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Petition Number 2

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Hi Everyone, I have created a second one, and I tihnk this is an important one.

It is on the Oldham Council website, and as far as I can see is the first ePetition ever!


I don't live in Oldham, but my Council has the same software, and if you get 1,000 signatures you can have a debate at the Council.

That should be achievable.


Of course, this is in the Council's back yard and should send a message to the council directly.


I urge you to sign it.


<a href="http://committees.oldham.gov.uk/mgEPetitionDisplay.aspx?ID=2&RPID=86577&HPID=86577" target="_blank">Sign the Petition on the OMBC council website</a>

Edited by singe
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Won't make any difference all these bloody petitions

There's two Lee.

One for the wider world, and one on the Councils door step.

300 on the one I staretd yesterday.

It gives a measure of feeling.

Whats the harm in signing them even if you don't feel they will work.


I don't live in Oldham any more, so it is my way of doing something tangible.

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There's two Lee.

One for the wider world, and one on the Councils door step.

300 on the one I staretd yesterday.

It gives a measure of feeling.

Whats the harm in signing them even if you don't feel they will work.


I don't live in Oldham any more, so it is my way of doing something tangible.

Good work singe. Lee - what are you doing?

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I'd really like the Councill to have a bit of a shock when they log in on Monday morning.


Can I ask your help to really push the council one too?

I've written to the two Chron reporters, Matthew Chambers and Dawn Marsden.


Incidentally, is ther a chance that Dawn would be related to Carl?


Up to 47 on the OMBC.

327 on the general one.


Thanks for everyon who has signed.

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dont know if i should sign this or not

i cant remember if i owed any council tax before i left for wakefield

oh sod it


ps...wakefield wildcats have gone into administration and im sure they would love someone to groundshare with them next season....guaranteed 1 full house if we go up against the white scum...

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if you must know im having a tug watching rudetube





i have signed both of them but it wont make a difference thats all im saying.

Lee, Just try and visualise Monday morning, a call to Charlie Parkers pffice

"Mr Parker, have you seem the ePetition page on the website, that no one has ever used? Well 100's of Oldham fans have signed it asking you to work with Simon Corney to keep Latics in Oldham"

CP "Bloody Hell, can you get him on the phone for me, and get one of PR to draft a statement saying we've been working with Oldham all along "


Obviously a but of artisitc licene, but you get the picture.


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I just noticed a Deborah Hargreaves on the list. Brings back memories. Autumn 1986. Garden shed. First kiss. It was a long and wistful walk home in the wet that day. Is that when everything started to go so wrong?



This could be the start of something beautiful

Or naughty....

SHe's probably got the address from here or Facebook or mayne the chron online.....

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