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Everything posted by mickjagger

  1. You would have the thought the editor of the chron would have done a article on this
  2. Giving it the big one, got stuck into the dishes, saying it was a bit naughty & it was getting on top, could not do it without the help of some liquid sounds a bit of a fairy to me.
  3. Danny Drinkwater who is he ? His name does not spring to mind, interesting fact about Danny Drinkwater is his favorite pop artist is Wet Wet Wet
  4. I can certainly see the apeel in signing him
  5. Obviously players are coming in especially with two going out, remains to be seen the quality but i see it as a positive sign that Dunn is trying to change things upfront, even stevie wonder can see we are crying out for a half decent striker.
  6. Hope Murphy does well and is not bitter by being sent on loan?
  7. Interesting do you think the British Cycling approach would work if so who would you appoint is anybody in the frame? If the above did happen it would create a chain of events, are we really geared up to cope, think we should tread carefully before proceeding.
  8. Exactly at the very least, or alternatively name the stand after Mr Corney for his tireless work & devotion to the cause
  9. Think Mr Corney is pulling out all the stops here
  10. I think Mr Corney should be commended for taking taking such decisive action very very well done , the future is now looking much brighter
  11. Would suggest Readfern going of previous trait, DK seen in directors box Dunn also, has Readfern not been seen in the last two matches 2 + 2 = ?
  12. The club will not be seeking any applications for the role of first team manager at this time and can also confirm that all the current coaching staff will remain in their respective roles. Read more at http://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/news/article/club-statement-2683849.aspx#i3QoMyLdc8biFE2S.99 WTF?
  13. Will Corney appoint another first time manager, how about a coach from the Oldham Sunday league that will be another cheap option get a manager with experience otherwise it might be the if we are not careful
  14. I wonder how many of the fans who said give give DK more time before today's game have now changed their mind? Would be interesting if we redid the poll what the results would be?
  15. As i said in a previous post one up front was never the answer as you will get over run in midfield, one up front but the key is how you utilize the midfield players and more importantly the movement off the ball. DK gave in to fan pressure which shows he is not the man for the job he should have the courage of his beliefs and stick by them, which clearly he did not.
  16. Very few teams play a 4 4 2 system these days purely because you will be over run in midfield. Playing one upfront has never been the problem for our existing manager & previous managers, it is not what you do on the ball, it is the movement and runs the players do off the ball which in turn then dictates what you do on the ball. So therefore when being coached the players surely are being told to stay in certain areas of the field and not encouraged to take risks as DK eluded to in the meeting, otherwise we would see a lot more fluidity of movement, midfielders getting beyond and beside our centre forward, getting on the end of our link up play from our wide players who are getting good quality crosses in the box, if this was occurring i do not believe we would be focusing on our results as we are now because we are being entertained? One thing i found astonishing from the meeting was the question the watering of the pitch, DK talked about all the preparation all week leading to the game sports science, analysis, team formation & tactics etc, yet DK does not liaise with groundsman to ensure it is exactly how he wants it, furthermore DK then went on to say he does not know as a result of the pitch being watered & players slipping as a result of this as to whether it leads to players injuries, i find this to bamboozling to say the very least. Lets have a win today DK.
  17. I have coached for over 10 years at amateur level, means he was like a rabbit in the headlights, managers should be reacting & adapting accordingly to any given situation.
  18. Going into games trying not to lose them as apposed going to win them.
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