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Everything posted by yarddog73

  1. Toothless as usual, Branger isn't a team player but I thought we still shaded it.
  2. Presume that will be Scott at left back, a position he's not that comfortable in. Only six on the bench so maybe Hunt is injured.
  3. Fair point but if we can't make this appointment work I think it's going to be much the same under AL as it was under the previous incumbent.
  4. I've gone for 18+, more out of hope than expectation.
  5. Only if your Westy Haven't watched Soccer AM but if it's the blue and white shirt that's one of the nicest shirts we've had over the years in my opinion, shame it had Torex blazoned across it.
  6. Scapegoat? We all have players we rate and don't rate and opinions can be polar opposites. I'm just saying it how I personally see it, he was shit first time round and hasn't come back any better, he's had a purple patch but that's about it, our fans fascination with big immobile lumps up front is weird as is the notion the likes of O'Grady somehow make someone like Surridge a better player, let's see if someone like Scholes bases the attacking threat around him I very much doubt it.
  7. I like the first three players you've mentioned but there's no way Maouche nor Missilou could be described as having standout seasons, both are still way too inconsistent. I'll give you Nepo though. As for O'Grady he's shite, nice lad but absolutely toothless for 90% of the season and I'd be staggered if he's Scholes preferred starting option.
  8. If that's on players we are having our pants pulled down by someone because other than probably Clarke and a couple of homegrown kids who won't be on much more than a grand a week the only standout players we've had this season are loanees.
  9. I wouldn't know to be honest, I normally hear some rumblings coming out of the club but can honestly say I haven't heard a thing about projected salaries and wouldn't just assume he's on 300k because Eyresy posted it on here a week or two ago. I have no doubt that Scholes has sought assurances and rightly so but I can't see AL proving he had 300k in the bank to pay him as being one of them. Finally if AL has managed to bring in Scholes I tip my hat off to him, other than a few bellends who are happy to have a picture taken with Andy Ritchie yet won't accept Scholes the appointment is as good as we could of wished for, his appointment should project the club in only one way and the positives for me far out weigh the negatives, I just hope and pray that AL and ML respect what he's trying to do and don't shoot themselves in the foot by interfering where they won't be needed.
  10. Trying to work out how much of that is actually proven fact, making a fair few assumptions there.
  11. Again I agree but we've just gone through a window without any real quality additions, if anything we are much weaker than the team Bunn had to work with, let's hope the two young lads who've come in can hit the ground running.
  12. I agree, which is a shame because if this had of been sorted in half the time it would of been about this season.
  13. The season is all but over, I really can't see how we can class that as contrived.
  14. The plot thickens. https://mobile.twitter.com/BenRansomSky/status/1093879211490770944
  15. All this tweet proves is how we continue to be run like a crock of shit. Having thought it couldn't get any worse after Corney this bloke is doing his best to blow that theory out of the water. Fucking amateur.
  16. 4-2-3-1 seems to be a popular formation these days, I'd play that exact same team with the personal we have.
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