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I do, I think. I certainly understand it enough to know it was never me. But I can respect that psyche, whereas you can't seem to respect mine.



Well, you appear to be saying that only the diehards like yourself can be considered as supporters of the club and not us waverers, so how else should we take it?


The Club is in dire financial straits and it is undeniable that those straits would not be so dire if another 2000 people paid to go into BP 23 times each season. I know that some of them would love to be in a position to do that and their hearts bleed at the financial plight of the Club. I also know that others no longer care a jot about the Club's financial future. Their past ties might tug at them for the odd moment when they think they may return one day, but overall if the Club goes under, it's no skin off their nose.


I would not be so presumptious as to define a supporter, and I certainly would not hold myself up as some sort of model, but it is blindingly obvious that the Club needs as many people as possible who can afford to support it financially. And that includes Reds, Lazer Blues and any willing contributors.

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Maybe so. I'm not naive enough to think that isn't the case. But still, the football is enjoyable at the moment and this is mostly down to Dickov's attitude to play attacking football with pace and not be scared of blooding youngsters or not giving in to sentimentality.


Anyway, if you choose not to go fair enough. A sudden crack at promotion or a string of cup giantkillings will have people back, it's the nature of the beast really. I suspect Diego's main beef is the amount of time 0000's spends on OWTB seemingly with an opinion about everything. To see someone spend so much time on this messageboard yet brazenly state he has the time and money to go if he wants to, yet doesn't is a bit on the distasteful side in my humble.


Have we sold the Micah stake yet?


You do realise the kid is asleep at 10pm don't you :) She tends to be awake at 3pm on a Saturday... Think it through :wink:

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The Club is in dire financial straits and it is undeniable that those straits would not be so dire if another 2000 people paid to go into BP 23 times each season. I know that some of them would love to be in a position to do that and their hearts bleed at the financial plight of the Club. I also know that others no longer care a jot about the Club's financial future. Their past ties might tug at them for the odd moment when they think they may return one day, but overall if the Club goes under, it's no skin off their nose.


I would not be so presumptious as to define a supporter, and I certainly would not hold myself up as some sort of model, but it is blindingly obvious that the Club needs as many people as possible who can afford to support it financially. And that includes Reds, Lazer Blues and any willing contributors.


If the club lived to its crowds it wouldn't need extra supporters... You mentioned about the owners wanting to live to their means and break even but needing an extra 2,000 fans to do that... Surely you see the flaw in that stance ? e.g. it not living to your means, its living and waiting for a dream... Its unsustainable and its a dream... Me coming or not makes no difference when that mentality is deployed...


We need another Mr Money bags or we need to cut back... I don't really matter in the ground scheme of things Diego...

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In truth, I can't help but feel a little bit sorry for anyone whose entire existence revolves around the fanatical support of a football club.


There is so much more to life.


Who's saying that their existence revolves around a football club?


You may be a waver now but in your time previously as a regular goer you never looked round some of the empty seats or terraces and Boundary Park and felt frustrated at the lack of support from within the town As Ive got older I have understood the reasons but at some point we have all wondered why we don't get more support.


I started supporting us in 1990 arguably our greatest ever year before then their were many hard times and many people who stuck it out through some awful football if it hadn't been for those who stuck it out in the previous decades I wouldn't have started supporting us and we would never have enjoyed those great memeories of those golden years. For that reason I renewed my season ticket this summer its that hope(which maybe quite faint but is still their deep down) that things can get better is keeping you posting/reading this message board and keeps me going. I understand the many reasons why people have stopped going, but aslong as those who no longer go understand that those who do go now are the ones keeping the club alive and that hope that the good times will return alive. Is that a fair assesment?

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Thing is, isn't things like the abject feeling of hopelessness what galvanises us as fans?


Last season was the first time I honestly didn't feel like going as a Latics fan. From about November onwards, every game was a complete chore and by March I gave up completely and went watching local cricket. In fact it really began after Shez got sacked but still, I can totally empithise with the feeling of really not wanting to go and watch my team.


But this season it's been somehow different. It's like a few cobwebs have been blown away, we've looked as a team like we're going to win games by scoring goals. We look a threat and we no longer look like a team who's just going to roll over and die (last Saturday aside). OK it's not been amazing, a couple of 0-0 draws and the same old issues backstage but all the same, football on a Saturday has been enjoyable for the first time in ages.


I can understand people's skewed logic of refusing to go because of the regime, disillusionment over being stuck in this division still, but I can't get people who won't go because they still think they won't enjoy it. We've seen much, much worse on a football field as Latics fans.


Amen to that brother....

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In truth, I can't help but feel a little bit sorry for anyone whose entire existence revolves around the fanatical support of a football club.


