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Andy b

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Everything posted by Andy b

  1. Ok thanks. Just to clarify, the first meeting with AL was really a case of Diane touching base following her appointment as a club director. It wasn't a formal owner-Trust meeting so to speak. Full club board meetings are yet to commence following AL's acquisition. Once they do, these provide a means of regular dialogue with AL covering various issues. We are aware of the raft of issues and questions coming from fans and can read the current mood from these. We know what people want to know. As of today, the communications between AL and the Trust have only just begun. I know I sound like a broken record but please just give us a little time. thanks
  2. Ok understood. However I cannot agree on your penultimate point. How can the fate of one player be more important than the issue of our owner's plans, ambitions and means to deliver a viable future for the club?
  3. A confidential employee-employer issue which no one beyond the parties concerned can reasonably expect to have knowledge of. I would hope that it will come out via appropriate channels at the appropriate time.
  4. A) i have no knowledge that he is suspended b) if he is I don't know the reason
  5. Thanks LSA. Very constructive feedback which is appreciated. We want to serve the fans and get everyone on board with the Trust. This will give the Trust so much more credibility with the club and opens other doors I believe. We want comms to improve and to hit the right notes with fans. Rest assured your comments are fully understood and I will take this back to the Trust. We are working on a strategy for future comms so your feedback is timely. Thank you.
  6. The initial meeting with Diane Mellor was brief and i understand didnt get on to such operational matters unfortunatley. We hope to see claims of late payments disappearing as we go forward. Once regular club board meetings are put in place we should be able to get closer to issues such as this. Sorry, can't provide anything further on this at this particular point. As to whether AL can / cannot afford to pay wages. I don't know his personal wealth however he does have the means to clean up the club, clear debts etc and that is the process he is currently going through to get us back on an even keel. We all want the club to be run responsibly and sustainably, not to rely on hand outs from a wealthy owner. Whether he has the personal means to keep the club going over the long term is not really the issue therefore. What is important is that he has skill set, contacts and business knowledge to ensure OAFC is a successful business, which should translate onto the pitch in time. He is bringing experienced people into the club who can help and guide him and he certainly has the passion and enthusiasm. We believe he is putting the success of OAFC first. Compare that to the previous owner if you will.
  7. Thanks all for your comments. Bottom line is the Trust has an open line of communication to the new owner and we are reassured by his commitment and dedication to the cause. He has a lot to work through to get the club working again. Give him the chance to prove he can do that. One reoccurring question that seems to be raised is what is AL's plan? At this point his focus is on putting OAFC on a stable and sustainable footing. I don't see that being about reducing budgets but rather providing the means to maximise the budget. The aim is to get out of league 2 but in a sustainable manner. Maximising income to provide the means to achieve this is central. So getting people through the door, improving the commercial operations of the club etc are key. To say these areas have been neglected over the last ten years is an understatement. Fans do need to be realistic about what the club will achieve over the very short term however. The legacy of the previous regime is still being felt and will take time to clean up. AL is trying to rebuild the club from a very low base on all fronts. As fans we should keep the bigger picture issues in focus and judge progress against these over a reasonable timeframe. Fans also need to be realistic about the release of info on specific club matters. It simply isn't possible or appropriate to be providing a running commentary on confidential items. AL has made it clear he wants to improve the relationship between fans and the club. The onus is on the club to make the key moves in this regard. Please give AL the chance (and time) to do that. Again, it won't happen over night. Returning to the Trust, we are in a position to support AL whilst challenging him (constructively) where we feel that is necessary. This did not exist under the previous regime, seriously undermining the Trust's objectives, effectiveness and its relationship with supporters. The Trust had been operating under very challenging conditions for some time but we now have an expanded Trust Board to work with longstanding Trust Directors to realise the opportunities, brought by the new ownership, to effect positive change and build a new relationship with fans based on openness and trust. Plenty more to come from the Trust. Please watch this space Lastly, please do keep asking questions of the Trust. Support it as a body which acts in the best interests of the club and which ultimately is doing what it can to ensure OAFC flourishes..
  8. Positive first engagement with AL since the newly elected Trust Board took effect. As a member of said Board, am genuinely interested in how this has landed with fans. Welcome views. Expect more communications going forward. Thanks http://www.trustoldham.co.uk/meeting-with-abdallah-lemsagam/
  9. Ironically enough I believe it's actually the right image unless it's now been changed on the official site. Whilst a new ground, one side is open standing and looks like an old ground.
  10. Don't forget what happened the season after England did anything in the World Cup. Maybe they are connected?
  11. Just kidding. Course we can hope for both. I day dream about both events occurring but if for some illogical reason I could select one to come true, it would be Latics all the way. I think about latics every day of the week. I give a shit about england for a few days every couple of years.
  12. I actually don't think our pitch fairs too badly. It seems to be shocking for about 4 weeks from mid Feb but recovers when we get into spring. I am not sure what the fuss is about. It compares ok to others atnoor level
  13. Great work. Well done to those driving this forward. Good to see positive engagement with the community, critical to our future
  14. Good news this. I wonder why the increase. Prospect of being competitive?
  15. Maybe he was but has SC left the club in a better state than Moore did and if so why?
  16. Comparisons to Moore are interesting. Certainly not suggesting AL is a Moore character but Corney certainly was, albeit in a very clever disguise which fooled most fans. He has left the club in a worst state than when he inherited it, asset stripped over his tenure and we have seen all our means of proper income - viable club shop, fans through the door, Clayton arms - disappear or contract significantly. he cleared debts when he inherited OAFC but otherwise what he took on was a club in a much better position to progress. We are now starting from a significantly lower base than in 2003. Thanks Simon
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