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I've cracked and ordered an xbox last night (via playershare shop & amazon), it is currently in Irlam on route to my office. I ordered GTA 5 with it but I guess they are sending a few out so that hasn't despatched yet. I may pick one up on the way home then take the one from Amazon back to that shop and say "oops, my wife bought me one as well...."

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I bought NHL14 in the hope it would discourage me from buying this... it's a lot less addictive... but having spent most of the weekend watching videos of people playing (amazon.co.uk shipped early to people in "outlying regions") I think I will just end up with both!

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It's graphically brilliant and appears to have a real plot this time, as opposed to just go kill him, then go there and kill him....

Centred around bank robbing. Have to choose your crew, decide how to do the job etc. as well as the old favourite gta stuff. I'm loving it. I'm such a nerd....

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Jesus! Setting up an xbox is a bit of a ballache! Add account, address.... then 8GB of loading the game and putting the second disc in. It wasn't like that in my day....


Bought it on the way home and cancelled the amazon one as it hadn't shipped.


Yay! Install complete, now lemmeeatttit!

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Good God : Grown men getting excited over a computer game...

I can't afford it - in terms of time away from my everyday life - but I don't see it as immature. It's like a TV serial you partially author.


And it takes considerably more creative and technical know-how to create than your average telly programme or film or beach book. It's a superior leisure product.

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Got a couple of hours in eventually last night. I don't think my tactic of avoiding the police is sustainable, drive into the country around the Vinewood sign until the stars stop flashing.


I hammered GTA 3 - San Andreas, got 4 for the PC but haven't played it too much so I'm rusty in terms of evading being busted. Also, the little dot that shows where your gun is pointing is a bit small, started to get the hang of the auto targeting and just got to grips with doing drive-bys after several repeat attempts at the mission where you have to nick the bike.


Tis fun!

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Do it!


On my last save it said 7% I think, I've done about 15 missions, I was driving to get another mission earlier and the Pet SHop Boys - West End Girls came on, I didn't get to the mission point. Like Vice City all over again, sod the game, I've been having ridiculous amounts of fun!


I used to be hooked on all gaming, last console I bought was the Wii. I've kept my hand in with PC gaming like Fallout 3/New Vegas, Skyrim but enjoyed Civilisation and FM more. GTA 5 has reminded me how much fun console gaming can be.


Just downloaded the demo of Banjo Kazooie, loved that on the N64, bit steep at £9.99 but I'll pay it in a few days. Had a pop at Pro Evo again, think the last one I played was 4, I'm still awful at it but to kill 10 minutes or so it can't be beaten. Might get the 12 or 12 version to get back in the swing for about £15 as the new one is out soon. Just need a Mario Kart or Diddy Kong Racing and I'm set.

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Do it!


On my last save it said 7% I think, I've done about 15 missions, I was driving to get another mission earlier and the Pet SHop Boys - West End Girls came on, I didn't get to the mission point. Like Vice City all over again, sod the game, I've been having ridiculous amounts of fun!


I used to be hooked on all gaming, last console I bought was the Wii. I've kept my hand in with PC gaming like Fallout 3/New Vegas, Skyrim but enjoyed Civilisation and FM more. GTA 5 has reminded me how much fun console gaming can be.


Just downloaded the demo of Banjo Kazooie, loved that on the N64, bit steep at £9.99 but I'll pay it in a few days. Had a pop at Pro Evo again, think the last one I played was 4, I'm still awful at it but to kill 10 minutes or so it can't be beaten. Might get the 12 or 12 version to get back in the swing for about £15 as the new one is out soon. Just need a Mario Kart or Diddy Kong Racing and I'm set.


Ghosts is on pre-order too. I've re-discovered my COD mojo since playing MW3 again recently (hardcore ricochet only, mind), although I do prefer tacticals like the BF series and R6.

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