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More concerning is those who were vocal in support of this are now backtracking because the manager isn't keen on the idea, as if his opinion holds more weight than that of the vast majority of the supporters.

The mangers position here is critical.

Surely TTA would have run it by him BEFORE all this came out into the open.

Putting aside everything else its looks Fookin amatuerish,as best.

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More concerning is those who were vocal in support of this are now backtracking because the manager isn't keen on the idea, as if his opinion holds more weight than that of the vast majority of the supporters.

The manager has to be content with all signings, it is vitally important to the short term future progress of OAFC!

Corney cocking up yet again, isnt it time he pissed off to the States and left someone else in charge, someone who has a clue!

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I guess on the bright side of all this gloom, if the board back track we can look forward to bumper crowds now all the online petitioner's have reignited their lost passion for the club. I dare also say some supporters fears of being asked question about Ched Evans due to being OAFC fans is probably correct. You as I will be asked, but it won't reflect on me for gods sake! It's like saying I am British, our wealth and good standard of life is on the back of horrid doings all over this planet, it now reflects on me.


The day this country turns on ex criminals to appease the mob rule everyone in the end game will wished it hadn't. If you don't allow hope you'll reap what you sow.

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Right, next time I'm on the lookout for a syphonic roof drainage installation I'll remember to discount organisations that pander to braying mobs.

We had a new Conservatory installed and 1 of the fitters told me he had been inside, I listened to his story and tried to give him some guidance and understanding for trying to re-build his life!

If he had asked me to pay £22 to watch him do his job whilst I sang his name I would have kicked him off the job!

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We had a new Conservatory installed and 1 of the fitters told me he had been inside, I listened to his story and tried to give him some guidance and understanding for trying to re-build his life!

If he had asked me to pay £22 to watch him do his job whilst I sang his name I would have kicked him off the job!

I presume you paid him much more than £22?

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Lee Hughes? Ring any bells


You keep saying that while seemingly ignoring people explaining how this is some what different... or why they feel it is different...


Lee Hughes showed remorse, accepted his guilt, pledged to change, pledged to do community support work etc. He ticked all the boxes that Evans is refusing to tick.


Does any of that ring any bells for you or are you going to keep bring the debate down to the mud ?

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You keep saying that while seemingly ignoring people explaining how this is some what different... or why they feel it is different...


Lee Hughes showed remorse, accepted his guilt, pledged to change, pledged to do community support work etc. He ticked all the boxes that Evans is refusing to tick.


Does any of that ring any bells for you or are you going to keep bring the debate down to the mud ?

Ched insists he is innocent,what about the guilford 4,where they innocent? yes they were,but 99% of the population would have lunched them given the chance

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You keep saying that while seemingly ignoring people explaining how this is some what different... or why they feel it is different...


Lee Hughes showed remorse, accepted his guilt, pledged to change, pledged to do community support work etc. He ticked all the boxes that Evans is refusing to tick.


Does any of that ring any bells for you or are you going to keep bring the debate down to the mud ?

For the millionth time why would Evans show remorse when he is claiming innocence? Hughes case was far more clear cut.

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I agree with the argument that once someone has served their time then you can't then prevent them from working, if he plays professional football again it wont cause me palpitations and have me sighing petitions left right and centre. There's plenty of worse people than Evans out there living free and earning a living.

I just really don't want him playing for our club. I feel the same way I did with Lee Hughes - I wouldn't touch him with a bargepole. Although Lee Hughes was an even worse case in my opinion - running off leaving two dead there and then and another died a year later - and I know plenty of people didn't give two hoots. The fact is though that signing Evans is PR suicide for the club, there's far more to lose than gain - Corney's not doing it as a principled stand in his fight for the rehabilitation of offenders, he's doing it because he sees it as a signing we could never have hoped for in normal circumstances - is Evans going to shoot us all the way to the Championship? No. Is his signing going to lose us fans and goodwill? Yes.

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Ched insists he is innocent,what about the guilford 4,where they innocent? yes they were,but 99% of the population would have lunched them given the chance


He went to court... Found guilty

He appealed... Found guilty


He is GUILTY....


He now has two choices...


Accept this, show remorse, say sorry, change his attitude towards women and move on with his life.




Go away, challenge and over turn the verdict, and THEN attempt to become a professional footballer again.


The currently chosen third option is a :censored:ing disaster and distasteful for all involved.


To stop saying its the same as Lee Hughes as its obviously a different situation.

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For the millionth time why would Evans show remorse when he is claiming innocence? Hughes case was far more clear cut.


I wasn't on the jury and neither was you which makes your point without any substance whatsoever....


If he was innocent then he needs to go and prove it. So far its a clear 2-0 in the courts favour.

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