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Everything posted by L1onheartNew

  1. Getting Warmer... Lord Harkins' return from beyond the wall
  2. That 'bump' on the defender prior to the pass to Worral was pure class. He just bounced off Harkins. I knew he was better than Blackie Gray!
  3. We won the second division championship doing just that. But we always seemed to have the ability to either level it or score one more than the opposition no matter how many minutes were left. Today, we had a glimpse of what we are capable of both at managerial level with the tactical substitutions early on and with the ability to create chances and score goals from them (5 from 18). i.e we turned it around in a quite stunning manner. It was the quintessential turd polish. One man's bollocks is another man's optimism IMHO. TBH if we are consistently 3-0 down at half time and win 5-4, I could certainly live with that. I remember us being 5-1 down at Oxford during the Championship year with little time left thinking we could still get a draw. We lost 5-1, but knowing what we were capable of in a positive way, literally kept my faith and certainly kept me coming back. I doubt we will ever see the like of that team that won the title, but there are a hell of a lot of similarities in the way the two teams play.
  4. Ye Gods, I have been searching for Billy's boots for years. Who would have thought they were hiding in Aberdeen? Horses for courses and good on him!
  5. According to the stats, the shot count was 18-14 in favour of Latics. That is magnificent entertainment. Now if we can just sign a striker who can put it away, 5 becomes 9! 87 pts anyone?
  6. Mental note to self: put crystal ball in the right way up!
  7. I dont know what the fuss is about. Huyton is quite obviously the fashion capital of Europe. They now have multi-coloured shell suits!
  8. Still on a high from watching them at the Big Day Out on the Gold Coast yesterday. Absolutely still the best rock band I have seen live (five times now, three here) and just as good as they were as Mookie Blaylock in Boston '91. Vedder led the line with a degree of awesomeness that I have rarely seen; especially after 20+ years. If anyone has seen/will see them on this tour, You better take/have taken a change of pants. (its only 20% man crush) Arcade Fire were decent and Beady Eye a sad reflection of a lack of evolution. Damn good day!
  9. They make great reading with a W at the end of every line. 87 Pts!
  10. Played 20 W19 D1 L0 Goals scored 69, goals against 8. In anyone's league, that is just phenomenal!
  11. Now, now Peanuts, there's no room for sentiment on this thread. Say what you really mean.
  12. I was certain that it was Harkins that crossed the ball for Roy Race to head home in in the 1974 FA Cup Final. Hang on, he may have been playing for Tynecaster, in which case, it was a colossal mistake! Edit: He was better than Blackie Gray.
  13. I reckon I could get good odds from Montano on a Miley Cyrus/Macaulay Culkin Body bag double
  14. Apparently, David Jason (Sir) has been quoted as saying that poor Miley is "Everything that is wrong with society". Now I am not going to have an opinion on his (Sir David Jason's) comments about her (Miley Cyrus, head on a stick gutter trash who cannot sing); i'll leave that to you guys.
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