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I just think it might p**s more latics fans off than its worth, if there season ticket holders then they wont say next season im gonna stop my season ticket and go and watch oldham are they.

If they enjoyed the football maybe some could be tempted to attend when city are away. I think we should tap into any market we can, it all benefits our club.

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My reply:-



Hi Alan,


Thanks for the offer of you giving up your time, I'm not exactly sure when I'm free next week, but I will take you up on your kind offer sometime in the near future. As you know there are several issues I wish to clarify not least the perceived lack of marketing from the club, the negativity eminating from the boardroom and the unwillingness to take on the many viable (proven at other clubs) money-making initiatives suggested by fans. As you know many of the concerns I share are indicative of the wider fanbase and have been for a number of years.


Kind Regards





don't think so pal.

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You have stated you don't share his views... but when someone menthions the wider fan base they aren't just talking about you.. Like I said, the world is bigger than you :wink:


and you too.


"wider" fan base is very non-specific but prozacs views as posted on this board are very rarely indicative of the majority of fans I know and speak to.


as yours aren't.

Edited by HarryBosch
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and you too.


"wider" fan base is very non-specific but prozacs views as posted on this board are very rarely indicative of the majority of fans I know and speak to.


as yours aren't.


So the "wider fans base" means your mates :lol:

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You have stated you don't share his views... but when someone menthions the wider fan base they aren't just talking about you.. Like I said, the world is bigger than you :wink:

Actually the worlds a lot bigger than you believe it or not. I know this might be hard to get your head round.

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apologies for lack of structure to this post!


Why does everything involve the ticket office......


Vouchers for kids - go to the ticket office

city fans for plymouth - go to the ticket office

main stand on matchday - go to the ticket offie


Bury are allowing anybody in this weekend for £5 if they walk up with a season ticket. I'm going to go just because i have nothing else to do.....would i go if i had to go over and get a ticket beforehand? probably not!!


Like someone else has posted i think - why not travel round the schools selling tickets? Stalls in Oldham? I know when i go to spain, i can get tickets for some games in the local shops. It seems to me that the club is doing its best to come up with ideas to bring people to the games...but they have to visit the club beforehand.....get out there and push people to the ground


When i was a lad, the club arranged our school (and others in the borough) to play a local school of our opponant one saturday and then gave the players a free ticket for the game....I know 2 people who go to today only after their experiance in this type of thing. (FYI - It was norwich in the premier league!)


There's loads of things to do but its clear oldhamers don't want to come to the ground on matchdays - get out there pick them up and push them down sheepfoot lane! When my dad first took me, i wanted to go to liverpool but he dragged me into the main paddock and 20 years later, here i am.


Half time entertainment - wheres the crossbar challange? put something on even if it's just a kids 5 a side! I seem to remember one year - they asked all the local amateur sides to put a sprinter forward and they raced up the pitch (or was i dreaming that!). No offence to the blue crew - but how about some cheerleaders you can have a look at :p!!


Scoreboard - you cant tell me that revenue lost in the last 5 years? would not have paid for a new scoreboard....



I agree, that's a very good idea. Ask Alan is there anything being done by the club to get in the community to get the fans to come to matches?

My local ice hockey team sells tickets in a variety of stalls in the city and one of the major supermarkets sells there tickets in there stores.

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At the end of the day the state of our financing means we have to tighten our belts, which I think were doing ok with at the moment,

I mentioned in my meeting with him about a reward scheme, and he took me through the whole process and where the money goes to and in the end we only make profit is the scheme's are taken on by a large amount of people (about the same as people buying programmes)


Alan is very hard up when it comes to giving money away and I for one applaud it! say what you want but Id rather have him at the helm than a chief exec who's lenient, or we would be in a much worse position than we are now.


so if we put that aside, what is Alan like? how many other chief execs invite you over for a cuppa to discuss the club? how many of them will take the time to listen to you and do all in their power to keep the customer satisfaction at such a high level? they may do this on a large scale to several hundred fans at a time but not to an individual.


I for one am grateful for Alan Hardy, without him, I think we would be in a lot worse position than we find ourselves at the moment

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At the end of the day the state of our financing means we have to tighten our belts, which I think were doing ok with at the moment,

I mentioned in my meeting with him about a reward scheme, and he took me through the whole process and where the money goes to and in the end we only make profit is the scheme's are taken on by a large amount of people (about the same as people buying programmes)


Alan is very hard up when it comes to giving money away and I for one applaud it! say what you want but Id rather have him at the helm than a chief exec who's lenient, or we would be in a much worse position than we are now.


so if we put that aside, what is Alan like? how many other chief execs invite you over for a cuppa to discuss the club? how many of them will take the time to listen to you and do all in their power to keep the customer satisfaction at such a high level? they may do this on a large scale to several hundred fans at a time but not to an individual.


