when it comes to it
  8. Does anyone have a idea of the allocation they will be giving us and do you think we will fill it? Should be a crackin' atmosphere! KTF!
  9. So there's been talks of the game happening on either the Friday or the Sunday. Simon said it'll probably be on the Sunday. What do you think and what day would you prefer? I'd prefer it on a Sunday!
  10. There's talks of the liverpool game taking place on a friday night but Simon said on the radio that it's most likey going to be on Sunday
  11. http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11681/7256405/Latics-rejected-Mellor-bid Might of been accepted now?
  12. At last, A positive comment! I agree. Looking back now, that point against Stevenage was a good one. A win against Brentford would be ace and put us right up there. Keep the faith!
  13. It's pathetic mate. We don't need 'supporters' like that.
  14. I asked him on fb if he's still an Oldham fan.. his reply "I'd rather go watch CL standard football than :censored:ty Oldham I'd spend same amount go Bayern than I would going orient!!"
  15. I'm really happy with this signing tbh. Experience is what we need and he certainly brings that.
  16. http://twitter.com/#!/ShefkiKuqi Says he's going to a championship club.
  17. Yeah, We was driving back from the game on Saturday and a helicopter actually landed right near the Police Station. Really awful tbh.
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