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Video: An Oldham-Millwall Story

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So they haven't been in touch then?


Some reporter named Karina messaged me saying she wrote for the local Oldham paper and was "trying to get in touch with me for a long time"....and then I just never heard back from her. So, I dunno...

Edited by sarausa
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Wow, they are nasty over there in Huddersfield Message Board land. :blink:


Thank god they're not my team. Back to my favorite thread...and being wittily offended by Zorrro. :wink:

I did warn you last night Sara!


Great video girls keep them coming. You are right Amber's arse did play a starring role :shakeit: You are both gorgeous!


Ignore what the 6 fingered Yorkshiremen say, after all they sh*g sheep, marry their sisters and chant Oooohh Oooohh Eeegh Aagh. Its caveman stuff!



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You are right Amber's arse did play a starring role :shakeit: You are both gorgeous!


Tell you what, I've got to doff my cap to these "girls". They're not stupid. Interest wanes slightly and :pow: they release a video that I gather is soft porn. Surefire way to keep people playing pocket billiards.


Sneaky. I respect that.

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I told my nephew that everyone from Huddersfield had six fingers.... My sister got called into the school when he told the whole school....


....and he was made to write out 100 times:


It's Burnley where they have six fingers, not Huddersfield.

Edited by Diego_Sideburns
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I think we should have a song for Jon 'Worthy' Worthington in readiness for when the girls come over in December.


While looking for inspiration, I came across this rarely heard song, which I have not altered at all, by Ani Difranco.


you think you're not worthy

I'd have to say I agree

I'm not worthy of you

you're not worthy of me

which of us is deserving

look at the human race

the whole planet at arm's length

and we don't deserve this place


what good is a poker face

when you've got an open hand

I was supposed to be cool about this

yeah I remember

cool was the plan

tried to keep it all under wraps

but the wraps kept going slack

I keep turning round

I keep coming back


give me a vertical

your horizontal line

I want to take each of them

bend them to divine

the world is too good for me

I am such a naughty girl

but when we're together

we're too good for this world


you think you're not worthy

I'd have to say I agree

I'm not worthy of you

you're not worthy of me

I'm not worthy of you

you aren't worthy of me...



Does it ring any bells Sara?


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I think we should have a song for Jon 'Worthy' Worthington in readiness for when the girls come over in December.


While looking for inspiration, I came across this rarely heard song, which I have not altered at all, by Ani Difranco.


you think you're not worthy

I'd have to say I agree

I'm not worthy of you

you're not worthy of me

which of us is deserving

look at the human race

the whole planet at arm's length

and we don't deserve this place


what good is a poker face

when you've got an open hand

I was supposed to be cool about this

yeah I remember

cool was the plan

tried to keep it all under wraps

but the wraps kept going slack

I keep turning round

I keep coming back


give me a vertical

your horizontal line

I want to take each of them

bend them to divine

the world is too good for me

I am such a naughty girl

but when we're together

we're too good for this world


you think you're not worthy

I'd have to say I agree

I'm not worthy of you

you're not worthy of me

I'm not worthy of you

you aren't worthy of me...



Does it ring any bells Sara?



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The song for Worthington and the two Yankees is not the worst idea Diego- I was thinking in a 500 miles stylee-

They travelled 11000 miles

They would travel 11000 more

Just to see the Latics win a game

So they can party with Worthy some more


Sara and Amber

Sara and Amber

(weird tralalalalalala thing)


I think the rest of the songs lyrics could be worked in some how but my lyrical transposing is not up to it- but I'm sure between the rest of the board we could get a pretty good (and defiantely original chant/song going).

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