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CJ ancestor makes the headlines?

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Got a belter for you here CJ. This is an excerpt from yesterdays MEN. From an article titled 'In The News 100 Years Ago' or something like that.



Friday January 7th 1910


'Prophet' dies. The death of Mr Baxter, the 'Prophet' will create a distinct void in the world. People were interested in him because he was always prophecying (their word, not mine) extinction, and now by the irony of fate he is dead and the world goes on wagging its tail. No sooner would one disaster refuse to occur and another would be foretold, only to meet with same fate as its predecessor. He did not obtain money by fraudulent misrepresentation and indeed spent a lot of money on his hobby.

The Reverand Michael Baxter, editor of the London Christian Herald, said the world would end on April 23rd 1908.


What are the odds that it turns out to be April 23rd, 102 years to the very day, that they finally 'break soil' in Failsworth?!


Sorry pal, but it made me chuckle when i read it, just had to put it on here.....


So is it Reverand Jones from now on?



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Got a belter for you here CJ. This is an excerpt from yesterdays MEN. From an article titled 'In The News 100 Years Ago' or something like that.



Friday January 7th 1910


'Prophet' dies. The death of Mr Baxter, the 'Prophet' will create a distinct void in the world. People were interested in him because he was always prophecying (their word, not mine) extinction, and now by the irony of fate he is dead and the world goes on wagging its tail. No sooner would one disaster refuse to occur and another would be foretold, only to meet with same fate as its predecessor. He did not obtain money by fraudulent misrepresentation and indeed spent a lot of money on his hobby.

The Reverand Michael Baxter, editor of the London Christian Herald, said the world would end on April 23rd 1908.


What are the odds that it turns out to be April 23rd, 102 years to the very day, that they finally 'break soil' in Failsworth?!


Sorry pal, but it made me chuckle when i read it, just had to put it on here.....


So is it Reverand Jones from now on?




CJ says lots of his predictions have already come true. Although many readers are still unsure which ones (which CJ puts down to their idiocy).


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I'm not fishing for a row. Just thought it was a massive coincidence that it was in paper. It made me chuckle and it might even bring a smile to CJ's face too. We all take this bollox a bit too serious sometimes, and, although i have been chastised for trying to make funny all the time, i do think we have to sit back and take a reality check every now and then.


Besides, i like funny, it makes me laugh.

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100 years on from the prediction on 19 April 2008 Latics lost 2 -0 at Northampton....He was right - the end was nigh. :shock:


Alternatively....on 25 April 1908 we finished 3rd in Div 2. And got promoted to the top flight two years later..... The end was over hyped !

Edited by LaticsPete
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I have to say I fear what's in store for Latics I really do. So many unsnswered future happenings. We as a club are no more sure of what is to happen than ever before. We hear what the club would like to happen not what will happen. Yet all the previous indicators tell us what's liked never comes to pass.

Edited by Lags
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I have to say I fear what's in store for Latics I really do. So many unsnswered future happenings. We as a club are no more sure of what is to happen than ever before. We hear what the club would like to happen not what will happen. Yet all the previous indicators tell us what's liked never comes to pass.


aye but in these times which clubs are certain of their future? all we can do is take measures to try and ensure survival, and the only guarantee is we cant continue to make a loss each season, eventually its going to have to change, i think you will see most clubs are trying new schemes especially in the financial climate were in, I think we need to see the next stage of development coming to fruition so we can get some answers, at the moment its the squeeky bum time with no concrete plans


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Got a belter for you here CJ. This is an excerpt from yesterdays MEN. From an article titled 'In The News 100 Years Ago' or something like that.



Friday January 7th 1910


'Prophet' dies. The death of Mr Baxter, the 'Prophet' will create a distinct void in the world. People were interested in him because he was always prophecying (their word, not mine) extinction, and now by the irony of fate he is dead and the world goes on wagging its tail. No sooner would one disaster refuse to occur and another would be foretold, only to meet with same fate as its predecessor. He did not obtain money by fraudulent misrepresentation and indeed spent a lot of money on his hobby.

