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Great turned out by the fans paul and taggert paul butler were there.I got to say all 3 gived a good talk and there plans for oldham i could be here all night talking about it but oldham will put the clip there record tonight for fans to watch.


Dickov could not talk about any transfer target he had in mind and taggert said dale stephen will be in higher league in couple of years he rate him and the coaching staff at oldham,and chris taylor also and said he needs to build the team around them.


Great evening it was and be glad i gived a feedback on this evening.



Edited by RoyleArmy
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Great turned out by the fans paul and taggert paul butler were there.I got to say all 3 gived a good talk and there plans for oldham i could be here all night talking about it but oldham will put the clip there record tonight for fans to watch.


Dickov could not talk about any transfer target he had in mind and taggert said dale stephen will be in higher league in couple of years he rate him and the coaching staff at oldham,and chris taylor also and said he needs to build the team around them.


Great evening it was and be glad i gived a feedback on this evening.


Cheers Boss :chubb:

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Great turned out by the fans paul and taggert paul butler were there.I got to say all 3 gived a good talk and there plans for oldham i could be here all night talking about it but oldham will put the clip there record tonight for fans to watch.


Dickov could not talk about any transfer target he had in mind and taggert said dale stephen will be in higher league in couple of years he rate him and the coaching staff at oldham,and chris taylor also and said he needs to build the team around them.


Great evening it was and be glad i gived a feedback on this evening.


Yeah we saw you there, glad you enjoyed it.

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It was an enjoyable evening, Dickov, Taggart and Butler all came across very well. A very good turn-out and a wide cross-section of support were in attendance. Alan Hardy, Ian Hill, Big Gord, Tony Bugby, The young lad in a suit (who is he?), Marketing Guy, Bazza and the usual Trust faces were there.


What struck me is how positive the atmosphere was, Paul is keen to build bridges with the public of Oldham and unlike his predecessors the players have a pre-requisite to get out into the town and work in the community. Something many of the first-teamers have failed to do since Big Joe was in charge.


Other key points:-


* Wants to play football, but winning football

* Effort will be there, shape up or ship out is his attitude

* Wants hunger

* Not much money available but feels he can wheel and deal and hopefully his formula for success will attract the right calibre of player

* Taylor and Stephens are key

* Part of the reason Feeney and Jones were brought in is their infectious enthusiasm

* Possibly deals are in the pipeline but making no promises

* Part way through his first badge - but Taggart is well qualified

* Taggart reckons we were the best team Leicester played in 08/09 Home and Away

* Butler worked with the Aussie swimming squad in Beijing

* Only believe in signing players they have seen personally (Taggart, Dux or Dickov)

* Wants the Yoofs to be around the first-team training

* Wants to take one Yoof on an away trip each time, to give the other lads a kick up the arse and aspirations

* Knows some people need a kick up the arse and others an arm around the shoulder



Taggart and Dickov were highly entertaining, they're comfortable together and look like a real professional partnership, yet relaxed but focused. Of course it may all go tits up but I reckon we're onto a winner and have appointed a hungry management team that will work their arses off for the club.


Looking forward to next season and gutted I'll miss the last two friendlies and first two away games.

Edited by oafcprozac
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Time for an elephant in the room moment.



Sorry to have to ask this, but I can't maintain my silence any longer. I have read many of Royle Army's posts (entertaining and occasionally informative as they are) and find his use of the english language to be ......shall we say.....unconventional.


Is there some reason, for which everyone is aware but me, as to why this is? Is English a second language for our club mascot, or is there an isolated area of Oldham that is developing it's own unique dialect, where vaguely simliar words are freely interchangeable and punctuation is the forgotten art?


Regardless, keep up with the posts Mr Army. :imnotworthy:

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Time for an elephant in the room moment.



Sorry to have to ask this, but I can't maintain my silence any longer. I have read many of Royle Army's posts (entertaining and occasionally informative as they are) and find his use of the english language to be ......shall we say.....unconventional.


Is there some reason, for which everyone is aware but me, as to why this is? Is English a second language for our club mascot, or is there an isolated area of Oldham that is developing it's own unique dialect, where vaguely simliar words are freely interchangeable and punctuation is the forgotten art?


