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Cheaper Tickets for the unemployed

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If the people aren't doing it freely and they expect something in return, its not volunteering and takes the club into acting as their employer. From the individuals point of view, they could potentially lose any support/benefits they are recieving.

I don't know the ins and outs of the system but I'm sure something like this could be gotten around if the club didn't explicitly state that the work would result in free tickets.


I'd be in favour of a voluntary work scheme at OAFC - it'd be a great way to engage with the community and help people gain work experience, especially if it could be extended beyond simply shifting frost covers.


I wouldn't be in favour of a blanket discount for unemployed fans. As others have said, attending football is (although it doesn't feel very much like it at BP) a luxury. Should we also have cheaper concert tickets and cinema tickets for the unemployed?


All that aside, I'm not sure there's a strong business case for it regardless. I imagine there are a few unemployed who attend already - any increase in attendance (which, lets be honest, would be very small) would by offset by the loss in revenue from those already attending. Lets say there are 50 unemployed attending at £19 - that's £950. If the price was dropped to £12 we'd need 80 to attend to get the same income.

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Hear hear- only at latics would my University photo student ID card not be accepted as proof that I'm a student...


You know how up to the minute the OAFC office is. You need to provide slate, robes and bursary scroll from the workhouse.

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I see no reason to single out any particular group other than the usual child, student and oap.


My view is that season tickets should be no more than £300 for an adult with payment by instalments but no interest say 10 @ £30. I'm sure this would encourage more people to buy season tickets and the discount they are getting would make it fare to offer certain gains at a discount to all non season ticket holders. You could even ask just £5 when there is little away support so we don't lose out on that. It is not only the unemployed who are struggling to make ends meet - many low paid workers have had their pay frozen for years and others less than inflation increases.


The desired outcome would be to allow some people who can't usually afford to attend see a match and others to try out the match day experience. It would also be good PR.

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People could have got a free ticket on Monday if they had got up and helped take the covers off the pitch. Massive incentive there already if you want to watch a free game of football.


i wouldve gone but with the time they wanted people there and the time buses start to run from my village i wouldnt of got there till after the time stated

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Guest Scratch2000uk

Whats luxurious about watching Latics? freezing cold, pissed wet through, no atmosphere (unless we're winning). :tongue1:


I'm not sure about the work for a ticket scheme, they could just as easily volunteer like anyone else, and as some have said it's a good incentive to those who are willing but are unfortunate not to be able to work, find a job or be able to afford it, although it must be a labour of love, if they do. :towork:

I think the permanent discount would be unpopular, although it wouldn't bother me as i didn't' buy a season ticket.

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Being someone who works i can understand the fustrations but as i said on facebook not all unemployed people are bone idle lazy beer drinking Jeremy Kyle and if this helps them get to a game am all for it.


Although at Orient away last season four of us got in cheap by photocopying the same letter and getting in.

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I actually agree with you


I had a chat with a Swindon fan the other day as I was saying £25 is too much for a league 1 game. He told me that he would pay £30 on the day as they play great football in his eyes


The point being the price isnt the problem, its the :censored: we keep serving up on the pitch why fans arent helped coupled with the fact we have a tired on ground with 3 sides that bloody freezing at the best of times


Im fully prepared for the fact we might have a new stand but also a new increased entrance fee to pay for it

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no id be against this. if you are trying to live off 50 quid a week or whatever there is no way you should be able to afford live football, even at 12 quid. realistically how many people would just go to the game then go home? there is the pre and post match pint, travel etc. you would end up spending 20 quid minimum. from the clubs point of view they need to attract as many fans as possible, but not like this. you have to look at it from the other side and say its a luxury the unemployed just shouldnt be able to afford.


i have been unemployed and i spent everyday down the job centre/trawling newspaper ads/door knocking til i found work. i ended up with 2 jobs, but until then i treated every penny like it was a £, every £ like it was a tenner. shouldnt be "wasting" money on things like latics imo.

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£12 is the price it should be for everybody. £19 for :censored: 3rd tier football is an absolute disgrace bordering on robbery, and I can't people (including myself) still pay it.


This is true, but it's the age old problem - it would be suicide for any club to do anything about that unilaterally.

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