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Can we please stop booing

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Are they all grown men though ? Are they all well paid ?


They'll be people who post on this forum on a lot more than our players who don't take a tenth of the :censored: they do .


I'm not aware of any teenagers on the pitch, although please correct me if I'm wrong. And compared to the wage paid vs hours put in for the average non-footballing worker, I'd say they are well paid, even at League 1 level.



It's getting ridiculous thou now. Every opening goal against gets boo'ed. Every stray pass, Every missed tackle, It's :censored:.


We don't sing, we don't make a noise even whilst we swing a ball in for a corner or free kick, but we can boo loud enough. It's :censored:


I'll agree with the not singing bit, Lags. That pisses me off too. However, like all teams, our fans need something to get them going as well. Going one down after only 3 minutes on a miserable, cold Tuesday evening, with no other bugger in the ground? It's hardly conducive to a cauldron of enthusiasm is it?! Combine that with the fact that we start badly most home games and have done for a while now, there's only one possible outcome.


Nothing would please me more than having to arrive at BP an hour early just to make sure I've got a seat (even though I'm a ST holder), struggle my way through thousands of excited blues to get to my seat, not sit in it for 90 minutes because I'm singing my heart out for the lads. See some half decent stuff and go home happy at least 50% of the time - I don't expect us to be playing like Barca. But it's just not there. And there's not even the slightest hint that it's round the corner either. No replacement of decent signings, just non league journeymen, I could go on....

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I don't boo. I don't like booing. I didn't boo last night.


But how else are people meant to express themselves after last night's gutless, clueless and pedestrian first half?


I'd feel hugely ashamed if I'd brought those players to a football club, selected them for action bad been rewarded with the lack of effort and lack of passion they put in.


With the exception of Harkins it was inept in the extreme.


I'd love those same players to give the crowd the reason to roar them on. They deserved to be barracked for that first half.


Johnson needs to find the spark of motivation that ignites the players he selects. If he doesn't, the crowd will turn on him. It's not even pretty when we lose these days.

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Admittedly I did boo at HT simply because it was painfull to watch and there was no commitment or sense of urgency whatsoever the players didn't look bothered we were two down and to them it meant nothing. I am sick to the backteeth of this support the lads brigade, the critique should now surely be aimed at the manager and players especially after taking into account our home form. Out of 21 games at home this year in all comps we have won just 7!! That's not just bad form that's support killing club going out of existence trends we have to improve at home its those fans that keep the club running! Effectively this year its like saying around 67% of the time we won't win at home, your lucky people just boo with that stat!

Edited by KYLEOAFC
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' :censored: off stead ' 'get him off johnson '


What will this achieve ?

Will it give him a boost ? An extra yard of pace ?

It's detrimental . No one wants to take us for a ride , not one player out there tonight isn't comfortable for their future . Whether they care for the club a tenth of what we do they have their own motivations .

I don't boo and will never boo because they are my team.


However Stead's performance last night was one of the most inept I have ever seen in a Latics shirt and I can fully understand any money paying customer who wanted to criticize him. I did it myself.


Like I say booing the team isn't the right way, but there are many happy clapping idiots who would still be clapping them off if we were 4-0 down at home to Droylsden at half time.


You pay's your money, you takes your choice and unfortunately that is the way it will always be.

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Those who decided to boo after that 1st half showing, well; I cant really blame them. I didnt; but feck me I was close.


Atmosphere wise; maybe i'm getting old, but i dot really come to games anymore and inmediately break into song.

I need and want the side to give me something to cheer and shout about.

Did that happen at all for the 1st 45mins? Did it :censored:.

Slight improvement in 2nd half and low and behold, a fair few 'come on Oldhams' start up.


How anyone could be expected to get excited from that 1st half showing i beyond me. And, TBH; i dont really have any issues with any fan expressing their disgust - be it Booing or ought else after watching that last.

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We have the latest bunch of short term contractors . In the real world contractors have contracts terminated with a weeks notice and are not paid off if they don't deliver.

