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The Euros 2012 Fantasy Football thread

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Update: since the pay to play league isn't going to happen (see this game instead for cash prizes - http://www.owtb.co.u...topic=38670&hl=) let's go with the official UEFA/McDonald's game.


You can access this here.


New league set-up, called simply OWTB and the registration pin is 116475-27299.


Any problems, just shout.


I'll keep the Sky one running, in case people still want to play that one too.




Original message:

Okay, folks. I have set up a free league at http://fantasyfootba....skysports.com/.


The OWTB mini-league is called OWTB Free to Play and the pin is 8012689.


I was surprised the poll in the other thread went in favour of the pay-to-play league. Unfortunately, as I tried to set one up, I realised that Sky don't make it easy. You have to pay the fee from a SkyBet account, which is fine but the minimum deposit is £5. This leaves us with three options:

  1. have a £5 entry charge;
  2. keep the £2 but be forced to bet the other £3 - as it's too small a fee to withdraw from the SkyBet a/c; or
  3. ditch it and go with the free league.

The second option doesn't seem a good one to me. The £5 entry seems steep so I'm guessing that will put a lot of people off. On the off-chance people do want a £5 league, I've stuck up another poll; unless the response to this is particularly positive, I'll stick with the freebie league.

Edited by Stevie_J
Update and poll removed.
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Reminds me of Euro 2004 we had a competition at work, basically had to predict every game from the outset, I did and had worked out the winners to be Portugal and when they were lining up against Greece in the final I thought I was home and dry. Points were awarded for correct scored etc…. and as long as Portugal won I had won £500 as no-one could overtake my final total.


Needless to say Greece won and some clueless non-football supporting cow from accounts won the prize, gutted…………………..still, even eight years on.




I like football, but the Euros the Euros can fook off…..

Edited by oafcprozac
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I'd have happily have transfered £5 to your bank account if you admin the league.


I'm not using the sky one though. On the mcdonalds euro one which seems to be the one most are using.

McDonalds Euro is the official one and best bet (plus I already have a team there)

You're both right. I did see that one but went with the Sky one as I didn't realise it would be so difficult and it offered the prize options.


Original post updated with details for the McDonald's game.

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it's clearly not always about the big name players ;)


some competition would be nice

To be fair to the rest of us- you are doing brilliantly over the competition as a whole, nevermind us lot.

Edited by rudemedic
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