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Everything posted by Oafc1895

  1. Is there not a way of anyone contacting the club for some money. Ie becoming the fishal oafc message board?
  2. Sorry!! Tuesday night. 1st goal could have stepped to the side and caught it. Plus how you can get to a penalty, get two hands to it and still not save it is still beyond me
  3. The facts are 1. Bar the last two games where we were below par we are playing good football 2. Now he who seemingly cannot be named has gone that's a wage freed up so we can bring in a decent attack minded winger to cover injuries and whatnot 3. Yes were out of the paintpot but it's on penalties. Yes it might be the best chance we've got of getting to wembley I'd rather focus on the league. Yes it might be a good 'day out' but whose really bothered about going to a not even half full wembley. 4. That's now 9 games unbeaten (in normal time) and that's got to be the best for years. 5. Teams may have rumbled us but we still did make chances tonight therefore it's our finishing that needs to be worked on. This run we've been on is the best I can remember us playing since our last playoff season (my first season I can properly remember) so we have to stay positive and trust LJ will pull us through. He did it last season in much more difficult circumstances so there is no reason why he can't do it again.
  4. Where was he? Have I missed the injured memo?
  5. I'm sure as a proof reading tool the fishal just reads this. There soon changed after they are posted
  6. If you've payed to watch it and their not bothered and not trying then I would. But if their trying and there just poor then they can't help it really
  7. I know we were p poor today but even today shows how far we have come. A 1-1 draw and some are booing the team off. Although this is completely wrong (I don't belive you should ever boo a team off unless they haven't tried) it shows how well we have been playing and what we have come to expect. A couple of seasons ago I reckon that would have been a average performance and I reckon this is something positive to take from it. Plus we can play that badly and get a draw.
  8. We seem to have an honest Italian, if there is such a thing?
  9. Is it just me that doesn't see the point in him. If he's there as cover then fine but as a starter, going off today I don't think he's got it. I felt that when Mellor came on it sured us up at the back, holding line not trying to make the goal saving challenge but standing the player up. I don't see this either to be honest. I thought he lacked in the air, even against Wells. Is this just me being pessimistic and he's awful or that he's just had a nervous debut in a big derby in front of a big crowd. Any thoughts?
  10. Are we defiantly dead in the water with this. If not I'm happy to volunteer my services to help with writing/editing
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