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Help Wanted / needed on Sat

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On Sat help is needed to hand out some Playershare Leaflets.


If you can get to the club by 2pm and meet at the club shop your help would be appreciated.



We want to give out some more leaflets to the fans that dont buy the Club programme, use the internet or buy the Oldham Chronicle.



If you can help send me a PM.




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On Sat help is needed to hand out some Playershare Leaflets.


If you can get to the club by 2pm and meet at the club shop your help would be appreciated.



We want to give out some more leaflets to the fans that dont buy the Club programme, use the internet or buy the Oldham Chronicle.



If you can help send me a PM.






Not discounting your need for help, but wouldn't it be possible to distribute an equal number to turnstile operators and get them to hand them out as people come through?

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Not discounting your need for help, but wouldn't it be possible to distribute an equal number to turnstile operators and get them to hand them out as people come through?



When we have tried to use the turnstiles before it has caused problems as it slows down the queues and the details were not passed out and left on the side.

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On Sat help is needed to hand out some Playershare Leaflets.


If you can get to the club by 2pm and meet at the club shop your help would be appreciated.



We want to give out some more leaflets to the fans that dont buy the Club programme, use the internet or buy the Oldham Chronicle.



If you can help send me a PM.





If I could I would but I'm afraid I'm missing Saturdays game as I'll be at Centre Parks unfortunatly

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If I could I would but I'm afraid I'm missing Saturdays game as I'll be at Centre Parks unfortunatly



Plenty of bodies really make the task easier and gives the scheme a higher profile. It would help if you could only take some leaflets in with you and distribute them on the row of seats near to you.


We have discussed leaving on the seats but that can also be wasteful and lots of bodies are needed for that task anyway. The personal touch allows you to ask people if they will take a leaflet and possibly join. Nothing better than the personal touch.


I really hope you can help.


Thank you



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can you drop me a box at my house i post it around my street reply back barry or wardlatics thanks.



we only have enough to hand out around the ground on match day at the moment. But thanks for the offer. You can hand some out before the game if you want ?

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we only have enough to hand out around the ground on match day at the moment. But thanks for the offer. You can hand some out before the game if you want ?


am working so please cant you print leafets for me to post as i like to really help cheers.

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Would be happy to distribute in the pub before / after the game if that's any use. We can do the White Hart, but sure there are plenty who post on here who could do grey mare, clayton green and rifle range peri-game...

Maddog. Great idea . Thanks. I will get Rick to drop some with you. Thanks.



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Would be happy to distribute in the pub before / after the game if that's any use. We can do the White Hart, but sure there are plenty who post on here who could do grey mare, clayton green and rifle range peri-game...



Excellent idea Clare, I might be able to get some around the Rifle range. Let me know Wardle

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