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Leeds cup game 5.15pm

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How many of the Leeds lot (say for arguments sake they bring 4000 to make the maths easy) will be under 12, I would wager less than 100. Many Leeds youngsters will not be coming to this game because of the atmosphere. For Oldham fans its slightly different as its a home game but whilst I would agree a sensible parent ought to be able to keep their youngsters out of trouble, trouble can often present unexpectedly and in a way where it is very difficult to protect your young-uns without putting yourself in harm's way (as most adults would do). For some this game is not worth the risk, and I can quite understand that.


If I was bringing youngsters to this game I would think very carefully about where I got my seats- as some areas will not be pleasant for the youngsters and some might have a greater risk of trouble. I'm coming to this game but in some ways that's because its a Leeds home game and I've struggled to see one of those for a while (mid-week games are quite difficult for me).


TBH if the ground is full- the less children the better as it means more money for the club.


I would take that wager. Where do you make this up from?

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I’m sure the club would let people change stands if they are concerned, surely if you go into the family bit of the Chaddy or into Main Stand you are going to be safe? Maybe it’s easy for me to say not having kids but I do think O4U and bowl have a fair point, there will be a lively atmosphere and no doubt something will happen somewhere or other during the day but it shouldn’t be too hard to avoid it and the kiddies need to learn somehow or another. My dad (who doesn’t like football at all) never liked me going when I was a kid as he associated it all with fighting, which seemed ridiculous to me then and does now, and how much safer is it these days than it was then?


Incidentally, I’m not sure the kick off time will have such a huge difference. Take my word for it, it’s possible to be pissed off your face for kick offs earlier than 3 if you put your mind to it, the people looking for a fight will be up for it regardless.

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I do think that a responsible parent can take their kids to this fixture and, in the unlikely event of trouble, very quickly steer them away from the problem.


There are no grounds to be over-protective. Let's not fall in to the trap of wrapping our kids in cotton wool.


If you see trouble, you teach them how to avoid it.


I agree, any responsible parent can and should be able to take their child to any football match, it's all about being sensible and keeping them away from the trouble. If my 5 year old daughter wants to come then that's fine, I'll take her. I'll never say she might not be able to come because there might be a fight!!

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I would take that wager. Where do you make this up from?


Its called a guesstimate- something you as a teacher ought to be quite familiar with. I got the figure from watching football a lot- live and on Telly and seeing just how many people I could see at games of this nature who are under 12 in the away end- almost all the time 99% of away fans (which is more than I said) are adults or definately teenagers.


If you want to take the wager you have to PROVE beyond any doubt that more than 100 Leeds fans turn up who are under 12- something I doubt you can do.

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If you want to take the wager you have to PROVE beyond any doubt that more than 100 Leeds fans turn up who are under 12- something I doubt you can do.

It's a logical fallacy and as an argument unproductive. You are saying that he will have great difficulty proving it - however, you will have the same amount of difficulty proving your point too. The burden of proof surely lies with the individuals' claim, and not the person who has challenged it.


This bet is void.

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It's a logical fallacy and as an argument unproductive. You are saying that he will have great difficulty proving it - however, you will have the same amount of difficulty proving your point too. The burden of proof surely lies with the individuals' claim, and not the person who has challenged it.


This bet is void.

In strictly philosophical terms, it's not a logical fallacy but what we know as, "a cop-out." :wink:

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your right lancy lad after 2 failed atempts at ivf i have no kids yet,but my old man taught me to stand up for myself an if somebody hits you then hit em back an its obvious too me we are from a different generation,but if you never stand up to the idiots you,ll end up hiding for the rest of your life

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your right lancy lad after 2 failed atempts at ivf i have no kids yet,but my old man taught me to stand up for myself an if somebody hits you then hit em back an its obvious too me we are from a different generation,but if you never stand up to the idiots you,ll end up hiding for the rest of your life

That is where you are totally wrong and the reason why you have got my comments and veiws totally incorrect. I am 39 and spent my childhood getting into fights as my dad also taught me to stand up for myself! As somebody who loves Latics so much I wear the club badge tattooed on my upper right arm (not very clever of me, I admit)! My love for Latics got me involved in some football violence at Latics from the age of 15 up until my late 20's and while I dont claim to be the hardest lad around I would probably still fancy myself toe to toe with many and would probably still to this day (stupidly) never back down.


The truth is I saw the error of my ways, although I still wont allow people taking the piss so put 15-20 drunk Leeds fans in my end to start gobbing off is something I dont want my daughter and nephew to see. I am not being a mard arse, as you have obviously concluded. I am just saying that a tea time kick off against the knuckle draggers after a day on the lager is not very wise! The club and GMP have switched this game over the last 3 years to a night match to get away from fighting but due to £65k on offer are now okay to let it go ahead on a Saturday night................ think about it!


