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FAO TTA New stadium warning!

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what made you think that ? Am I not a member of this forum ??????????


Yes you are and opinion is fine but I see a mods job to stay neutral and keep things civil. not to compound things by joining in on the put downs! Anyway, don't want to get into this really but I just call it as I see it!

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He'll have earn't the club that money for the extra 4k seats he wants before you know it. Lets hope Corp as 4,000 friends to fill them.


Where is the opinion in this comment! I just see someone jumping on the bandwagon. I personally expect moderators to have a degree of professionalism.

Edited by laticsmad
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The Wise One has spoken again. This means that the debate is at an end. Funny how he always turns up wherever I am even though he claims to have me on ignore.


I've already answered all the points about other clubs' grounds and pointed out the reason for asking for examples (as I said, it wasn't a trick question.) Few of them have any relevance to Latics's situation, and the bit about Wembley and OT is a red herring. Anything to blur the issue and justify why Latics always have to be third rate.


Similarly, the stuff about financing is also spurious, used by those who like to hint that they're in the know about the club's internal situation. In reality I suspect they're told sweet FA. All we need to know is that all of a sudden an extra 4000 seats is beyond the wildest dreams of a club like Latics according to the Happy Clappers and Sycophants Glee Club.


Can't resist replying to smilies? No-just puzzled as to why you wish to make yourself look about thirteen. What do you do in facre-to-face conversation? Do you turn cartwheels or play with yourself or something?


Why does it bother you how long a thread goes on, by the way?


You are into insults, though, aren't you. It's just that, like MarkOasis, you do it in a sneaky, roundabout way.


Like I said, you won't answer the questions will you? You either sidestep, hand the questions off or belittle the posters.


"The wise one" lol if you say so Corp.


Have I got you on ignore? Really! have I said that? Maybe I have. If I did then either it was a blatant lie or I was just kidding you.


Why is the debate at an end just because I have posted? Strange others think that is the case once you have made your initial pronouncement


You haven't "answered all the points about other clubs' grounds and pointed out the reason for asking for examples" you have either, handed them off, moved the goalposts or said they don't count, or posted replies such as "few of them have any relevance to Latics's situation" Ok on that last point which clubs have any relevance to Latics's situation? and why?


Why is "the stuff" about finacing spurious? how many NEW seats were being provided in the proposed re-development of BP? It wasn't by any chance around the 12,000 mark was it?


Why is the bit about Wembley and OT a red herring?


You state "Anything to blur the issue and justify why Latics always have to be third rate. " What about you Corp? you constantly blur the issue. you asked the question did you not " "can anybody think of a club that has built onto their existing stadium (already completed stadium, I mean)? Off the top of my head, I can only think of ManUre." and then when the question was answered by several posters, changed the question and said that the clubs mentioned didn't compare to Latics's situation. You were the 1 that mentioned "Man Ure."


Another question. You say "used by those who like to hint that they're in the know about the club's internal situation." Who on this thread has claimed or hinted that they're in the know about the club's internal situation? The way I have read the posts is that people are stating their opinions, just like you Corp. Except that they have a different opinion to you.


Again, you say "All we need to know is that all of a sudden an extra 4000 seats is beyond the wildest dreams of a club like Latics." All of a sudden? As I said earlier in this post, the re-developed BP proposal was for 3 new stands comprising around 12,000 seats. The only reaon BP was to be circa 16,000 was that the RRE stand was already there. It wasn't being redeveloped so the cost was for the other 12,000 seats. The comparisons between the 2 developemnts at BP and the Lancaster Club are there to be seen if you look properly. You don't need to pretend or claim or hint to know about the clubs internal situation to work that out.


Insults to others of a different opinion to yourself in your reply "happy clappers" and " Sycophants Glee Club." ouch come on Corp your much better than that.


"No-just puzzled as to why you wish to make yourself look about thirteen. " Thirteen!! I wish, Unfortunately, I've got more than enough years behind me. But strangely, when this board first opened, I enjoyed coming on here and having the crack with what were generally like minded tics fans, discussing the footy and the footy days out. Rummy produced a first class website, that imo (I know that probably makes me a Sycophant in your eyes) was really enjoyable. The emotions that have been created are just current day things that lighten the load so to speak. They might be deemed to be for the younger end of the community, but believe it or not they don't have exclusivity of them. When you've got 30+ working years behind you and you look back after that length of time or at the end of a hard day at the office, do you not sometimes wish you were younger again?


