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dp here next season?

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my view for what its worth is that he will not be manager here next season


1.tta are not stupid and they are learning from mistakes, thereis no point in sacking him now at this point in the season, it would leave us in a similar situation to last year when shez left and joe came in for 8 games(?)...he won one game,i dont think that would be enough for us this time around, a manager needs time to turn thing around,time is one thing we dont have.


2.tta have not come out and defended him in any capacity (that i am aware of)certainly not officially anyway.......90% of boards around the country would have said something by now after the way the fans have reacted to recent performance


3.the marketing guy in the sponsors lounge on saturday speaking to friends of mine on a freebie as it has apparently been empty for the last few games said things at the club are moving forward off the pitch very well and things are looking good for the future (the stadium?) but on the pitch is a diffrent story "how can i market that? and thats the main product, everyone on the board is aware"


the above leads me to believe that dp has his job until the end of the season but then its thanks for keeping us up dave (just) but good luck in the future

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my view for what its worth is that he will not be manager here next season


1.tta are not stupid and they are learning from mistakes, thereis no point in sacking him now at this point in the season, it would leave us in a similar situation to last year when shez left and joe came in for 8 games(?)...he won one game,i dont think that would be enough for us this time around, a manager needs time to turn thing around,time is one thing we dont have.


2.tta have not come out and defended him in any capacity (that i am aware of)certainly not officially anyway.......90% of boards around the country would have said something by now after the way the fans have reacted to recent performance


3.the marketing guy in the sponsors lounge on saturday speaking to friends of mine on a freebie as it has apparently been empty for the last few games said things at the club are moving forward off the pitch very well and things are looking good for the future (the stadium?) but on the pitch is a diffrent story "how can i market that? and thats the main product, everyone on the board is aware"


the above leads me to believe that dp has his job until the end of the season but then its thanks for keeping us up dave (just) but good luck in the future

but he aint gona keep us up .

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It would appear Ritchie Wellens is of the opinion he won't be here also. That is according to what folks are saying he said last night and that Gannon will be here. I wonder if Wellens just wanted to see when the Chron repeated the story being a Scamp!

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i think he will leave amicably. tta will just say sorry dave its not worked out he will probably agree he will leave reputation largly intact and both partys will move on wishing each other luck in the future


Same here once we know what division we are playing in.


Average attendance at the moment now over 1000 lower than last seasons

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my view for what its worth is that he will not be manager here next season


1.tta are not stupid and they are learning from mistakes, thereis no point in sacking him now at this point in the season, it would leave us in a similar situation to last year when shez left and joe came in for 8 games(?)...he won one game,i dont think that would be enough for us this time around, a manager needs time to turn thing around,time is one thing we dont have.


2.tta have not come out and defended him in any capacity (that i am aware of)certainly not officially anyway.......90% of boards around the country would have said something by now after the way the fans have reacted to recent performance


3.the marketing guy in the sponsors lounge on saturday speaking to friends of mine on a freebie as it has apparently been empty for the last few games said things at the club are moving forward off the pitch very well and things are looking good for the future (the stadium?) but on the pitch is a diffrent story "how can i market that? and thats the main product, everyone on the board is aware"


the above leads me to believe that dp has his job until the end of the season but then its thanks for keeping us up dave (just) but good luck in the future

I think there is common sense in what you have said, but in response to Guy Marketing Guy's comments. Well he would say that wou;dn't he! Afterall, his marketing has had no effect so far as far as I can see!

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There's absolutely no chance of Penney being here next season. We're crap AND dreadful to watch AND attendences are about as low as in the whole time I've been watching Latics.


Even those who think he should be given longer aren't filled with any enthusiasm fir watching his team and wouldn't shed many tears if he was given the boot.

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There's absolutely no chance of Penney being here next season. We're crap AND dreadful to watch AND attendences are about as low as in the whole time I've been watching Latics.


Even those who think he should be given longer aren't filled with any enthusiasm fir watching his team and wouldn't shed many tears if he was given the boot.


Average league attendance last season was 5647


Average league attendance so far this season is 4639 with three games to go


If we got crowds of 3500 for bristol rovers and southend, and a crowd of 5200 for charlton, would leave us with a season league average of 4565, still well over 1000 less than last season


So even those who believe he should be given longer have to admit that the club may not be able to afford to

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Average league attendance last season was 5647


Average league attendance so far this season is 4639 with three games to go


If we got crowds of 3500 for bristol rovers and southend, and a crowd of 5200 for charlton, would leave us with a season league average of 4565, still well over 1000 less than last season


So even those who believe he should be given longer have to admit that the club may not be able to afford to



Can't argue with any of that, the figures don't lie. I'm probably in a minority of one but I think he should be given the opportunity to see his contract out. Noway can anyone be expected to achieve anything here in one season. Even Dowie, who was backed financially didn't get us up. And I think we have the basis of a fair team when everyone is fit and playing as they can. Unfortunately Penney, or any manager, is unlikely to be able to strengthen the side with the players they want cos of the constraints of the board who have patently lost interest.


Also from almost day one he's had a minority of muppets on his back, these people won't be happy ever unless Ritchie get's the job, so whoever is appointed is on a loser from the off. And given the board's record with managers I don't hold out any faith that the next guy will be any more capable. Apart from that we're not exactly a club going places are we? I just can't see any manager with ambition being interested in taking the job.


Come December and we're in the bottom half it will be the same old story with attendances around the same level and the 'supporters' singing a variation of the ":censored: ------- barsteward" ditty, inserting whichever county the manager happens to be from.


Let's hope it's one with two syllables or it will sound even more embarassing than it does now.