Regardless, keep up with the posts Mr Army. :imnotworthy:


Yes it is, if still at school he would be regarded as an EAL student.

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Thanks guys for your thoughts


Damn miffed I missed it but it was a colleague's leaving bash so I had to go, highlight of my night literally - I set my hair on fire.


Candles are Bad in a bar...tut...no candles at BP please.


Back on subject, hope him and his team can turn it around in every way on and off the pitch. First two friendlies have been positive, sound signings too and some for the chaff has been/will be cut loose too.


Hope Taylor is up to the challenge as he got injured again last Sat after only 35mins on the pitch. Here's a hint Chris - stop running around all the pitch like a headless "lets do the the shimmy/dummy shuffle" chicken please. Even I know what your going to do when you get the ball. Surprise us and do something different


Here's to Sat away game - see you there

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I think it stands for English as Additional Language.


It does, as someone that has a fair bit of experience in teaching EAL kids it takes a bit of getting used to the fact that some kids that speak English perfectly well, don't always understand everyday words such as 'fortnight' or 'launch'. Often the individual thinks in their own language then has to translate into English. Often there are slight inaccuracies. That's why Ibby (i'm sure he won't mind) possibly gets his words a little too literal sometimes. I think after many people have realised he is for real tonight, hopefully we'll see more tolerance of his postings.

Edited by oafcprozac
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Loved it tonight! I felt so positive I almost cried (yes, I am contrary). Was very pleased to have my picture taken with dickov. I suspect he only agreed to it because I make him look tall :wink:.


He asked how I was. I said I felt very positive. He said he also felt very positive. He posed for pictures, and then he turned to me and said "it won't be through lack of trying". That'll do me.


So I am left with positive feelings. And, to be frank, a bit of a crush on the Englishman, Irishman and Scotsman on the panel tonight!

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It does, as someone that has a fair bit of experience in teaching EAL kids it takes a bit of getting used to the fact that some kids that speak English perfectly well, don't always understand everyday words such as 'fortnight' or 'launch'. Often the individual thinks in their own language then has to translate into English. Often there are slight inaccuracies. That's why Ibby (i'm sure he won't mind) possibly gets his words a little too literal sometimes. I think after many people have realised he is for real tonight, hopefully we'll see more tolerance of his postings.



what do you mean by this? did you meet him?



as for the tolerance part. come on...he will still post some bollox :)

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Loved it tonight! I felt so positive I almost cried (yes, I am contrary). Was very pleased to have my picture taken with dickov. I suspect he only agreed to it because I make him look tall :wink:.


He asked how I was. I said I felt very positive. He said he also felt very positive. He posed for pictures, and then he turned to me and said "it won't be through lack of trying". That'll do me.


So I am left with positive feelings. And, to be frank, a bit of a crush on the Englishman, Irishman and Scotsman on the panel tonight!


Aww Claire......bless.... a little crush eh!!...I am sure when Beardy reads it he will create some perverse joke out of the three



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what do you mean by this? did you meet him?



as for the tolerance part. come on...he will still post some bollox :)


I saw him and I do know he's for real and definitely not a wind-up merchant. He only posts what the players or club insiders tell him along with random late 90s Premier League links!

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Loved it tonight! I felt so positive I almost cried (yes, I am contrary). Was very pleased to have my picture taken with dickov. I suspect he only agreed to it because I make him look tall :wink:.


He asked how I was. I said I felt very positive. He said he also felt very positive. He posed for pictures, and then he turned to me and said "it won't be through lack of trying". That'll do me.


So I am left with positive feelings. And, to be frank, a bit of a crush on the Englishman, Irishman and Scotsman on the panel tonight!

Ha ha, I really just now saw Mark W and ROAM beside him on Facebook and hoped he would find himself a dwarf so he didn't look so silly :lol:

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what do you mean by this? did you meet him?



as for the tolerance part. come on...he will still post some bollox :)



If you think RA is bad you should see what I have to assess at college. Least I can understand RA, talking bollocks bit is another matter though... :wink:

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