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Fingers Crossed for this Family !

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That's not fair. Every parent of a toddler has encountered some sort of near miss where they've gotten the fright of their lives at what might have happened, due to a momentary lapse in concentration.


I just hope the kid makes a full recovery.


well said


and for him to not offer a prayer, that is just sickening, heartless!


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You have to be so careful when pushing a pram... A lot of people simply forget that the pram means they are in the road sooner than they are used to... but at two years old you would imagine she had become use to it ? or maybe complacent... wake up call for all of us parents...


i have had 2 children,and i know its very easy to be complacent,but you cant afford to be,maybe im very old fashioned on things like this,but when i was pushing prams about i only ever crossed a road at a crossing....and never ever tried to cross elsewhere and with the pram in the road first..you just dont do it...


i used to be a taxi driver,and i hated school holidays,kids used to take toomany risks and had a few close calls...


hope the little chap pulls through this...not a great start to life..

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Pull ? Don't get how you could do that safely..



Best thing you can do is simply stand by the side of the pram and look


If you go across the road first then you are pulling, I'm not a pram/pushchair expert but I'd imagine they can be moved backwards.

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If you go across the road first then you are pulling, I'm not a pram/pushchair expert but I'd imagine they can be moved backwards.


To put it simply I don't think its a very good idea from my last five months pushing one...


You can't realistically drag the pram behind you as it could tip / become unstable (they arent designed to be pulled)... You don't want to be pulling and then swapping over to pushing while in the road... and if you pull it all the way, without tiping, then you still have to get it over the crub on the other side which is won't be easy in a pulling position... Plus the advantage you gain as you start crossing the road can become a danger once on the other side of the road when you have a pram still on the road trailing behind as you hit the curb...


The two possible pulling positions would not be a great way of sending your child across a road. Walking backwards or turning fowards and letting your arms go back to pull just isn't feasible IMO. Never seen anyone do this, ever...


The best thing to do is to stand by the side of the pram if you can't easily see what is coming or the pavement is short... If in doubt, don't cross... If there is room cross quickly and safely as you can, which would defo be pushing...

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To put it simply I don't think its a very good idea from my last five months pushing one...


You can't realistically drag the pram behind you as it could tip / become unstable (they arent designed to be pulled)... You don't want to be pulling and then swapping over to pushing while in the road... and if you pull it all the way, without tiping, then you still have to get it over the crub on the other side which is won't be easy in a pulling position... Plus the advantage you gain as you start crossing the road can become a danger once on the other side of the road when you have a pram still on the road trailing behind as you hit the curb...


The two possible pulling positions would not be a great way of sending your child across a road. Walking backwards or turning fowards and letting your arms go back to pull just isn't feasible IMO. Never seen anyone do this, ever...


The best thing to do is to stand by the side of the pram if you can't easily see what is coming or the pavement is short... If in doubt, don't cross... If there is room cross quickly and safely as you can, which would defo be pushing...


I'm unsure, it might be that its most relevant in London, bearing in mind that's where the bloke I heard it from is from, where you need to step off the pavement and then cut through parked cars. I think it might be easier than you make out to pull and then push or to pull all the way but its not like I'm about to try. It actually says in the Highway code "When pushing a young child in a buggy, do not push the buggy into the road when checking to see if it is clear to cross, particularly from between parked vehicles." That says to me that pulling is the preferred option.

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I'm unsure, it might be that its most relevant in London, bearing in mind that's where the bloke I heard it from is from, where you need to step off the pavement and then cut through parked cars. I think it might be easier than you make out to pull and then push or to pull all the way but its not like I'm about to try. It actually says in the Highway code "When pushing a young child in a buggy, do not push the buggy into the road when checking to see if it is clear to cross, particularly from between parked vehicles." That says to me that pulling is the preferred option.




The way your reason things puzzles me... Specially for someone in the medical profession...


That says to me, don't push the buggy into the road until you are sure the road is clear... Don't push the pram into the road while checking the road is clear... and nothing more... It's a very common sense suggestion... I have NEVER once had to put the kid onto the road until I was sure it was clear :unsure:


"Pulling" the pram just isn't feasible or safe... in my experience opinion...

Edited by oafc0000
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Well obviously I won't be praying. But I can't help but think about how this kind of thing can come about.


I don't have kids, and I probably won't decide on having them either. But even I can fully see that if I am out and about and responsible for a young child, my first priority and chief concern is of that child's safety. Things like this should not be able to happen if that was case in these types of incidents.


It only leads to the conclusion that there are some, if not many individuals, completley unfit to be parents.

Not sure why obviously.

What a strange conclusion you reach.

Far to simplistic. Life nor people are that simple

And you have absolutely no idea of the facts.

You have made assumptions and seem to have posted to just try and blame somene.

You have not got kids, so cannot possibly know the pressures, and affect of sleep deprivation especially at only two years from birth has on you. I speak as the dad of a 3 1/2 year old.

I am completely gobsmacked why you should comment on something you know nothing about.


As to the assertion that the mother should ahve known the road and the area, that may have been a factor in that she was on auto pilo a little.


Our thoughts should be for the child not suffering any effect, their more flexible bones may have preventted things being worse more quikcly, over to RM on that.

And to the mother. The guilt will be unbearable at the moment, lets hope it does not get worse.

Edited by singe
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age shouldnt matter when you are a parent as such, but just to add she was a very young parent, no older than 19/20 i reck (maybe younger)


no excuse for what in my eyes was a serious lapse in concentration

Edited by creepy
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Not sure why obviously.

Obviously because I have noone to pray to. So why should I engage in such an activity?