You ask "What do you do in facre-to-face conversation? Do you turn cartwheels or play with yourself or something?" Not sure what you meant there, did you mean FACE to face or FARCE to face. I wouldn't want to "blur the issue." Cartwheels, at my age? Give over man I'd do myself an injury. As for "play with yourself or something?" Please. Not more insults Corp. I can't take any more. So I'll return to being my 13 year old alter ego and just say :tongue1:


You ask "Why does it bother you how long a thread goes on, by the way?" The answer is that it doesn't. But it does intrigue me why a man (well I assume that you are a man - apologies if you are not) keeps posting the same point time and time and time again. All negative. It also intrigues me why you don't appear to post on say match related threads or other subjects and just appear to hijack certain threads. It further intrigues me that although your point (I think we might all know what it is by now) has merit, I never seem to see a post from you backing up what you think should be done. Take your thought on this topic that the stadium should in your opinion be a 16,000 capacity as a minimum as that figure would show ambition. Yet there appears to be nothing to back up why it should be. Why does the figure of 16,000 represents ambition, as opposed to say 15,000 or even 12,000. Why have you chosen that figure? How would you propose that the club finance the extra capacity? Do you think that providing the extra finance for the extra 4,000 seats would either impact on the budget for the manager to improve the team or worse still put us into debt? Your reply to Lookers_Carl suggests that you have not even researched the facts on our attendances since we were relegated from the Premier League.


I am not into insults. I have made that Crystal clear I hope. As for me just doing it in a sneaky roundabout way, nothing could be further from the truth you :clown: (only joking or is that sneaky and a roundabout way of insulting you?) As said earlier, I do enjoy the crack though. I do like hearing other opinions. I might agree with them, I might not, but it helps me see what everyone else thinks, where the majority stand on a particular subject and why the minority think something else.


Now then I think I have answered all the questions you raised in your post. Can you just answer all my questions in as full a way as I have just done?











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I don't agree with half the points Corps makes, or in the manner in which he presents them. However, I do disagree with the bully boy tactics and put-downs. Don't let them pull you down mate!

Bully Boy?! Against Corp.

Firstly, he is more than capable of holding his own.

Secondly, he is the one to all to quickly retort to childish name calling when the argument does not go his way.



I give you this exchange as evidence m'lud. When I found out that he had actually started 3 threads but posted replies to 2,500 others.



View Member Profile Add as Friend Send Message Find Member's Topics Find Member's Posts Jul 24 2009, 11:18 AM Post #53



Rick Holden



Group: OWTB Member

Posts: 2,477

Joined: 30-August 07

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(singe @ Jul 24 2009, 09:01 AM)

It is entirely possible you are a sniper, or agitator, or someone who is set up to try and cause arguments.

I put it that your modus oeprandi is to simply shooting down other peoples view points, o rtake a contrary stance.

You have a track record of not propsing any solutions of your own, and none that do notith an infinite pot of money to spend.


The answer is 3.

So 3 topics stared, out of 2,200 posts suggests you are not at the forefront of problem solving , jsut bashing others




You're not usually quite such a cretin Singe, baby. A sniper? Do you think this is Sarajevo circa 1992?


If I don't agree with a viewpoint then I am inclined to 'shoot it down,' as you put it. What else do you want me to do? Agree for the sake of agreeing? A major purpose of internet forums is for contending viewpoints to be aired. If that bothers you maybe you should stay off them.


How many times do I need to reply that it is neither in the power of the average fan to offer solutions to a club's plight, nor would any such offers, in all likelihood, be listened to. Furthermore, football clubs already pay handsomely people to come up with solutions. In the case of the new stadium proposal, I feel that they've come up with one that represents a retreat from any pretence that OAFC is anything other than a permanent lower division club. I'm not asking you or anybody else to agree with that viewpoint. I'm simply offering it up for debate. If that upsets some people, tough titty.

Edited by singe
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... I get paid for this..... wicked!!!!!!


No you don't mate but I don't see anyone forcing you to do so! If you don't want to do the job, or do it properly...then don't it! simple really.

Edited by laticsmad
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Hmm, if you don't like the rules of the house, get your own house?


You're trying to drive home a point which was lost from the off.


They moderate the discussion to ensure it doesn't breach any rules. They can still take an active part in things.

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Hmm, if you don't like the rules of the house, get your own house?


You're trying to drive home a point which was lost from the off.


They moderate the discussion to ensure it doesn't breach any rules. They can still take an active part in things.


In my opinion it is not lost..it is simple. I think moderators should stay professional and neutral. If 'taking part' is having an opinion then brilliant. If it is jumping on the bandwagon against anything corps related then no I don't think it is really on.

