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Simon Corney has stark news for Latics Fans!

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My head is quite literally all over the place over all this.


To be brutally honest, I’ve been thinking for a while that things at the club have been being blown out of proportion; in terms of our finances......the fact that we were able to bring in Reuben Reid in the window, and pay a fee for him too boot; and turn down a bid for Taylor (granted he didn’t want to go; but the bid was nonetheless turned down) sort of made me feel that maybe, just maybe things weren’t actually that bad.


This set back on the Failsworth proposal; which again, if we’re all honest, we probably knew would happen due to the inadequacies & incompetence of our council – and Corney’s subsequent (& holey understandable) reaction worries me greatly.


For me, its a case of supporting the club. I would do that still were we to move; it just wouldn’t necessarily sit right singing ‘come on Oldham’ when our ‘new home’ is in Ashton, Denton or the like.



Worrying times though all in all – and yet again, Oldham Council show themselves to be holey incapable of running the borough in a professional, sensible, reliable & competent manner.





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Will you come down for one home game this season, to help the club? As it's obvious you still follow the club by posting etc on here..


Not according to Barry Owen I don't...


I honestly wouldn't want to spend my day off at BP at the expense of a day with my kid... I am happy though to contribute money when needed and if I think it will help...

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I'm gona be a rebal and put my food in normal bins :o


yeah fook 'em i'm gonna mix my paper with plastics mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!



Chorus' of Oldham Council yer wankers, yer wankers tomorrow???? Charlie Parker, takes it up the arse, up the arse, up the arse……


YOu don't know what yer doing, yer don't know what yer doing….


We're all off to Tameside, we're all off to Tameside nah, nah, nah, nah…..


Stick yer :censored:-hole town up yer arse, yer stick yer :censored:-hole town up yer arse….



Edited by oafcprozac
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At the moment I'm very down over the whole situation. The council have shown that they are totally useless; the town deserves far better. They have destroyed a place that used to be vibrant. The whole town has been left behind. If we move I will probably never go to the town of Oldham again. I love Latics but have no love for Oldham anymore.

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I got out at 18. I then spent 9 years trying to get back and finally did.


The council have :censored:ed us over big time.


Slagging off the town.......which offends/alienates people like me and Dave Ragg who actually still live here and quite like it - and without the existence of which there'd never have been a football club which is supposed to be the thing we're uniting over.......... is not helpful.

Neither is slagging off the council we're going to rely on (seeing as no one will accept leaving the town) to help with the next harebrained scheme to build a new home but there's about 200 people doing that.


And Dave's long known my thoughts on the town so don't worry about that. :)

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I got out at 18. I then spent 9 years trying to get back and finally did.


The council have :censored:ed us over big time.


Slagging off the town.......which offends/alienates people like me and Dave Ragg who actually still live here and quite like it - and without the existence of which there'd never have been a football club which is supposed to be the thing we're uniting over.......... is not helpful.



I live here and have done all my life and it is over-populated by decaying walking corpses. Just go in the town centre on a weekday and you'll see what I mean. Oldham's a dying, backward thinking :censored:-hole, full of scroungers and low-lifes. We've been importing everyone else's problems around the north-west for years. I was once proud of my roots, now i'm embarrassed to say I come from this dump. The moment my job situation is sorted me and my family are gone. The only pride that remains is my club, if they move I go with them and will not glance back once.

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Rigsby saw all this coming,why did nobody else?

Only 1 loser in all of this,the honest fan in the street,just l;ike Oldham rugby before us its deja vu all over again.

PS Oldham council are both a joke AND potless,just incase any bright spark starts wondering if they will lift a finger to help.

PPS to the idiot on the other thread slaggin me for suggesting conference footy next year,its rather ironic that the OWNER of the club has pretty much agreed with that sentiment of mine from yesterday.

goodnight vienna.

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Tameside - go for it I say, if only to back OMBC into a corner. The outcry (after the ORLFC) debacle will back them into a corner...


think tameside maybe a step too far away for a lot of fans.....rochdale is closest but there is also middleton..bury may also be an option or stockport as well for that matter...dont think there is anywhere big enough in hollinwood either to accomodate what they want....


so he has the lancaster club and its facilities...so if it was myself in this situation,i would look to suppliment my loss by creating the football pitches and the five a side pitches and get them being played on bringing in income....


i would be looking at every option available regarding available land.....possible ground sharing..and also drawing up legal papers and sueing oldham council to recoup my costs outlayed in failed attempts to better the town....i would then want to contact the government and see if there is anything which can be done down that route,that oldham council are not a fit and proper body to represent the borough,and the people that live inside its boundries....how they have wrecked a once proud town to look like a cheap pound shop area with neglected areas delapidated services and facilities and no real leauisure ammenities for the people of the town....


i think and hope that his stance in the chron is directly aimed at the shambolic way in which the council has treated him...the club and its fans.....and that with intervention they are forced into making land available....


latics will still exist.....there will always be somebody ready to come and help when it really gets tough....


but i thibk what must be down is everybody needs to complain the the leader of oldham council directly to let him know exactly how disgusted and disgruntled we are....

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Love United Hate Glazer


Love The Club Hate The Town


no not the same so no we havent copied, if you can think of anything better then please share


You're even worse than Egypt (?)


We'd rather have Mubarak (?)


What do we want?

Women linesmen!


When do we want em?




Give us a T=eeae, I=ieie, T=eeae, E=eassss.

What do you call em?

The Council



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Neither is slagging off the council we're going to rely on (seeing as no one will accept leaving the town) to help with the next harebrained scheme to build a new home but there's about 200 people doing that.


And Dave's long known my thoughts on the town so don't worry about that. :)


I have known you're thoughts on the town for a long time. Still doesn't mean that signature doesn't make you look like a right stupid c**t.

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Tell that to the vast number of armchair blues we appear to have nowadays. The vast banks of blue/white seats in the 3 sides of BP tell their own sorry story!


Please can you define the word VAST? As you seem to be using a different definition to me.

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Please can you define the word VAST? As you seem to be using a different definition to me.


Well seeing that the ground holds a maximum of 10,638 and we have an average attendance of 4497, this leaves 6,141 empty seats. The word VAST means "great in size, amount, degree, intensity, or especially in extent or range" - As such, the range of empty seats to occupied seats is VAST!

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Football would have no interest for me if Oldham were to cease to play in the town. Everyone kicked off when MK Dons moved from Wimbledon, and in reality that's what we'd be doing, albeit not on such a large distance scale.




there'd be no comparison


we've tried to stay in Oldham, they specifically wanted to move 80 miles away

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my mate supports the roughyeds and reckons moving to the whitebank is the best thing they've done. i think corney has a plan to be honest from the chron and official articles but the club is in real trouble if he doesnt.


the only thing we can do is go and support the team and hope that we can finish as high up in the league as possible. promotion is starting to look more like what we need than what we want.

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Oldham as in the town itself isn't any worse than the likes of Rochdale, Bury and most other other northern market towns. I've lived in Bradford and Huddersfield and they are no worse or better towns, hence me moving back. Crime figures and property prices back that up. What is galling however is the absolute incompetence of Oldham's local authority.

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