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Everything posted by AlanGrovesFanClub

  1. The Valley is an amazing ground. I'm aiming to get there this year to see us win 5-2.
  2. What exactly are they doing in training? Fight Club?
  3. Hi Steve, I just made a payment a few minutes ago. I'm not allowed to PM you...
  4. Same here, I'm sorry Steve J, but I can't see how to donate. I can't actually see where the buttons are. Probably me being very stupid.
  5. How do I do that please? I can only see a paypal link. Do I need to sign up to paypal? PS: sorry for clogging up the board but I can't send you a pm.
  6. I now see why you downboated me. I have attacked your very identity. Can you forgive me? I was thoughtless and unkind.
  7. Would it help if I posted all my Danny Boshell stories? Does anyone else remember the time when the ball was running out for a goal kick at the Chaddy End and he tried to kick it back to the goalie...but he did it before it crossed the line, giving away a corner...?
  8. PS: why the heck does my "rank" say "Danny Boshell" on my profile? That's upsetting. Can everyone please vote me up or whatever it is, I don't want to live with that for the rest of my life.
  9. Could you please try not to let logic or facts get in the way of the real issues here, we are working purely on emotion...
  10. Hat trick! EDIT: you got there before me! Great finish though...
  11. Gevaro and Queensy! Two interesting left wingers. Will either of them be the next Alan Groves?!
  12. If that's his all time career blooper then he's not bad! Same goes for the Placide blooper video too where he 'almost' gave the ball away.
  13. Sidney's highlights were unbelievably shit. This guy's highlights look very good indeed.
  14. Sounds good, at least we will have some subs for Saturday! Thanks again for the update.
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