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Put The Away Fans In The Chaddy end

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the spiritual home being the chaddy end is now dead and buried.

its the stand i always go in,always have done for the best part of 36 years on and off

the argument for was its the home end,and the clayton arms is behind it etc etc etc...


well now the clayton arms has gone,the excuse of seggregating fans cant be used by the club or the police as were currently sharing the rre with away fans...

until the new stand(s) are built,i dont think there would be a problem with giving the away fans the chadderton road end


give home fans the whole rre,but you could make it that the small section is the family section,the section directly behind the goal is for singers and scarf twirlers and the rest open house.

by doing this it would certainly give the team a boost in terms of hearing the fans singing etc etc,as you know the noise from the rre is always loud.


think it might be deffo worth looking into for next season,change is good and should be welcomed instead of being put down or treated with contempt.


I see a small problem here. The singers/standers and scarf twirllers will obstruct the views of the either siders when the ball is is on the opposite flank. Nah leave it alone as it is...those that go in the Chaddy have had an ideal opportunity to move this season....they haven't. Perhaps there's a reason for this. It's only been suggested again this by a few who don't want to switch between sections in the RRE, it's nowt to do with the Chaddy enders!


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...............and I can't argue with an illiterate like you, who doesn't seem to be able to string a coherent sentence together.


Enjoy your English lessons......... :)


Seeing as there is no booze in the chaddy,and your dam lucky if you get a beer at half time in the rocky.............




Dan v oafc0000 Gladiator style half time on saturday.

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Is Anyone Else Fed Up Of Moving From The Rochdale Road End ( Big Section ) To The RRE (SS) or another stand. Its Always Cramped & Pretty Darn Annoying When You Have Someone Whos Been Boozing For About 4 Hours Before The Match Coming Sitting Next To You. I Dont See Why I Bought My Season Ticket For The Big Section And Have To Be Moved Constantly! :l


Next Season I Think The People From The Chaddy End Should Move Into The Main Stand Or RRE & We Should Give The Chaddy End To The Away Fans ... To Be Honest Its At The End Of Its Time Really, Time For It To Be Replaced With A New Stand :)


The Only Other Solution Would Ber To Put Some Portaloo's And A Burger Van At The Back Of The Lookers Terrace And Stick The Away Fans On There, Why Not ? Would Be Funny To See Them Suffer :D


Cheers, Latics_Fanatic


Tradition Mate..I think it should be all the people up in the RRE coming back to the Chaddy

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Is Anyone Else Fed Up Of Moving From The Rochdale Road End ( Big Section ) To The RRE (SS) or another stand. Its Always Cramped & Pretty Darn Annoying When You Have Someone Whos Been Boozing For About 4 Hours Before The Match Coming Sitting Next To You. I Dont See Why I Bought My Season Ticket For The Big Section And Have To Be Moved Constantly! :l


Next Season I Think The People From The Chaddy End Should Move Into The Main Stand Or RRE & We Should Give The Chaddy End To The Away Fans ... To Be Honest Its At The End Of Its Time Really, Time For It To Be Replaced With A New Stand :)


The Only Other Solution Would Ber To Put Some Portaloo's And A Burger Van At The Back Of The Lookers Terrace And Stick The Away Fans On There, Why Not ? Would Be Funny To See Them Suffer :D


Cheers, Latics_Fanatic


Are You Someone Else In Disguise Who Also Capitalises Every Word In His Sentences Because His Teacher (Who Was Probably Taking The Pish) Told Him It Looked Better This Way?


I Think We Should Be Told... :grin:

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You can discuss moving here, moving there, put away fans in the Chaddy, put away fans in the open paddock etc etc as much as you like.


The simple fact remains that there is not a cat in hell's chance of it happening. Full stop.


I know it, most of you know it and the rest of you should just get it into your heads, accept it and stop raising it every few months.


There will be a ground redevelopment sometime, hopefully sooner rather than later. The Chaddy will be demoilshed so people will have to move out for a season whilst it is rebuilt and then people will return to the "spiritual home" as the new stand will have everything that the current stand doesn't have and more facilities than the Rochdale Road end currently has.


Oh and there is the small matter of the licencing authority and the police and we have already seen what impact they have had tn the RRE this season.







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Are You Someone Else In Disguise Who Also Capitalises Every Word In His Sentences Because His Teacher (Who Was Probably Taking The Pish) Told Him It Looked Better This Way?


I Think We Should Be Told... :grin:


I Did Wonder The Same Thing Mart. His It...er .....I Mean .............His I.t................:censored:!.........I.T. Teacher I Think It Was. To Be Fair To The Lad I Think It's Pretty Bloody Difficult To Type Like This!


Edit - I've just done a little search, and discovered the thread you are talking about Martjs. Somebody is mischief making I think! And somebody who has got a bit of 'form' themselves........

Edited by danoafc
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Although, as Dan quite rightly points out, this debate has been done to death, people clinging onto the notion of the Chaddy End being a "spiritual home" and all that tosh is just what it is.... tosh. The Chaddy End stopped being one of those when they stuck seats in there in the early 1990's.


Having away fans directly next to the home fans, well aye, you get the banter thing, which on occasion is good to see, but invariably the douchebags we seem to attract there just wanna recreate their favourite scene from Green Street all the time and some of the 'banter' I hear getting chanted is downright cringeworthy ("Your support is fecking :censored:"... "Rather be a bastard than a fecking Yorkshireman" - chanted at Lincolnshire club Scunthorpe). Not only that, I've seen more trouble after a game outside the back of it as the two sets on knobheads supporters meet than I have for over 5 years combined. Not only that, it mustn't half bug S/T holders having to up sticks to different sections 4 or 5 times a season.