All fans want is 90 minutes of effort from every player in every game . They can always get a proper job if their paymasters booing them for going through the motions is too upsetting........

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I was not there tonight but sadly this is a new unwanted trend in football heard it on TV seen it happen at England games. Seem there is no patience alot of fans getting fustrated wanting instant success.



But that doesn't really apply to us does it? Unless folk think that watching poor football in a dilapidated stadium in front of fewer and fewer fans for 17 :censored:ty years in the same :censored:ty league, with only the briefest of dalliances with the play offs constitutes wanting 'instant success'?


Well I don't. I'm :censored:ing fed up with it, and if the players and manager don't like the fact that fans are booing or voting with their feet, they better man up, and pretty :censored:ing quickly.

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I can understand all the posts complaining about the standard of football last night, I really can. I didn't clap um off because I just didn't feel inspired to do so.


Yet it's now the trend to boo when a goal goes in against us, that is just not right. We are not backing the side one jot with encouragement, song or praise. Did anyone not notice to a man the side never celebrated Charlie's goal with the Chaddy end? tell me they are not feeling it!

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I hope they are feeling it, Lags. I really hope they bloody well do. Because I tell you what, I feel it virtually every single home game. And I'm paying for the privilege.


This year is the first in three that I've had a ST again. I stopped after nearly 35 years of having one. I really had a sense of optimism at the beginning of the season, and even going into Christmas. Now it's gone back to what I was feeling three years ago. With the exception of the 2nd half against The Posh, going to BP just puts me in a bad mood which lasts all day. It's supposed to be my time, when I can switch off from work and home and get that release, but instead I feel worse when I walk out of there, and it shouldn't be like that.


Booing the opening goal is no new thing at all. You've been a fan for a long time Lags, you must surely remember. I certainly do. The protest after the game to get rid of Lees brewery? The chants during games of "We're :censored:, and we're sick of it"?? That's going back 15 years or so (I'm sure someone can provide the exact date).


Booing isn't new or more prevalent with Latics. It's like a lot of things these days - we just see more of it because we're exposed to more media, more of the time...

Edited by Snookmeister
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It's supposed to be my time, when I can switch off from work and home and get that release, but instead I feel worse when I walk out of there, and it shouldn't be like that.


But that's football. If it's causing you so much grief, just don't go. Write off the remainder of the ST as a bad do and do something better with your Saturday afternoons.

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I can understand all the posts complaining about the standard of football last night, I really can. I didn't clap um off because I just didn't feel inspired to do so.


Yet it's now the trend to boo when a goal goes in against us, that is just not right. We are not backing the side one jot with encouragement, song or praise. Did anyone not notice to a man the side never celebrated Charlie's goal with the Chaddy end? tell me they are not feeling it!

I get your point Lags.


But, tbf - how many times do you see a side / group of players celebrate a goal when they are 2 nil down and have played god-awful for 45mins?


Its usually the norm for the players to run into the net and pick the ball up, and get themselves back to the halfway line sharpish.


For what its worth; they did celebrate of sorts with each other - Harkins for the delivery and Charlie Mac for the goal got high fives etc as they made their way back for the kick-off.


FWIW, i actually wouldnt have wanted them to have celebrated in the "usual" fashion last night.

We were 2 down and had played one of the worst 45mins of Football i can remember for a good while (and that includes the Dickov laterly dross and the Penney season).

Their reserved celebration was absolutely warranted IMO...

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Some moaned when they did something :censored:, some booed them off at halftime, most encouraged & sang a bit and got behind them for a while after we'd scored and while we were having a go, then moaned a bit again when they did something :censored:. Some booed again at the end because we'd lost.


This has happened at hundreds of Latics games I've been to and happens up and down the country every week.


What am I missing?

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The real shame of this season how it's panning out was that in the beginning Latics under LJ were playing some really enjoyable stuff to watch but losing. Getting plaudits from all over the place. It carried on and on playing good stuff, most possession etc, but still losing too many. Then the belief in the system being adopted obviously ebbed away until LJ made the decision to ditch the ethos and the players deemed unable to fit in to the new system that was to be played.