I for one am grateful for Alan Hardy, without him, I think we would be in a lot worse position than we find ourselves at the moment

Alan Hardy gets stick for doing a job he just simply shouldn't be doing. He's not a commerical manager and never will be. He's the man who sorts out stuff with the FA and keeps that side of things in order...arranging promotions etc. just shouldn't be down to him! But this is part of the tree being cut into a million pieces...when Sean Jarvis left, I fully expected him to be replaced. Full time! I've since been told by a Trust Member that Simon Corney was meant to be doing this...SC came in, did the odd promotion, lost heart after the Brighton and Northampton £2 games produced little long term reward and has since devoted his time elsewhere like looking for land to buy and the Failsworth project etc. Leaving Hardy holding the baby.......


This is fundamentally why we're in the commercial mess we're in! Guy Walker was a small ray of hope that we were rectifying this situation...sadly, that revolving door at Boundary Park did yet another turn extraordinarily quickly. Why do these "rays of hope" not last long and stay? I'd guess it's because they turn up, find their hands tied and they leave...and we keep on chip, chip, chipping away at everything...the stadium we're currently at, the fanbase, the commerical viability (over £100 per head now on a matchday in the box....do me a :censored: favour!!!) with the "hope" of a pipedream that in reality couldn't be much of a worse potential scenario...going onto Eastlands doorstep.


Worried??? Too f****** right I am!!!

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Alan Hardy gets stick for doing a job he just simply shouldn't be doing. He's not a commerical manager and never will be. He's the man who sorts out stuff with the FA and keeps that side of things in order...arranging promotions etc. just shouldn't be down to him! But this is part of the tree being cut into a million pieces...when Sean Jarvis left, I fully expected him to be replaced. Full time! I've since been told by a Trust Member that Simon Corney was meant to be doing this...SC came in, did the odd promotion, lost heart after the Brighton and Northampton £2 games produced little long term reward and has since devoted his time elsewhere like looking for land to buy and the Failsworth project etc. Leaving Hardy holding the baby.......


This is fundamentally why we're in the commercial mess we're in! Guy Walker was a small ray of hope that we were rectifying this situation...sadly, that revolving door at Boundary Park did yet another turn extraordinarily quickly. Why do these "rays of hope" not last long and stay? I'd guess it's because they turn up, find their hands tied and they leave...and we keep on chip, chip, chipping away at everything...the stadium we're currently at, the fanbase, the commerical viability (over £100 per head now on a matchday in the box....do me a :censored: favour!!!) with the "hope" of a pipedream that in reality couldn't be much of a worse potential scenario...going onto Eastlands doorstep.


Worried??? Too f****** right I am!!!


until we get success on the pitch there'll be very little commercial to manage anyway


promotion/promotion push = be all and end all of everything to do with the club.

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So, we have a Chief Executive who takes the time to read fans' views and in this case is willing to take the time with oafcprozac to discuss them over a cuppa at BP.


And in oafcprozac we have a dedicated fan who contributes much here and is happy to take up Alan's offer.


And yet all some people on here can do is question to what extent oafcprozec represents the fans' views, and who would clearly rather he didn't bother.


As far as I'm concerned, oafcprozac has expressed his views in detail often enough on here, and had enough people post in agreement with him, to think that he does represent at least some of us.


For those claiming he doesn't, maybe you too would like to set out your views in detail for the rest of us and Alan and others to consider, instead of just sitting on the sidelines and sniping like the bunch of immature selfish idiots many of you are.

Edited by garcon
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So, we have a Chief Executive who takes the time to read fans' views and in this case is willing to take the time with oafcprozac to discuss them over a cuppa at BP.


And in oafcprozac we have a dedicated fan who contributes much here and is happy to take up Alan's offer.


And yet all some people on here can do is question to what extent oafcprozec represents the fans' views, and who would clearly rather he didn't bother.


As far as I'm concerned, oafcprozac has expressed his views in detail often enough on here, and had enough people post in agreement with him, to think that he does represent at least some of us.


For those claiming he doesn't, maybe you too would like to set out your views in detail for the rest of us and Alan and others to consider, instead of just sitting on the sidelines and sniping like the bunch of immature selfish idiots many of you are.


someone claiming he represents their views and that someone saying "hang on, no he doesn't" is hardly "sniping" is it?


calm down.

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For those claiming he doesn't, maybe you too would like to set out your views in detail for the rest of us and Alan and others to consider


surely that's the choice of individual? where does it say to disagree with something you have to suggest/have an alternative?


you share the same kind of twisted logic as my wife :lol:

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