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Everything posted by disjointed

  1. I had about eight scousers sat just behind me in RRE at half time I said to one of them bet you didn't expect this. His reply in thick scouse only here to see Matt Smith, to be fair they weren't jumping about just watching, I can live with that who hasn't been in the wrong end. (that doesn't sound right). Think they got a bit narked when I just started screaming at them when the 3rd went in.
  2. Is that opposed to showing ManUre 750 cup ties running
  3. Well done Matt Smith, the team played to your strengths and you didn't let them down. You bullied, harassed and did what every big centre forward does best, scored. I was one of the many who thought you could not cut it, the last few weeks have made me change my mind. Now go on and become a latics legend.
  4. My hard earned has gone on Baxter first goal and 1-1. Odds of 100/1, Will also pay for the replay.
  5. Seriously Luton? If they can do Norwich then we aint going to be a problem, we are at our worst when we expect to win. Unless we are galvanised by our new manager.
  6. Standard line from "pundits" who dont know any better. Robbie Savage said exactly the same on final score yesterday.
  7. Cheers for the update and well done, enjoy tomorrow.
  8. Who actually updates the OS it seems that they get it wrong regularly. I suppose you dont have to support Latics to work there but jesus take a bit more interest.
  9. Help needed from 9 in the morning on the OS. I've no excuse
  10. Nothing on the OS, looks like its all clear unless someone knows different
  11. If SC has a replacement lined up, he could get rid of PD tomorrow win or lose. The new man brings in his players he has already tapped up. Deadline averted, roll on Walsall with a new striker a new centre half and a quality midfielder.
  12. Dont see how he stole the trolley, they cost a quid!!
  13. You might want to try this little trick next game in the league it works for me. when we have the ball in defence I shut my eyes imagine 20 quick one touches by world class footballers, then open my eyes and hey presto its in the opposition half. Alright it might be about to go behind for a goalkick but one day... . . One day
  14. Cultured, thats where Barca are going wrong
  15. will it be on the os if they need anyone tomorrow, or will people on here know tonight. Want to do my bit wasn't possible today. Well done to everyone us lazy gits appreciate it. God will repay you when Jose nets the winner tomorrow, i've got a good feeling about the game.
  16. Looks like the gods are on our side as we avoided Luton at home this round as some people were hoping for.
  17. I would certainly give them a look, happy days, I dont understand all this upload nonsense but if a click of a button means i can relive halcyon days of yore then why not.
  18. totally agree, the tosser even rolled over and looked up with a sly glance.
  19. I think its a given that we will get behind our team. If we can support them through the s**t we have watched this season (4 games being the exception) Sunday aint gonna be a problem. The hope is we perform and some of the extra fans come back and watch the next home game.
  20. Always thought that reid couldn't cut it. Marsh-Brown winds me up, so much talent, so little brain, if I had half his talent with my application to work!!!! What a waste.
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