There is so much more to life.


I'm glad you've said this because it sums up the attitude towards the diehards that I've experienced over the years from people who cannot understand how someone can be so committed to a cause. The assumption is that I and others like me must be lacking so much in our lives.


The truth is that neither you nor them have a clue about the other aspects of my 'entire existence' and how could you? Latics is only a small part of my life, but it's a part that I really value. The players on the pitch have given me more highs and lows than most other experiences in my life. Where else could the high of Mike Cecere's second goal against dirty Leeds, with Goram swinging from the cross-bar and celebrating with the Chaddy Enders, be replaced within seconds by the depths of despair brought about by dirty Leeds' away goal. The extacy of Pointon's goal at Wembley and the 12 minutes of singing 'Always look on the bright side of life', before that goal! I could count the high spots of 60 years on two hands, but I keep going because I feel a part of this small Club, regardless of owners, managers and players.


The supporters who I meet at home and away are the salt of the earth, and I am privileged to be one of those keeping the Faith. Maybe one day, when the Club is no more, I'll meet up again with them and reminisce, but I hope that day is in the distant future.

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I do, I think. I certainly understand it enough to know it was never me. But I can respect that psyche, whereas you can't seem to respect mine.



Well, you appear to be saying that only the diehards like yourself can be considered as supporters of the club and not us waverers, so how else should we take it?


Oxford dictionary quote for supporting:


Person or thing that supports; hold up; keep from falling or sinking; keep from failing or giving way; give courage, condidence or power to endure.


I think Diego is quite right to suggest that certain people in this thread are not supporters by definition and not by his opinion.

It appears you cease to be a supporter till you start supporting.

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No I am not a single parent... Just a dad who appreciates his child's company...

Thats nice and very encouraging to see your devotion..

If you spent less time posting on here maybe you could spend even more time with the family. :grin: please don't take me to seriously.

Actually I'm sure you won't.

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Oxford dictionary quote for supporting:


Person or thing that supports; hold up; keep from falling or sinking; keep from failing or giving way; give courage, condidence or power to endure.


I think Diego is quite right to suggest that certain people in this thread are not supporters by definition and not by his opinion.

It appears you cease to be a supporter till you start supporting.



Agreed 100%.

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If I may interject here. I find it quite simple to sum up. There are two kinds of people or categories that follow football clubs. You have fans who claim to follow a certain team and want's them to win. Then you have supporters who claim to follow a certain team and want's them to win. The only difference between the two categories and hence the reason why they fall into one or the other is that the supporter goes along and stumps up the cash that supports the club to function, the fan does not.

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I've seen it all now. Members bickering over how many more posts they've racked up than others, like they should command more respect :blink:

It's content rather than quantity that makes the difference (RoyleArmy anyone?).

Everyone is different, or has different circumstances. The trouble is, many people don't understand this, and think that because they are posting on the same MB, they should be fighting for the cause in exactly the same way.

Oasis lads can't get to all the home games, unemployed have to pick and choose, students would rather be wrecking London, I can no longer manage all the away games, and others want to be assured of entertaining football for their money every week rather than what we experienced last season.

We're all interested in seeing Latics improve though, and nobody will tell me that the next generation of fan is any different to me whether they've just witnessed their first away game, posted their first opinion, spewed on their first BP cheeseburger, punched their first united fan or done 50 years of the lot.

Elitism is for very insecure people with social ineptitudes in other areas of their lives.


Latics together.









(I'm not always this grumpy when I've just woke up!)

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However if the club lived to its crowds it would lose supporters, and thus an alternative downward spiral would be embarked upon.


To me its a downward spiral which isn't shameful... and you never know, it might be the spark other clubs need to start growing up a bit as well...

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If I may interject here. I find it quite simple to sum up. There are two kinds of people or categories that follow football clubs. You have fans who claim to follow a certain team and want's them to win. Then you have supporters who claim to follow a certain team and want's them to win. The only difference between the two categories and hence the reason why they fall into one or the other is that the supporter goes along and stumps up the cash that supports the club to function, the fan does not.


It does make me wonder whether people think in black and white all the time or just when it comes to Latics.


What if someone goes to half the games? Or a quarter? They're still putting money in to the club on a fairly regular basis. Do these people qualify as 'supporters' (as all of a sudden everyone's keen to quote the Oxford dictionary!)? Is it just people who attend every game that are supporters, or does someone who only attends one home game a season qualify? Because that person has put money into the club; therefore, they've supported the club.


Also, who decided that word 'support' had only financial connotations?

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In truth, I can't help but feel a little bit sorry for anyone whose entire existence revolves around the fanatical support of a football club.


There is so much more to life.




go on then..... tell us what you do, what we don't what is so fulfilling??

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