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Penney's latest interview gaff

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I read with interest the mail on Sundays brief report on the win over Walsall. At the end of the interview it stated that the Oldham fans where not impressed when Furman was subbed and booed Penney for making this change. When asked about the reaction to the substitution Penney said he didnt give a monkeys! For a guy who is struggling to win the fans over he is a complete plonker with his after match comments. Please can the club get somebody else to deal with the press!

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I read with interest the mail on Sundays brief report on the win over Walsall. At the end of the interview it stated that the Oldham fans where not impressed when Furman was subbed and booed Penney for making this change. When asked about the reaction to the substitution Penney said he didnt give a monkeys! For a guy who is struggling to win the fans over he is a complete plonker with his after match comments. Please can the club get somebody else to deal with the press!


I think he's absolutely right. Most of our fans know nothing anyway.

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I was surprised by the Furman substitution.


I was gobsmacked by some of the crowd reaction though - it was extraordinary and ridiculously overstated.


In the context of the match, we'd played bloody well in the first half, and, while on top in the second half, we didn't look anywhere near as threatening as we had done earlier in the game.


For all his limitations as a footballer, Whitaker is a player who tries to get forwards and tries to get others to get forward too. He did get beyond the centre backs on more than one occasion which is more than Stephens or Furman (the two best players on the pitch, but for other reasons) had managed to do all game.


While Whitaker wasn't involved in the move that led to the goal, Penney tried to change something in an attack minded way. At the time the substitution was made there was a danger that we were running out of steam.


The decision may not have been responsible for the winning goal. But I find it hard to criticise a manager for trying to do something with attacking intent at a time a game looked like it might fade in to a disappointing 0-0 draw, despite earlier promise.



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I read with interest the mail on Sundays brief report on the win over Walsall. At the end of the interview it stated that the Oldham fans where not impressed when Furman was subbed and booed Penney for making this change. When asked about the reaction to the substitution Penney said he didnt give a monkeys! For a guy who is struggling to win the fans over he is a complete plonker with his after match comments. Please can the club get somebody else to deal with the press!


He's right to say he doesn't give a monkeys. Why should he care what a minority of boo boys think?


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He's right to say he doesn't give a monkeys. Why should he care what a minority of boo boys think?




although I'd never boo, I too couldn't believe he'd taken Furman off and not Smalley


but we went on to win the game. that's why he's a football manager and I'm not

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I read with interest the mail on Sundays brief report on the win over Walsall. At the end of the interview it stated that the Oldham fans where not impressed when Furman was subbed and booed Penney for making this change. When asked about the reaction to the substitution Penney said he didnt give a monkeys! For a guy who is struggling to win the fans over he is a complete plonker with his after match comments. Please can the club get somebody else to deal with the press!


Penney made a positive move bringing on a more attack minded player - it was unfortunate that Furman (who was having a decent game) was the one to go but the manager has to occasionally make tough decisions.


However I totally agree that DP's after match comments could have been chosen more carefully - like for instance explaining the reason for the substituion and not alienating (however few) a minority of fans. :huh:

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Penney made a positive move bringing on a more attack minded player - it was unfortunate that Furman (who was having a decent game) was the one to go but the manager has to occasionally make tough decisions.


However I totally agree that DP's after match comments could have been chosen more carefully - like for instance explaining the reason for the substituion and not alienating (however few) a minority of fans. :huh:


He did explain why he made the substitution. I think it was in the Oldham chron last night.



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At the time of the sub on Saturday even I thought it was odd, as Furball was having a great game. To be fair, I could understand why he did it and as for his "I couldn't give a monkeys" - quite right, sod them! They don't know what they're doing.



Even you eh?


Reminds me of Simon Cowell saying "even i don't know why our troops are in Afghanistan"

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also why is this thread called Latest interview gaff, has he done others? Ive always thought he talks the talk quite well


Didnt Penney say that Price stays in the box and things it him and go in ? I am not sure that kind of comment will get the stayaway fans coming back to BP. After the Millwall game he said we had played excellent and set the standard for the rest of the season and also stated there was no need for extra training even though in my mind we had not hit anything like the standard required. It might just be me but I think they guy comes out with some rank bad comments.

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When asked about the reaction to the substitution Penney said he didnt give a monkeys!

Perfect answer if you ask me. Put the morons in their place.


And if there's one place Penney unquestionably outshines Sheridan it's in front of the media. At least he can string a sentence together. And I like his honesty. Although I wish he hadn't said that once we've played our games in hand we'll hopefully be midtable - because the morons will only quote that as a gilt-edged promise should it not happen.

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Didnt Penney say that Price stays in the box and things it him and go in ? I am not sure that kind of comment will get the stayaway fans coming back to BP. After the Millwall game he said we had played excellent and set the standard for the rest of the season and also stated there was no need for extra training even though in my mind we had not hit anything like the standard required. It might just be me but I think they guy comes out with some rank bad comments.

Maybe you should boo louder next time?

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Good for him - he's paid to do a job and he's doing his all, to try and do the job, despite the constant moaning and criticism that goes on around him every home game - even though they are entiltled to it.

If he or any others listened to some of the tripe that is shouted from the terraces, they'd all be off after 2 games. He's cleared the club and the dressing room of a lot of last seasons 'dead wood', brought in a group of footballers and is doing things his way - Good.

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Speculation on my part, as you seem to think that Penney should have take on board the reaction to his substitution


Well your speculation is wrong :grin: My point is I think Penney would better off coming out with comments that do not make him an easy target. Maybe it is easy to say you dont give a monkeys when you are riding high in the division ?

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