The Reverand Michael Baxter, editor of the London Christian Herald, said the world would end on April 23rd 1908.


What are the odds that it turns out to be April 23rd, 102 years to the very day, that they finally 'break soil' in Failsworth?!


Sorry pal, but it made me chuckle when i read it, just had to put it on here.....


So is it Reverand Jones from now on?





Yes, I've clearly been saying all along that the world will end because the club is intent on building a new small ground near the Manchester border.

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I have to say I fear what's in store for Latics I really do. So many unsnswered future happenings. We as a club are no more sure of what is to happen than ever before. We hear what the club would like to happen not what will happen. Yet all the previous indicators tell us what's liked never comes to pass.




Third or fourth division/Conference future or no future at all is the reality of what's on offer from the club.

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aye but in these times which clubs are certain of their future? all we can do is take measures to try and ensure survival, and the only guarantee is we cant continue to make a loss each season, eventually its going to have to change, i think you will see most clubs are trying new schemes especially in the financial climate were in, I think we need to see the next stage of development coming to fruition so we can get some answers, at the moment its the squeeky bum time with no concrete plans




True, and we find ourselves at the wrong end of the professional football scale at the very time that reality starts to kick in. The club finds itself stranded away from where all the money in the game is, which means falling back on its own resources. These will, even in the best circumstances, unfortunately never be enough to have us competing above this level.


This is why the club has decided to plan around never having an attendance above 12000 (or is it 10000?) again.



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I wasn't fishing for anything at all. I read it, it amused me, I shared it. Won't bother again. To be honest I'm getting bored of the board. It used to be a nice place to visit, where everybody knew ur name and where u could catch up on the latest rumours or give opinions on hhe match or tactics or other such bollocks. Now it's just a dreary doom and gloom site. No wonder people are leaving BP in droves, I don't even feel like coming on here these days and I don't even have to get off my arse to do it!

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I wasn't fishing for anything at all. I read it, it amused me, I shared it. Won't bother again. To be honest I'm getting bored of the board. It used to be a nice place to visit, where everybody knew ur name and where u could catch up on the latest rumours or give opinions on hhe match or tactics or other such bollocks. Now it's just a dreary doom and gloom site. No wonder people are leaving BP in droves, I don't even feel like coming on here these days and I don't even have to get off my arse to do it!

I don't know a single messageboard on the internet that hasn't got it's fair share of twerps. OWTB is no exception. However I must declare that this forum is by no means handled or used as badly as some others I used to frequent. I've witnessed some wrecks. Look at WACCOE...


I do agree with what you're saying though, what we're seeing on here is just a reflection of what is happening at BP in reality. Bugger all; and we do what most other people would do - in the event of rock-all happening we attempt to fill the void with whatever nonsense that takes our fancy. However, due to all of the above always be preparded for some poor replies to your posts, and don't have a strop if some don't find it as funny as you do.


Nothing is happening.


At all.

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I wasn't fishing for anything at all. I read it, it amused me, I shared it. Won't bother again. To be honest I'm getting bored of the board. It used to be a nice place to visit, where everybody knew ur name and where u could catch up on the latest rumours or give opinions on hhe match or tactics or other such bollocks.




Ninety-odd per cent of threads on here are still like that.

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I might have seemed a bit down on everyone's ass just lately, but this is by far the best internet football forum I've ever seen ... if you genuinely can't cope with this place (and I do include myself in that... :grin: ) then you're probably best off leaving football forums alone altogether. :wink:

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I might have seemed a bit down on everyone's ass just lately, but this is by far the best internet football forum I've ever seen ... if you genuinely can't cope with this place (and I do include myself in that... :grin: ) then you're probably best off leaving football forums alone altogether. :wink:



I'm just not good with people! I need to get back in my padded cell!!!


Ur right actually, it still is a good place to visit. I was just tired, cold and grumpy last night.


Normal service resumed. Come on Owdum!

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