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I am not making things up. You said it is about keeping up with the Jones's (see what I did there) with a bold statement no capacity. You have already stated you do not want us to drop to Bury Rochdale and Macclesfield level. We can't hope to keep up with Man City and Man Utd. That pretty much leaves Blackburn and Bolton, and possibly Stockport. Whom you also subsequently mentioned. I do not pick and choose your posts Corp, I look at them in entirety and in context of each other.


Blackpool IS important, What if we ran out of money?


And the Liddell tragedy was to subtly try and persuade you to restrain things a little bit, as the issue is not the greatest in the world in comparison. I would not expect you to stop discussion because of that, just temper it from getting personal as your frustration of dealing with us Pedants (or people with facts to counter your generalisations as I prefer to be called) spills over into an increasingly bitter tirade. Indeed, the issue is vital to Oldham's future so needs discussing in full.




Yes you were-you made up at least two things contained in the post I was replying to when I said it.


Restrain what? A few points on message board have little or no effect on anything, and are unrelated to tragedies that happen elsewhere. It isn't me who gets all bitter and insulting. Has a mod ever had to censor one of my posts, for insatnce, or do they more often have to censor replies to me?


Nobody has countered anybody with facts. As already said, both sides are speculating on the basis of what little information has been released to us.

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I don't agree with half the points Corps makes, or in the manner in which he presents them. However, I do disagree with the bully boy tactics and put-downs. Don't let them pull you down mate!




I feel like Errol Flynn in a film sometimes, where he holds off several barbarians at once with one sword.

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its just another thread hijacked by corp still beating his 1 point drum in everybodys ear until we are all tone deaf by it.


absolutely no need to keep giving him amunition to carry on his 1 man crusade of differing his opinion/s as and when he gets hauled over the coals and shot down in flames,like has just happened by one or two more articulated people on the board.


well done corp.the amount of crap n tripe you constantly spout on here is having a great effect,and earning the club lots of money in the process.....whatever will you do when they have enough and build everything you want...what will you moan about then....




'Edhunter'...clearly needs the help of these... (ahem)...'more articulated people on the board.'


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Like it or lump it, it is his opinion! IMO I am very happy to be moving but it does feel abit similar to 'downsizing'. You know like a person does when close to retirment and has settled for what they have. Just an observation really!




It feels like downsizing and settling for what we have because that is exactly what a 12000 capacity stadium represents. All the rest is so much wishful thinking. As the nodding dogs will find out.


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Like I said, you won't answer the questions will you? You either sidestep, hand the questions off or belittle the posters.


"The wise one" lol if you say so Corp.


Have I got you on ignore? Really! have I said that? Maybe I have. If I did then either it was a blatant lie or I was just kidding you.


Why is the debate at an end just because I have posted? Strange others think that is the case once you have made your initial pronouncement


You haven't "answered all the points about other clubs' grounds and pointed out the reason for asking for examples" you have either, handed them off, moved the goalposts or said they don't count, or posted replies such as "few of them have any relevance to Latics's situation" Ok on that last point which clubs have any relevance to Latics's situation? and why?


Why is "the stuff" about finacing spurious? how many NEW seats were being provided in the proposed re-development of BP? It wasn't by any chance around the 12,000 mark was it?


Why is the bit about Wembley and OT a red herring?


You state "Anything to blur the issue and justify why Latics always have to be third rate. " What about you Corp? you constantly blur the issue. you asked the question did you not " "can anybody think of a club that has built onto their existing stadium (already completed stadium, I mean)? Off the top of my head, I can only think of ManUre." and then when the question was answered by several posters, changed the question and said that the clubs mentioned didn't compare to Latics's situation. You were the 1 that mentioned "Man Ure."


Another question. You say "used by those who like to hint that they're in the know about the club's internal situation." Who on this thread has claimed or hinted that they're in the know about the club's internal situation? The way I have read the posts is that people are stating their opinions, just like you Corp. Except that they have a different opinion to you.


Again, you say "All we need to know is that all of a sudden an extra 4000 seats is beyond the wildest dreams of a club like Latics." All of a sudden? As I said earlier in this post, the re-developed BP proposal was for 3 new stands comprising around 12,000 seats. The only reaon BP was to be circa 16,000 was that the RRE stand was already there. It wasn't being redeveloped so the cost was for the other 12,000 seats. The comparisons between the 2 developemnts at BP and the Lancaster Club are there to be seen if you look properly. You don't need to pretend or claim or hint to know about the clubs internal situation to work that out.


Insults to others of a different opinion to yourself in your reply "happy clappers" and " Sycophants Glee Club." ouch come on Corp your much better than that.


