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Simon Corney on GMR

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Which supports my statement, we can't expect any more. Oldham Athletic have struggled to achieve anymore than that pre-Premiership, and there was plenty going on then. I agree, Corney was optimistic to hope for better than 7000 gates with playing staff that has seen its quality in decline for nearly a decade, and a football ground that is now an embarrassment. It's harsh for the teams dawdling at the wrong end of the pyramid with no brass or hope, but it's fairly plain to me - these days, success begats success, and until the day footy disappears up its own arse, if you can't buy success - you're :censored:ed.

...which leads me back to this: There has been nothing happening at Latics for ages now, how anyone can expect 8000 to roll up for a match at Latics these days is beyond me, one has to be seriously deluded or know something that the rest of the world doesn't. Considering our top-end is 8000 for when we are at our peak, 3000 or so is a true reflection of how successful Latics are right now, like it or not.


Like Lags has eluded to previously, there is only so much marching, fund raising, and faith keeping that some fans will do (after nothing changing for the better time and time again) without losing heart or "faith".

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In tonight’s rarely-wrong Chron, SC sympathises with the fans’ frustration at the goal drought.


Talking about Monday’s game, he says:

“It is a point, but if I’m being honest it is the kind of game we should be getting three points from. We haven’t done that in a long time and I think the fans have every right to feel aggrieved. Quite a few decided to come to the game even though it was on television and we appreciate that.“


Corney makes a point

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...which leads me back to this: There has been nothing happening at Latics for ages now, how anyone can expect 8000 to roll up for a match at Latics these days is beyond me, one has to be seriously deluded or know something that the rest of the world doesn't. Considering our top-end is 8000 for when we are at our peak, 3000 or so is a true reflection of how successful Latics are right now, like it or not.


Like Lags has eluded to previously, there is only so much marching, fund raising, and faith keeping that some fans will do (after nothing changing for the better time and time again) without losing heart or "faith".

It's true, but this was the point, the break even point will not be 8,000 now, nor will the expectation of those crowds.

Change happenz etc.


But yes, it is a very good point, that 3,000 is nearer the norm than 8,000 and that is a sad fact of lour lack of success, and some part down to the TTA, but other factors too.

Edited by singe
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My point is simple, those who have questions might like to seek answers from the horse's mouth. 'U' turns may follow as circumstances change, but it's got to be better than worrying about what the third cousin of the assistant groundsman might have said to someone's friend in a bus queue.


Oh my god, you'd be rubbish in court.


Terry: "You're honour, I'd like to question the defendent. Where were you on the night of the crime?"

Defendent: "At home, eating pizza, watching a movie with Leeslover"

Terry: "Your honour,the prosecution rests"

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totally agree with this. and i think it's a bit rich to moan about scaremongering when the simple fact is that for two months in a row there wasn't enough money in the club to pay the staff.

I think we would need to go bust before these high and mighty types sit there and think ":censored:, where's my club just gone folks???" By the way Diego, I too predicted long way back when that Failsworth wouldn't go ahead and that the whole plan was ridiculous and going to cost us time, money and our security. And that chasing this dream was chasing a high-end profit line rather than us looking at a sensible, strategy (like bit-by-bit redevelopment at BP) or other plans. Again, people such as yourself called it scaremongering, doom and gloom and we constantly had it rammed down our throats that it was Failsworth or bust (because Uncle Simon has told us so!) Sorry but you just can't keep using this line...to do so means you use it until the final key turn on OAFC occurs!


Sadly, it's the ever changing line coming out of OAFC that shows the answers behind the answers the horse is giving. I was at the Radcliffe School meeting (both of them) and the line "we will never be put into administration" has now become "we will do everything we can to not put the club in administration" (this from the meeting the other Monday.) It's now not a promise, but an objective that could fail. Like most other projects they've embarked on!


Another thing...nobody seems to have mentioned what seemed a slipped comment by Corney when he stated "you don't mess about with peoples wages like that" when he was talking about external influences. Seemed a pop at the "investor" who had pulled their money after Failsworth went bump. It's quiet worrying that this is where the money for wages is coming from. But then, we're told there's nothing to worry about. Too much talking with two heads coming from this "horses mouth" to know what is the truth.

Edited by boundaryblue80
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I judge by actions AND words, but more the context.

It is important Simon Corney puts a positive emphasis on things, he's hardly going to get queues at the turnstiles by going all Corp and saying we are doomed, look what has happenend when he's done that.

But he could have walked away many times for justifiable reasons.

Change happenz, it's how you deal with it is the making of you.

Not a happy clapper by any stretch, questions should be asked, answers sought to ALL involved (yes you members of the Trust as well) but nor should ajudgements be made on the basis of statements 8 years ago, when the world was a different place.

Indeed...which is why it's utterly f***ing embarrassing when he comes out with:


"if it wasn't for the football this season so far, I wouldn't be here" - think this was around October


and then the "I'm not going to go to the Daggers game" as he shows his arse over the Council/Failsworth debacle.