And before anybody starts to cast morale judgement with regard to my past history I ask you to judge me as I am now, not the angry person I once was!





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Oh well, here goes. I would'nt take my kids to this game as it will clearly be a war zone, or failing that the wind may get up and dislodge part of the roof which could fall down on spectators sitting below, or a tsunami may come crashing through the ground just after half-time sweeping all before it, or an earthquake could see the whole ground swallowed up in the biggest disaster the world had ever seen, or after a freak lightning strike hundreds could be "done to a crisp",or a herd of crazed bullocks awaiting slaughter could run amok down sheepfoot lane crushing men, woman, and children in there wake, or someone could suffer severe lacerations from a defeated conker that had been smashed from its string by a jubilant contestant. ps cotton wool £5 for 10 large bags.

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That is where you are totally wrong and the reason why you have got my comments and veiws totally incorrect. I am 39 and spent my childhood getting into fights as my dad also taught me to stand up for myself! As somebody who loves Latics so much I wear the club badge tattooed on my upper right arm (not very clever of me, I admit)! My love for Latics got me involved in some football violence at Latics from the age of 15 up until my late 20's and while I dont claim to be the hardest lad around I would probably still fancy myself toe to toe with many and would probably still to this day (stupidly) never back down.


The truth is I saw the error of my ways, although I still wont allow people taking the piss so put 15-20 drunk Leeds fans in my end to start gobbing off is something I dont want my daughter and nephew to see. I am not being a mard arse, as you have obviously concluded. I am just saying that a tea time kick off against the knuckle draggers after a day on the lager is not very wise! The club and GMP have switched this game over the last 3 years to a night match to get away from fighting but due to £65k on offer are now okay to let it go ahead on a Saturday night................ think about it!


And before anybody starts to cast morale judgement with regard to my past history I ask you to judge me as I am now, not the angry person I once was!




With you all the way on this.

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Oh well, here goes. I would'nt take my kids to this game as it will clearly be a war zone, or failing that the wind may get up and dislodge part of the roof which could fall down on spectators sitting below, or a tsunami may come crashing through the ground just after half-time sweeping all before it, or an earthquake could see the whole ground swallowed up in the biggest disaster the world had ever seen, or after a freak lightning strike hundreds could be "done to a crisp",or a herd of crazed bullocks awaiting slaughter could run amok down sheepfoot lane crushing men, woman, and children in there wake, or someone could suffer severe lacerations from a defeated conker that had been smashed from its string by a jubilant contestant. ps cotton wool £5 for 10 large bags.



Well you have obviously been to BP...all are odds on except for the Tsunami as Oldham is quite high up altitude wise and flooding won't be an option.


But hey on a positive give or take a few million years after global warming - Olham could be the captial of whats left in England and could very well host the world cup....


Bring it on...


So you coming to the game then?

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lancy lad you are the mirror image of my self but sadly without the daughter,an i have also got involved in many incidents with the fyc over the years until i realised theres more to life. my comments were not purely directed at you i just hope people are not put off the game because its leeds an there reputation but i do respect your decision either way

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lancy lad you are the mirror image of my self but sadly without the daughter,an i have also got involved in many incidents with the fyc over the years until i realised theres more to life. my comments were not purely directed at you i just hope people are not put off the game because its leeds an there reputation but i do respect your decision either way

Cheers! I will be there in spirit but watching on tinternet. Hope we stuff the 6 fingered brigade! If and when you are lucky enough to have kids you will see what I mean!


Keep the Faith! :lanky:

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lancy lad you are the mirror image of my self but sadly without the daughter,an i have also got involved in many incidents with the fyc over the years until i realised theres more to life. my comments were not purely directed at you i just hope people are not put off the game because its leeds an there reputation but i do respect your decision either way

well said, along with a sensible attitude :wink:








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But hey on a positive give or take a few million years after global warming - Olham could be the captial of whats left in England and could very well host the world cup....

it won't take that long, you could easily be sitting on a vineyard on the Pennines watching Manchester drown within your lifetime.

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I have been reading one or two comments on Facebook with regards to the kick off time for this game and the knock on effect of all afternoon drinking for some/both sets of fans


Has it put you off going to the game? or even bringing any kiddies with you if you usually do that is.


Do you think our attendance will decrease or increase in home fans that is.


Your thoughts guys....


no not one bit

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I'm finding this thread laughable, how many times have we played Leeds over the years???? Why is suddenly going to be carnage? It will be no different than any other game against Leeds, people will be drunk whatever time we play them (from both clubs!).


This all reminds me about that daft thread when we were playing Rochdale away last year with all the pubs not to go in! As I stated earlier, if you want to find trouble no doubt you can find it, if you want to take your kids and enjoy the occasion and go home in one piece this won't be a problem either.


FFS, get a grip!

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