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Posting Photographs

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Jeez , surely its much easier to ban or warn anyone posting unsavoury comments on a picture rather than remove the pics, that to a man/woman/goat the cossie wearer would be delighted to see on here , Facebook,O.S , Chron or anywhere else for that matter??

1st part on the question, no it's not - OWTB was asked to remove some of the pics, I took them all down to save the current admin a lot of time moderating (banning and warning and editing and so-on) and repeating the process for individual photographs. If the owner and the subjects of some of the images wish to parlez to sort this out, fine. I'm sure we can arrange for them to be put back on. Otherwise, it's as you were.


2nd part of the question I'm struggling with.

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I've never seen a really live woman in a swimming cozzie before. Could you please re-post the images so I can peruse, for let's say 10 mins? I'm sure the people in question won't mind at all; it's for the greater good. I know they asked for them to be removed and, if you're gonna be all dictatoresque about it, maybe you could PM me the pics? That'd be a reasonable compromise, innit?



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...If the owner and the subjects of some of the images wish to parlez to sort this out, fine. I'm sure we can arrange for them to be put back on. Otherwise, it's as you were.


If the subjects of my pictures ask on OWTB for their return, then I'll be only too happy to post them.

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Either or squire.


Much appreciated.


Send me a PM with your email address.


Glad I got in the chron.


The rarely-wrong Chron pays tribute to the fancy dress supporters in the match report:

As far as many people were concerned, last weekend’s big event was all about the grandeur of the clothes and the wonder at the sheer man-hours which had gone into such intricate and fantastic creations.


And decked in traditional fancy dress for the final away-day of the season, Athletic fans didn’t let anybody down on their venture into Wiltshire.


Stewie from the television show Family Guy stood alongside a couple of fake sheikhs and enjoyed a right royal day out.


On days like that, the quality of football isn’t the be-all-and-end-all. Most won’t remember much about the game the following morning in any case.


But the superheroes, animals and US air pilots...



In a separate rarely-wrong Chron item, there are pictures of the Sailor Girls and Gingerbread Man, who I assume have given permission for their publication. :unsure:

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