We're now in a situation like many a season before, new loanee player's all trying to gel to stave off relegation and the crowd sinking into the same old same old attitude. At the last meet the manager sessions it was clear LJ was starting to question his system and certain player's in his squad, losing the belief if you will. Thinking out loud at that meeting questioning himself was it time to abandon the style he was trying to in stillat the club. I told him not to, because I believed it was going the right way with the crowd in the main backing the style. I now believe he lost the faith.


I just don't believe booing is the way forward, it just isn't.

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You'd think were the only team in the country who has fans that moan/criticise/complain at the drop of a hat. this happens with ALL teams, it's not just us.


This happens in football, it won't change either. The players will receive overwhelming praise at times and others they will be treated like a persons worst enemy, this is the same for all clubs. It's not ideal but it's just the way it is, I imagine everyone posting has called/slagged off a player in their day.


Edit: The above sounds like I'm supporting booing, I'm not, I'm just stating how it is in football in general

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Sly's comment...


"Those who decided to boo after that 1st half showing, well; I cant really blame them. I didnt; but feck me I was close"



Me either. I don't agree with booing them off, ESPECIALLY at HT. I have never booed the players off. Last night I stood up and walked off at full time. I couldn't be arsed with them at half time. I always say "players actually put effort in, they are just crap." when the line of "they didn't try" is often said. Last night I watched a lack of effort in that first half.


Second half was better, but never did I feel we would score (other than from a set piece)


For the first time ever I have been worried all season that we would go down. Now I am extremely worried. the warning signs are there unless we address some issues.

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for me its not even the booing, which if you need to then boo at the end if the players deserve it....


people talk about atmosphere at the games, there is none due to the fact fans sitting waiting for things to happen when maybe a bit of noise a bit of encouragment can work wonders. Its all negative waiting for stuff to go wrong.


There are may fans who are stuck in their ways and will moan and shout 'get it forward' no matter what but there is enough people on here to create a positive atmosphere at home games and that doesnt have to mean singing songs, it could be clapping a man as he takes a corner or a throw, raising the noise when a winger is about to take a man on and even if he doesnt beat him encourage him.


Most on here know I dont like Connor Briown as a player but I have never abused him or booed him at a match, I clap when he does something right and keep my opinions to myself until after the game.


Its not difficult even with small numbers


People give themselves a big pat on the back for the away fans....lets see it at home eh?

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for me its not even the booing, which if you need to then boo at the end if the players deserve it....


people talk about atmosphere at the games, there is none due to the fact fans sitting waiting for things to happen when maybe a bit of noise a bit of encouragment can work wonders. Its all negative waiting for stuff to go wrong.


There are may fans who are stuck in their ways and will moan and shout 'get it forward' no matter what but there is enough people on here to create a positive atmosphere at home games and that doesnt have to mean singing songs, it could be clapping a man as he takes a corner or a throw, raising the noise when a winger is about to take a man on and even if he doesnt beat him encourage him.


Most on here know I dont like Connor Briown as a player but I have never abused him or booed him at a match, I clap when he does something right and keep my opinions to myself until after the game.


Its not difficult even with small numbers


People give themselves a big pat on the back for the away fans....lets see it at home eh?

That's your choice though, if you feel that you can put up with an inept performance.


I agree with Lags that we shouldn't boo the players as a collective, although th PR guy looked a bit silly shouting "remember Peterborough" at those booing.


Although I wouldn't normally get involved with having a go at players out load, but I couldn't help myself to not tell Stead to get some effort in last night. And when he continued to not give a :censored:e, I shouted for LJ to get JCH on.


As paying customer's we all reserve the right of opinion and it will always widely differ. Just like some might sit through a crap meal in a restaraunt and when asked if they enjoyed it, will say "yes thanks" to be nice. Other's will say "that was garbage and I am not paying for it". If only the same applied to football, there would be several hundred 50% refunds from last night.

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