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Hardy Issues 'back us' plea to fans

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I really do feel for all us fans who do attend. We get behind the club and support the team all the time. If attendances don't improve this season. Were in serious trouble. Keep the faith. ^_^

I agree 100%. As a long term season ticketholder I am there for most of the games and constantly trying to get mates and colleagues there aswell. Just recently talked my mate who is a red into coming to 2 games............. then we get knobheads like on the radio this week saying they dont want City fans (or probably United fans). Anyone who goes has a responsibility to do their bit this season, it really could be our last you never know.


The club also needs to do their bit aswell though and this offer shouldnt just stop in the town, it should be extended to Tameside and other areas aswell. Why give out tickets to kids, just have them turn up for free as long as there is a paying adult with them (and let the adult in for £13-£14)!

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I agree 100%. As a long term season ticketholder I am there for most of the games and constantly trying to get mates and colleagues there aswell. Just recently talked my mate who is a red into coming to 2 games............. then we get knobheads like on the radio this week saying they dont want City fans (or probably United fans). Anyone who goes has a responsibility to do their bit this season, it really could be our last you never know.


The club also needs to do their bit aswell though and this offer shouldnt just stop in the town, it should be extended to Tameside and other areas aswell. Why give out tickets to kids, just have them turn up for free as long as there is a paying adult with them (and let the adult in for £13-£14)!


It just does my head in, it really does. I love going to latics games. All the stay aways are killing this club.

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... if we lose a game when people turn up (even if we play well) they dont go again


Even when we play well they don't go again - the writing was on the wall as far back as 'Celebration Sunday'. :disappointed:


...the people of the town need to have a long hard look at thereselfs because at the minute the attitude is that they cant be arsed, If they carry on this way WE will not have a football club in 3 years simple

now for me i couldnt care where i watch my team

how :censored: we are because its my team

shame only 3 thousand people feel the same way


+ 1

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You can't get the chron anywhere near there I know for a fact. (Despite it being the easiest ground to get to from there)


I don't see what the relevance of, where you can get the Chron, is to this thread about an item in the MEN.

Anyhow, I manage to read the Chron every weekday and live 200mls from Oldham.

Edited by laticsrblue
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What's the deal with kids entry these days?


I work in a local Secondary School and i am prepared to advertise/distribute, free/cut price tickets to the kids here. I know there are quite a few Latics fans. Even some of the kids that support other teams would come along because their mates do/something to do/it's football.

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I know it's been harped on here a bit, but would a town centre presence help?


Throughout the week having volunteers, perhaps some of the reserves and fringe squad too kitted out in Latics gear, with a small stand with posters, stickers, flyers advertising the next game etc.


And and between 9am-2pm on a Saturday outside and around Spindles/Town Square, catching kids with their parents handing out "kids go free vouchers" (obviously when accompanied by a paying adult). Stuff like that in a busy town centre, catching families when they're out and about can surely have a positive effect.

Edited by PlayItLivo
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I know it's been harped on here a bit, but would a town centre presence help?


Throughout the week having volunteers, perhaps some of the reserves and fringe squad too kitted out in Latics gear, with a small stand with posters, stickers, flyers advertising the next game etc.


And at 1pm on a Saturday outside and around Spindles/Town Square, catching kids with their parents handing out "kids go free vouchers" (obviously when accompanied by a paying adult). Stuff like that in a busy town centre, catching families when they're out and about can surely have a positive effect.


This has been discussed on here so many times and plenty of times back on the old JKL site but nothing has ever been done and I can't remember ever hearing anything from the club regarding this and reasons why they haven't taken up on it. I live in Leeds and you go anywhere near Elland Road and there are advertising boards showing the next game, in fact a couple of years ago when i was living in Woodhouse (about 15 mins drive from the ground) there was a huge advertising board near me that LUFC and Leeds Rhinos used frequently. They have more money than us to throw at marketing but they wouldn't continue to do it if it wasn't effective. Speculate to accumulate....


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I agree, we almost killed the Rugby and now Latics down the pan by the end of the season.


excactly , i have been saying this too everyone on here for the last season and was told where to go, its took people this long to realise that im not speaking :censored: and only a article from corney has confirmed this for people, this simple fact is this club wont be around in the year 2011 if people carry on moaning about petty :censored:, support ur frickin club, :ranting:

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