There are a lot of parties to blame for where we are. But I will maintain, while things are bad and until we have a new stadium will continue to be, the woeful decisions that have been taken by TTA and Corney himself has left us worse than it should have. There are a lot of disillusioned people not coming now not just because of whichever manager they want to hate, but because of a pick of the sacking of Shez, the scrapping of re-development, the decision to choose Failsworth as the venue for a new stadium and just sheer bad running of the club (ie. a club shop that won't print names on shirts because it's 4.30 and takes X amount of time for the machine to heat up etc.)

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I think we would need to go bust before these high and mighty types sit there and think ":censored:, where's my club just gone folks???"


I think we need to go bust before the absentees sit there and think ":censored:, where's my club just gone folks???"


... By the way Diego, I too predicted long way back when that Failsworth wouldn't go ahead and that the whole plan was ridiculous and going to cost us time, money and our security. And that chasing this dream was chasing a high-end profit line rather than us looking at a sensible, strategy (like bit-by-bit redevelopment at BP) or other plans. Again, people such as yourself called it scaremongering, doom and gloom and we constantly had it rammed down our throats that it was Failsworth or bust (because Uncle Simon has told us so!) Sorry but you just can't keep using this line...to do so means you use it until the final key turn on OAFC occurs!


I have consistently stated that I wish to stay at BP. All discussion of the Failsworth issues has been on the basis of us being told by the horses's mouth that it was Failsworth or bust. Until the horse's mouth puts forward an alternative, what else can we do?


..Sadly, it's the ever changing line coming out of OAFC that shows the answers behind the answers the horse is giving. I was at the Radcliffe School meeting (both of them) and the line "we will never be put into administration" has now become "we will do everything we can to not put the club in administration" (this from the meeting the other Monday.) It's now not a promise, but an objective that could fail. Like most other projects they've embarked on!


Another thing...nobody seems to have mentioned what seemed a slipped comment by Corney when he stated "you don't mess about with peoples wages like that" when he was talking about external influences. Seemed a pop at the "investor" who had pulled their money after Failsworth went bump. It's quiet worrying that this is where the money for wages is coming from. But then, we're told there's nothing to worry about. Too much talking with two heads coming from this "horses mouth" to know what is the truth.


We don't know whether what is coming from the horse's mouth is the truth, until hindsight questions whether it was the truth or has been the subject of changed circumstances. Likewise we don't know what is the truth coming from posters on here. My point is that there are enough things to worry about without worrying about the latter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In tonight’s rarely-wrong Chron, SC talks about the non-payment of wages and efforts to secure a new site for the stadium.

“I think people are scare-mongering and trying to cause problems, but we are absolutely fine.

“It is a struggle and nobody is denying that, month to month, but we will get through to the end of the season, somehow, some way.

“I have always said that and nothing has changed.

“I understand people are concerned, but they have to realise we are not in a bad situation.

“I say it all the time, we don’t have any debt. We are one of the better run clubs, whether people believe it or not.

“I think some people do try to cause trouble and stir things up, but it is absolutely fine.”

SC: Defiant talk


you missed the part where it says the club is for sale

"Athletic’s future beyond this season remains uncertain. Though the club is up for sale, nobody has come yet forward to express an interest"


We knew that already, but the rarely-wrong Chron obviously felt it necessary to state it again and pour cold water on Corney's quote, thereby proving the very point he was making.


Among last night’s rarely-wrong Chron's online comments:

got told today latics are going into administration soon as the seasons over, apparently this corney bloke is getting loans to pay the wages till may . then go into administration to avoid the 10 point penalty now ?...sounds a bit fishy to me, but if its true credit simon with holding out till sreasons over, i suppose starting next season minus 10 is better than getting relegated

By fatbloke77 @ 13/04/2011 01:05:10


Keeping the rumour pot bubbling. :disappointed:

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New rule #2: Don't infer that Zorrro makes up rules as he goes along.


Downboated. Oh, the humanity!


Surely no one is going to cease attending because of some poorly-written post on the Chron website :lol:

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Maybe there are no buyers coming forward cause of all the 'doom an gloom' and bad financial factors.

Wait til we go in administration and THEN buy cos there'll be less creditors who are owed money.


Here's one for the ridiculous rumourville gossipers:

The council saying they'll help with a new ground cause of their balls up of the charity land swap...no financial help...they still have Vance Millers compo to sort out...he's lining up to buy the club and build us a stadium...




But seriously, I think TTA have had an amazing run of bad luck timing. If the credit crunch hadn't occured when it did...we would probably be in the brand spanking new stadium now.

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Maybe there are no buyers coming forward cause of all the 'doom an gloom' and bad financial factors.

Wait til we go in administration and THEN buy cos there'll be less creditors who are owed money.


Here's one for the ridiculous rumourville gossipers:

The council saying they'll help with a new ground cause of their balls up of the charity land swap...no financial help...they still have Vance Millers compo to sort out...he's lining up to buy the club and build us a stadium...




But seriously, I think TTA have had an amazing run of bad luck timing. If the credit crunch hadn't occured when it did...we would probably be in the brand spanking new stadium now.

Newham council have arranged a £40m loan for West Ham to move to the Olympic Stadium

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