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Everything posted by disjointed

  1. As I'm sure everyone is aware Bobby Charlton passed away today aged 86. Was there a more respected footballer by all? I had the pleasure to be in his company a couple of times, once whilst he was still a player and again some years after he had retired, an absolute gentleman and I don't care what your football allegiance this is a sad day. RIP Bobby, you were one of a kind.
  2. I assume the terminology refers to the posture, under both arms, it makes an aggressive stance.
  3. I couldn't make today's game, but I reckon I wouldn't have known who they are, chances are they only attend certain away games where they can "fuel up" and have "a bit of a ruck". Doesn't only give the club a bad name but also tends to tar all supporters with the same brush.
  4. Anyone who went today, how did we line up and how did our players perform.
  5. Until they are identified they we will keep coming back for more, it's frustrating knowing it will happen time and time again.
  6. When I started watching in the late 60's, Dale was definitely our main derby.
  7. Was talking to his dad last week, bit of a back story to it.
  8. I don't think she was too badly hurt, she walked past me making her own way to first aid.
  9. Right so we are assembling a side that isn't from the United Kingdom and Ireland.
  10. I always get this mixed up, I assumed it wasn't part of the United Kingdom, but part of the British Isles, thanks for the geography lesson.
  11. Is there a real time, I was of the belief it was edited before being released for human consumption.
  12. Looks as if he has shed a load of weight, obviously been determined to get back playing football.
  13. Not by me, we are carrying him at the moment, hopefully a few weeks missing will bring him back firing.
  14. Well he certainly looks a better player than Sheron in that position, he made a couple of shite long passes but other than that I was quietly impressed with his performance.
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