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Everything posted by oafcforever

  1. Good report Guru, can't believe the moaners on here! Bit disappointed we couldn't get the winner but happy with the players performances and their effort.
  2. Does seem strange, noticed on Saturday at half time Brill seemed to be making excuses to Collett that goals were nowt to do with him, although I agree Reuben more than played his part! Hope he gets it sorted as was very highly rated and would hope if not we dont settle for any old s**t like the Hartlepool fool we had last season!
  3. That was Holdsworth played full back 1st half, looked alright.
  4. If we have to move from BP, i'm happy with the possible move, can have few beers local then short taxi ride to ground....result!
  5. Personally just like a good sing song and I will sing both of the songs.
  6. Probably nothing in it but Hughes and Abbott up front would do for me!
  7. LaticsLee, you know us Latics fans have to stick to the type of songs we know and think the recycling of Andy Liddell for Pavel Abbott will work a treat! Thought sounded good in the video that was posted earlier!
  8. If he could get his head sorted and behave himself would love to have him back, a quality striker in this division.
  9. Let's get a sense of reality here, it was a light hearted bit of fun on a messageboard on a wednesday afternoon! Makes a change from a lot of the crap spouted on here slagging off the team and players who haven't even wore the Oldham shirt yet! What next you want people banning for having a different opinion than you! Shankly are you a steward in your spare time determined to stop anyone having any fun!
  10. Might be wrong here but seem to remember reading on here that Leeds were still paying some of Gregan's wages hence the reason we couldn't afford to renew his deal without Greegs having to accept a much lower wage!
  11. Gone to Azerbaijan! Sorry I was bored waiting to hear who our next signing will be!!
  12. Wolfy was rarely fit enough to start under Royle! I thought he gave Gerrard the run around when he came on last game against Walsall!
  13. Royle as well as praising Greegs also rated Wolfy!
  14. Fabian Yantorno released by Hibs, got to be Penney's first signing!
  15. Always thought he has caused our defence numerous problems, if he proves his fitness would be a great signing!
  16. Would like to see him join, good old fashioned central defender always thought had good games against us for Bury and Hartlepool.
  17. Good job we all know your sense of humour Leezy! Budtz was as bad as Peter Litchfield!!! Dave Penney's Blue & White Army!
  18. He's been told he's being released at end of season, unless Keane gives him another chance!
  19. Agree with comments about Abbott worth a look if fit, Kennedy looks a good un and wouldn't surprise me if Ravenhill signs as sure he played for Penney at Doncaster and Darlington he's a good battler bit of a dirty b**tard!
  20. Sounds like a cheap option and doesn't inspire me, but if it is him hope he brings Jason Kennedy with him looked a cracking player against 'Dale.
  21. Got to be honest don't hate City as my mrs is big City fan but to be honest never seen them as a threat as no matter what division we can always beat City!!!
  22. Kelly, i've not been to every away game this season but over the years have been to plenty and there are plenty of ****heads booing the team away from home as well, just not as many so you don't hear it!!!!
  23. Leezy, you should concentrate on posing for the paparazzi!!! If I was you I would be very worried what website them pictures of you are going to turn up on!!! Hahaha!!!! Not good enough yesterday as was said by others earlier, a few of the lads didn't look up for it. That's the worse I've seen Whittaker play, amount of times he let players run past him with no challenge, should have got Maher on for him. Still top six though so not too gutted, off to the pub now!!
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