What a strange conclusion you reach.

Far to simplistic. Life nor people are that simple

And you have absolutely no idea of the facts.

The facts were that she was in the road (or the pram was). Unless the vehicle multiplied it's speed in a second or swerved suddenly, the accident is completely her fault.

You have made assumptions and seem to have posted to just try and blame somene.

I assume very little with my crtique of the situation, and yes I do blame someone.

You have not got kids, so cannot possibly know the pressures, and affect of sleep deprivation especially at only two years from birth has on you. I speak as the dad of a 3 1/2 year old.

I am completely gobsmacked why you should comment on something you know nothing about.

It is fallacious to suggest I am not entitled to my opinion on, nor am I capable of adequately assessing the actions or inactions of someone else just because I have not directly experienced the kind of circumstances they may go through.


It may sound harsh. But I feel strongly about this. If you are cannot concentrate on your child's safety at critical moments then you should not expose your child to those moments. And there is nothing more critical than crossing a road. It really does come down to incompetence or carelessness at the end of the day. I fail to see another category here.

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Obviously because I have noone to pray to. So why should I engage in such an activity?


The facts were that she was in the road (or the pram was). Unless the vehicle multiplied it's speed in a second or swerved suddenly, the accident is completely her fault.


I assume very little with my crtique of the situation, and yes I do blame someone.


It is fallacious to suggest I am not entitled to my opinion on, nor am I capable of adequately assessing the actions or inactions of someone else just because I have not directly experienced the kind of circumstances they may go through.


It may sound harsh. But I feel strongly about this. If you are cannot concentrate on your child's safety at critical moments then you should not expose your child to those moments. And there is nothing more critical than crossing a road. It really does come down to incompetence or carelessness at the end of the day. I fail to see another category here.


Be careful; you've made a few good points there and dealt with the facts. That will upset some people on here mate.

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Wow, trying to turn this thread into a religious debate, what an ársehole.


You're out of order. What's with the name calling? I didn't try to turn it into a religious debate. The first comment was relevant to the previous post, the second was a response to singe's question. You are now the third person to directly respond an innocuous remark about me not to be praying (and the second one to do so negatively) . So exactly which of us is trying to turn this thread into a religious debate?

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You're out of order. What's with the name calling? I didn't try to turn it into a religious debate. The first comment was relevant to the previous post, the second was a response to singe's question. You are now the third person to directly respond an innocuous remark about me not to be praying (and the second one to do so negatively) . So exactly which of us is trying to turn this thread into a religious debate?


You're first comment was basically "IM NOT PRAYIN IM AN ATHEIST LOL".


Why would you have to re-affirm you religious stance just because someone else says that the child is in their prayers? I'm not knocking you for your beliefs, but your choice to make such a comment is bizarre, if not deliberate to try and get a response about your religious stance.

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You're first comment was basically "IM NOT PRAYIN IM AN ATHEIST LOL".


Why would you have to re-affirm you religious stance just because someone else says that the child is in their prayers? I'm not knocking you for your beliefs, but your choice to make such a comment is bizarre, if not deliberate to try and get a response about your religious stance.


My first comment was basically "I won't be praying but what I am thinking about is this". Nothing more. The praying part was not the main point of the post, I was just flowing from the previous remark. Interpretting this as baiting people to get a response is in your own head and not mine.


The fact that you found it bizzarre enough to challenge me on it speaks volumes of your own state of mind. Note that I didn't take oafc's comment about the boy being in his "prayers at the moment" as sign of him trying to instigate a religious debate. This is because he wasn't, and I respect his choice to pray all he wants and mention it. And yet you see fit to call me an asshole because I briefly mentioned that praying wasn't my thing.


It's a funny old world.

Edited by PhilStarbucksSilkySkills
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To put it simply I don't think its a very good idea from my last five months pushing one...


You can't realistically drag the pram behind you as it could tip / become unstable (they arent designed to be pulled)... You don't want to be pulling and then swapping over to pushing while in the road... and if you pull it all the way, without tiping, then you still have to get it over the crub on the other side which is won't be easy in a pulling position... Plus the advantage you gain as you start crossing the road can become a danger once on the other side of the road when you have a pram still on the road trailing behind as you hit the curb...


The two possible pulling positions would not be a great way of sending your child across a road. Walking backwards or turning fowards and letting your arms go back to pull just isn't feasible IMO. Never seen anyone do this, ever...


The best thing to do is to stand by the side of the pram if you can't easily see what is coming or the pavement is short... If in doubt, don't cross... If there is room cross quickly and safely as you can, which would defo be pushing...

I'm with you on this. The idea of pulling a buggy/pram across the road sounds pretty bloody far from the safest approach to me. In doing so, you'd either be dragging it behind you (i.e. not looking at it) or walking backwards (not the most sensible thing to do on a road, with a buggy).

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Was reminded of this when i was getting the bus to the match from Manchester yesterday. Some daft cow pushed a pram in front of a bus on Lever Street (ie one of the main bus routes in the city centre), forcing the driver to brake, before strolling back to the pavement. Fair enough, that was stupid and careless, but anyone can have a lapse in concentration. But then, about 5 seconds later, with the lights still on green, she did the exact same thing in front of a taxi, before finally making a dash for it, with the lights STILL on green, in front of oncoming traffic. It never fails to amaze me how reckless some people are prepared to be with their kids' lives to save themselves, what, 30 seconds?


Obviously i don't know the facts of what happened to the baby who got hit by the lorry so i'm not saying this is what happened on that occasion, and my thoughts are with the family and the lorry driver. Fingers crossed the poor kid pulls through.

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