"No-just puzzled as to why you wish to make yourself look about thirteen. " Thirteen!! I wish, Unfortunately, I've got more than enough years behind me. But strangely, when this board first opened, I enjoyed coming on here and having the crack with what were generally like minded tics fans, discussing the footy and the footy days out. Rummy produced a first class website, that imo (I know that probably makes me a Sycophant in your eyes) was really enjoyable. The emotions that have been created are just current day things that lighten the load so to speak. They might be deemed to be for the younger end of the community, but believe it or not they don't have exclusivity of them. When you've got 30+ working years behind you and you look back after that length of time or at the end of a hard day at the office, do you not sometimes wish you were younger again?


You ask "What do you do in facre-to-face conversation? Do you turn cartwheels or play with yourself or something?" Not sure what you meant there, did you mean FACE to face or FARCE to face. I wouldn't want to "blur the issue." Cartwheels, at my age? Give over man I'd do myself an injury. As for "play with yourself or something?" Please. Not more insults Corp. I can't take any more. So I'll return to being my 13 year old alter ego and just say :tongue1:


You ask "Why does it bother you how long a thread goes on, by the way?" The answer is that it doesn't. But it does intrigue me why a man (well I assume that you are a man - apologies if you are not) keeps posting the same point time and time and time again. All negative. It also intrigues me why you don't appear to post on say match related threads or other subjects and just appear to hijack certain threads. It further intrigues me that although your point (I think we might all know what it is by now) has merit, I never seem to see a post from you backing up what you think should be done. Take your thought on this topic that the stadium should in your opinion be a 16,000 capacity as a minimum as that figure would show ambition. Yet there appears to be nothing to back up why it should be. Why does the figure of 16,000 represents ambition, as opposed to say 15,000 or even 12,000. Why have you chosen that figure? How would you propose that the club finance the extra capacity? Do you think that providing the extra finance for the extra 4,000 seats would either impact on the budget for the manager to improve the team or worse still put us into debt? Your reply to Lookers_Carl suggests that you have not even researched the facts on our attendances since we were relegated from the Premier League.


I am not into insults. I have made that Crystal clear I hope. As for me just doing it in a sneaky roundabout way, nothing could be further from the truth you :clown: (only joking or is that sneaky and a roundabout way of insulting you?) As said earlier, I do enjoy the crack though. I do like hearing other opinions. I might agree with them, I might not, but it helps me see what everyone else thinks, where the majority stand on a particular subject and why the minority think something else.


Now then I think I have answered all the questions you raised in your post. Can you just answer all my questions in as full a way as I have just done?










The one who posts up dozens of childish smilies, sometimes in the space of one post, in an attempt to belittle another poster complains about him...trying to beliitle other posters. And this from the man who tries to rally his little band of sycophants against lone posters too.


All your points have been answered many times over in the course of several threads. Why are some happy clappers so long winded? It doesn't take much explaining to tell us that they are describing an imaginary future for the club. On the other hand, I describe what's clearly happening based on observation of trends that are plain for all to see, of which the downscaling of the stadium plan is only the latest.

Edited by Corporal_Jones
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The one who posts up dozens of childish smilies, sometimes in the space of one post, in an attempt to belittle another poster complains about him...trying to beliitle other posters. And this from the man who tries to rally his little band of sycophants against lone posters too.


All your points have been answered many times over in the course of several threads. Why are some happy clappers so long winded? It doesn't take much explaining to tell us that they are describing an imaginary future for the club. On the other hand, I describe what's clearly happening based on observation of trends that are plain for all to see, of which the downscaling of the stadium plan is only the latest.



OK. I'll keep this short.


I see you have just handed off my post as I stated you do in the first line of my post. IMO that is because you can't answer my questions. Genuine questions trying to get to the bottom of why you hold your particular views.


And no you haven't answered them many times over.







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"The silent * majority"


* well mostly silent :lol:


It's funny you say that, because it never ceases to amaze me how on here it can appear that the majority of posters can be 'for' something, whereas you talk to Latics fans in 'real life' and you find the majority seem to have the opposite opinion....The move to Failsworth being one subject.

Edited by Yard Dog
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OK. I'll keep this short.


I see you have just handed off my post as I stated you do in the first line of my post. IMO that is because you can't answer my questions. Genuine questions trying to get to the bottom of why you hold your particular views.


And no you haven't answered them many times over.











I have answered the questions you raise, and the one regarding why I hold particular views many, many times, often in response to questions exactly like those you ask. Not just on the new stadium plan either, but long before the issue arose.

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