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I think we could have played like Brazil all season, had the Dallas Cowboy's cheerleaders and live performances from Glenn Miller, The Big Bopper and the Beatles at half time and attendances would still be down on last season. Economic times are hard and people are only opening their wallets when they really have to, anything that can be cut is being cut. Penney is being made the scapegoat for a multitude of issues.

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I think we could have played like Brazil all season, had the Dallas Cowboy's cheerleaders and live performances from Glenn Miller, The Big Bopper and the Beatles at half time and attendances would still be down on last season. Economic times are hard and people are only opening their wallets when they really have to, anything that can be cut is being cut. Penney is being made the scapegoat for a multitude of issues.


You are indeed correct that times economically are hard for folks. Any depression hits towns like Oldham harder than a lot of other places due to it starting from a low income point. However a successful and entertaining football team will attract a bigger crowd and it's club shop a brisk trade as people will find the money and make savings elsewhere.


Unless we somehow fund this entertaining team next season and the next the economic climate in and around Oldham will only get worse as national and local governments tighten the purse strings in a bid to save money to pay off the national debt. That's whether DP stay's, Ritchie was installed or who ever.

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Average league attendance last season was 5647


Average league attendance so far this season is 4639 with three games to go


If we got crowds of 3500 for bristol rovers and southend, and a crowd of 5200 for charlton, would leave us with a season league average of 4565, still well over 1000 less than last season


So even those who believe he should be given longer have to admit that the club may not be able to afford to



More importantly is the S/T holders next season.

This season we have 2800 , IF Penny is still here that figure could drop below 2000.

TTA can't let that happen and that will force their hand like it did with RM.



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Can't argue with any of that, the figures don't lie. I'm probably in a minority of one but I think he should be given the opportunity to see his contract out. Noway can anyone be expected to achieve anything here in one season. Even Dowie, who was backed financially didn't get us up. And I think we have the basis of a fair team when everyone is fit and playing as they can. Unfortunately Penney, or any manager, is unlikely to be able to strengthen the side with the players they want cos of the constraints of the board who have patently lost interest.


Also from almost day one he's had a minority of muppets on his back, these people won't be happy ever unless Ritchie get's the job, so whoever is appointed is on a loser from the off. And given the board's record with managers I don't hold out any faith that the next guy will be any more capable. Apart from that we're not exactly a club going places are we? I just can't see any manager with ambition being interested in taking the job.


Come December and we're in the bottom half it will be the same old story with attendances around the same level and the 'supporters' singing a variation of the ":censored: ------- barsteward" ditty, inserting whichever county the manager happens to be from.


Let's hope it's one with two syllables or it will sound even more embarassing than it does now.

I'm quite sure you're not HK. I certainly agree with allowing him time to continue and I know of many other 'sensible' fans that would go along with this.

Obviously the position we find ourselves in is very disappointing and the football - although not poor - hasn't been fluid to watch. However, from whispers, it is believed that DP and his coaching team have brought a lot of discipline, togetherness and a good training regime into the squad. Time could well be a virtue - cant TTA afford to sack him/keep him/mutually offload is their call and their call only and as fans we have NO say in that decision, regardless of how many ridiculous 10 man protests and personal songs we may make up - they have admitted that they made that mistake with RM and i'm sure they wouldn't make it again - give him a bit more time, ideally more money and more importantly some support and then let's see what happens next season.

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More importantly is the S/T holders next season.

This season we have 2800 , IF Penny is still here that figure could drop below 2000.

TTA can't let that happen and that will force their hand like it did with RM.


Who thinks should ST sales drop below 2000 and TTA then cast aside DP due to it, that the ST sales will suddenly go up? I don't.

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Who thinks should ST sales drop below 2000 and TTA then cast aside DP due to it, that the ST sales will suddenly go up? I don't.


Another one who can't see it either.


I can't see any of the "not if Penney is here" brigade rushing to the ticket office waving bunches of 20s to get their ST as Penney puts his pot plants in a pie tray and dodges the door hitting him on his way out. I'm sure the cry will be "I'll see who the new manager is" will be heard before too long or "once again TTA have shown they don't know what they are doing" or somesuch.

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Another one who can't see it either.


I can't see any of the "not if Penney is here" brigade rushing to the ticket office waving bunches of 20s to get their ST as Penney puts his pot plants in a pie tray and dodges the door hitting him on his way out. I'm sure the cry will be "I'll see who the new manager is" will be heard before too long or "once again TTA have shown they don't know what they are doing" or somesuch.



And another here.


Whoever is in charge; the S/T sales will be down; and that is due to a plethora of differing reasons; the standard of football not being the top one I would say.

£300+ is a hell of a lot of money to stump up in one sitting; to watch a 'product' in a venue that TBH a Conference side would no doubt scoff at.


If its DP, the much fabled Ritchie or <insert any candidate's name> in charge; the S/T sales will be lower than previously; I'd say that's its a pretty obvious situation that will arise.

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Average league attendance last season was 5647


Average league attendance so far this season is 4639 with three games to go


If we got crowds of 3500 for bristol rovers and southend, and a crowd of 5200 for charlton, would leave us with a season league average of 4565, still well over 1000 less than last season


So even those who believe he should be given longer have to admit that the club may not be able to afford to





The last line for me.

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Not bothered reading anything but the title.


If anyone is up for a dp then I am game but why wait till the next season? I didn't know there was a season for this kind of thing. Any position or venue. Private, audience or filmed. No midgets, children or women.


PM me with more details.

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Not bothered reading anything but the title.


If anyone is up for a dp then I am game but why wait till the next season? I didn't know there was a season for this kind of thing. Any position or venue. Private, audience or filmed. No midgets, children or women.


PM me with more details.



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Not bothered reading anything but the title.


If anyone is up for a dp then I am game but why wait till the next season? I didn't know there was a season for this kind of thing. Any position or venue. Private, audience or filmed. No midgets, children or women.


PM me with more details.


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