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Everything posted by aaronoafc

  1. Jesus really? Just had a quick glance while in work on the sly - god we're going to :censored:.
  2. Think it means quit the deal surely, but looks to be a shocking choice of wording. Why do I get the feeling this isn't over? Has there been an official statement from the club or just this "board member". Also as someone said earlier apparently the death threat isn't true?
  3. They haven't, and to be honest I haven't seen where they have hinted that they have in the media. I just didn't see how you had come to the conclusion they have essentially ignored the opinion of the fans when it's split. I also agree this does seem to be a ploy to gain some money down the line (while he is indeed a good player) it has been a hell of a lot to go through to sign a player. you're entitled to your opinion but don't try and say the club have taken the good people who have been supporting the club over the last 10+ horrible years thoughts into consideration. I never said they have taken the fans into consideration, but again as it's split opinion it's only angering some. To be honest I follow them here there and everywhere but by them making this signing I'm not taking it personally, I choose to follow them it's not obligatory and will continue to do so.
  4. Don't think Evans will start, can see him making a cameo appearance though...
  5. You said in an earlier post "A club that don't respect or care about the opinions of its own." How is this true? When it's quite clearly split and a lot of fans want him signed? So they are clearly respecting the opinions of "some" of their own. If you don't like the decision fair enough but to say the club have disregarded and don't respect opinions of their own is nonsense when it's an issue that has split opinions.
  6. But quite a lot of fans wanted him signed? So they are hardly disregarding everyones opinion. What a ridiculous thread. On Saturday we go and support the team in a league game and hope for 3 points, as normal.
  7. In all seriousness I hope we don't sell and with his injuries I can't see a team wanting to spend big. I mean the bloke can't even train properly. He hasn't looked great the past couple of months and I was one calling for him to be pushed upfront but since then really his goals have dried up (2 against cov and 1 at shelf U but performance wise too he hasn't looked as sharp) maybe he needs to go back out to the wing and fire balls in to Eva- whoever's upfront for us by the end of jan!
  8. Hope we don't sell him, Forte and Evans is a play off winning strike force!
  9. I think if he did sign a short term deal there would be an extension clause in which we have full say, probably including some sort of a pay rise too. There's no way after all this we would let him sign then do one in Summer for nothing if he played well.
  10. Either we have signed him and are trying to back out of it or we are still keen on signing and are waiting for further backing from PFA and potentially Mike Ashley? I think if Taylor said he would go to the press conference we would have probably announced his signing today.
  11. I Support Oldham Athletic. One Man will not change that. See you Saturday. Also - if we do sign him, I think the attendance will be slightly UP next week. Obviously not counting Press who will be EVERYWHERE if we do.
  12. Glad its on a tuesday night now to be honest rather than the sat. The atmosphere tends to be better at night matches even when the fans are 16 miles apart. Would have loved to stick Dale in the small RRE and us pack the large section. Atmosphere would be mental but can see why the police wouldn't want that lol. Still we have more segregation with the (albeit) small gap in between sections than teams like City where the fans are pretty much next to each other but with a line of stewards. Saves the club a few £££ too I suppose.
  13. The Athletico's should go in the RRE boxing day. Try it again. Brentford last season was the best home league-game atmosphere I've seen in years, We should be trying to replicate. Remember near the end practically the whole RRE was stood up singing at 0-0 against pissing Brentford.
  14. Atrocious performance, Worst I have seen in god knows how long. Why LJ seems to have a hard on for 3-5-2- I don't know, we've tried it several times this season and it doesn't work. The players don't have a clue when we try it. When did he revert to type? Was it 2-0 or 3-0? Either one of them it was too late, 3 times before they scored their second with the diagonal pass into the penalty area they played the same ball and it ALMOST came off, the coaches are supposed to see that. And if they did and the players didn't listen then fair enough but I saw no signs of this. Eventually the 4th one did and their player had a simple finish. The organisation was a joke. We didn't have a clue, 5/6 defenders in our team and we concede 4. Says it all. Today showed just how much Kelly is missed, yes the formation was wrong from the off but it's actually scary how much we crumble when he isn't on the pitch, breaking up play, seeking the ball relentlessly, ticking us over. None of this "we let them win" bollocks either - the players won't give two :censored:s Gary is LJ's dad and isn't far from the sack. Today was not good enough, infact it was worst than that. Next week could either by a "typical oldham" or an absolute hammering if we play like that.
  15. Been there 4 times including two consecutive tuesday night 0-0's. One under Penney. Ironically we played okay that night and almost nicked it near the end I think. Also went to the dreaded 5-0 thrashing, worst away match I've ever been. Only good thing that day was the coach home which was a right laugh considering the hammering we just received. MK were good on the day but we were absolutely terrible, it was like the players were just waiting for the season to finish. Not seen us score there yet. Few Sheff U fans on twitter saying we looked miles better than MK, saying us and Bristol best sides they have seen (as did several walsall fans). Think this will be tough but me and my dad will be there. Would honestly love to play them off the park and walk away with a 2 or 3 nil win after controlling the game but can't see it. Can't see many traveling with it being right before Xmas however hoping for a solid 4-500 or so especially if we beat Yeovil and remain in the play offs.
  16. I thought this lol unless we blame Burnley for their massive away end
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