Times are changing, its called evolution. I dearly love the traditions of football, but for me this is different, its clinging onto something that was lost a long, long time ago. Let the larger away followings have the Chaddy, and for smaller ones (who make up most of the season) section half of it off (Bit of netting and a fence underneath the stand - done) and let those tradionalists have a modicum of happiness.

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Why hasn't this been discussed on here already?!


That's a brilliant idea. :clown:


To be honest the club should have mentioned to you when you bought your ticket in the RRE that you would have to move on occassion. In fact they should really have knock a few quid off the price for your inconvenience.


PS: I Feel Sorry For You, It Must Be Pretty Darn Annoying When People Do The Most Pointless Things To Get On Your Nerves For No Apparent Reason.



Oh Dan you bitch, picking on Mr Newbee. Some people don't half get touchy about stuff these days. Not like th'olden days of t'interweb eh?


Anyway why should I move out of the Chaddy?


Can some of you get this into your heads? The people who sit in the Chaddy as Lags points out choose to so do and as HDGS says have done in greater numbers than the RRE all season. They sit there because that is the stand they want to watch their team from, its the stand many choose to stump their hard earned cash on a ST for. Its our team just as much as anybody elses, if I'd wanted to move to the RRE I would, but its she-ite, in my opinion.


All this crap about traditionalists just clinging on is just a smokescreen, every ST holder sat near us has tried the RRE and not one of them would swap. As for the person who said the leg room is "crap" in the Chaddy is talking utter and total bollox, in fact its a complete lie. Leg room in the CE is as good if not better than most grounds and is infinity better than the RRE, as I've found out twice this season (Morecambe & Cheltenham). As for the old chestnut of the pillars in the way, hmmmmmmmmm move yer head a couple of inches, problem solved, it aint rocket science.



Can we please give this tired sad old debate a figgin rest eh.


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Anyway why should I move out of the Chaddy?


Can some of you get this into your heads? The people who sit in the Chaddy as Lags points out choose to so do and as HDGS says have done in greater numbers than the RRE all season. They sit there because that is the stand they want to watch their team from, its the stand many choose to stump their hard earned cash on a ST for. Its our team just as much as anybody elses, if I'd wanted to move to the RRE I would, but its she-ite, in my opinion.


All this crap about traditionalists just clinging on is just a smokescreen, every ST holder sat near us has tried the RRE and not one of them would swap. As for the person who said the leg room is "crap" in the Chaddy is talking utter and total bollox, in fact its a complete lie. Leg room in the CE is as good if not better than most grounds and is infinity better than the RRE, as I've found out twice this season (Morecambe & Cheltenham). As for the old chestnut of the pillars in the way, hmmmmmmmmm move yer head a couple of inches, problem solved, it aint rocket science.



Can we please give this tired sad old debate a figgin rest eh.


Good post Mr. Tripe. :chubb:


Also Chaddy Enders are content not to have to shield their eyes from the sun, and to only suffer from inblowing wind and rain on rare memorable occasions eg Millwall yonks ago.


So will you kindly leave us alone, or join us if you wish?

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I Did Wonder The Same Thing Mart. His It...er .....I Mean .............His I.t................:censored:!.........I.T. Teacher I Think It Was. To Be Fair To The Lad I Think It's Pretty Bloody Difficult To Type Like This!


Edit - I've just done a little search, and discovered the thread you are talking about Martjs. Somebody is mischief making I think! And somebody who has got a bit of 'form' themselves........


I Agree Dan It Is Bleeding Difficult To Type Like This - I Think His IT Teacher Was Winding Him Up...


Good detective work - I remembered the bizarre typing style and saw that this post was posted by a relatively new member. Can the mods compare the two usernames and IP addresses and all that fancy technical stuff to blow his cover?


I'M jUst gLad hIs tEacher dIdn't sUggest cApitalising tHe sEcond lEtter oF eAch wOrd sInce iT's eVen hArder tO tYpe aNd mOre dIfficult tO rEad... :grin:


(sEe, I hAd tO gO bAck aNd eDit iT!)

Edited by martjs
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Oh Dan you bitch, picking on Mr Newbee. Some people don't half get touchy about stuff these days. Not like th'olden days of t'interweb eh?


Anyway why should I move out of the Chaddy?


Can some of you get this into your heads? The people who sit in the Chaddy as Lags points out choose to so do and as HDGS says have done in greater numbers than the RRE all season. They sit there because that is the stand they want to watch their team from, its the stand many choose to stump their hard earned cash on a ST for. Its our team just as much as anybody elses, if I'd wanted to move to the RRE I would, but its she-ite, in my opinion.


All this crap about traditionalists just clinging on is just a smokescreen, every ST holder sat near us has tried the RRE and not one of them would swap. As for the person who said the leg room is "crap" in the Chaddy is talking utter and total bollox, in fact its a complete lie. Leg room in the CE is as good if not better than most grounds and is infinity better than the RRE, as I've found out twice this season (Morecambe & Cheltenham). As for the old chestnut of the pillars in the way, hmmmmmmmmm move yer head a couple of inches, problem solved, it aint rocket science.



Can we please give this tired sad old debate a figgin rest eh.


Agree totally. The other thing is that for many people, going in the Chaddy is tradition. You can say tradition doesn't matter anymore, but tradition is one of the few things that keeps a club like Latics going.

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