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How times and fortunes change

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Listening to Micky Quinn on talk :censored:e the other day, he told the story of his transfer to Oldham. He stated he was going to Man City, but they wanted to pay the 52K in instalments cos they didn't have it in one lump. Oldham came in with the 52K and he came here,


Quinny put City's money troubles down to the Malcolm Allison regime spending millions on the likes of Steve Daly. He claimed it left them broke. Which it probably did.

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....it was mildly frustrating to see him go up with Pompy a year later, while we were left to deal with the play offs.... However, he was in effect replaced by Andy Ritchie.... and it wasn't long before we were achieving more than he was.


I felt the same about Tommy Wright after he buggered off to Leicester..... he was replaced by Rick Holden..... and so Ditto.


It would be satisfying to have the same feeling towards some that have left in recent times.... Furman , Johnson & Tommy Wright again in particular.

Edited by lookersstandandy
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Every time I go past the car parks on a normal non match day, and see a couple of hundred cars parked on there at £3 a pop or whatever it is, my brain always does some quick maths and tells me the car parks probably make in excess of £300k per year.

Then a Latics driving school car goes past me and I think hmmm bet that makes some money. Wonder if the club get any of this? Im going to bring it up on owtb see if anybody knows..

Then I forget or the club does someting stupid (or occasionally something good) and we talk about that instead.

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Every time I go past the car parks on a normal non match day, and see a couple of hundred cars parked on there at £3 a pop or whatever it is, my brain always does some quick maths and tells me the car parks probably make in excess of £300k per year.

Then a Latics driving school car goes past me and I think hmmm bet that makes some money. Wonder if the club get any of this? Im going to bring it up on owtb see if anybody knows..

Then I forget or the club does someting stupid (or occasionally something good) and we talk about that instead.

The hospital have been paying the club c£100k a year for weekday parking for staff. This deal is now at an end.


I assume the driving school pay rent for premises and possibly something for use of the name.

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The hospital have been paying the club c£100k a year for weekday parking for staff. This deal is now at an end.


I assume the driving school pay rent for premises and possibly something for use of the name.

Even more than I thought then. Maybe close to £half a million per year.

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Every time I go past the car parks on a normal non match day, and see a couple of hundred cars parked on there at £3 a pop or whatever it is, my brain always does some quick maths and tells me the car parks probably make in excess of £300k per year.

Then a Latics driving school car goes past me and I think hmmm bet that makes some money. Wonder if the club get any of this? Im going to bring it up on owtb see if anybody knows..

Then I forget or the club does someting stupid (or occasionally something good) and we talk about that instead.

the one that realy surprises me is that the likes of manure & citeah havent caught on to the driving school franchise imagine all the sheep like fans they have would be potential customers

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25 games x 400 cars = 10,000 x £5 a pop = £50k a season from match day parking.


I'd struggle to get to £500k.

So would I on matchday parking.

However, 400 people per day visting the hospital for a couple of hours at £2 a pop..

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Don't know how we will be able to charge for parking on non match days when there will be a shop and a gym etc would you pay £2 a time on top of gym membership every time you went or just to nip into one of the shops

No chance.


I think it's a case of sacrifice £100k a year in parking income for the bigger prize of several times that in rent from our tenants.

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Im not actually talking about now, I was merely musing about recent times. I also wasnt reffering to staff parking on the tarmac bits.

I probably need to visit the hospital for an hour or so (people having babies, breaking legs or gettin old, you know) say four times a year. Each time I always find land owned by Latics rather than a private company (if it was the NHS then I would probably park there, but that is another story). Usually it would be that bobbly car trap on sheepfoot lane, but more recently we have been sent to the main car park, paying 2 or 3 quid cant really remember. Theres always others doing it at the same time and also when we leave (at which point some of the cars were different, indicating other brief staying fellow couple of quid payers.)

Just used to wonder and I wrote it down. Then somebody said the staff part (which was quite obvious and seperate) nets £100k fixed, so I added that on top.

Wish it never happened now.

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Apologies for the pedantry, but actually it would be 16 and two-thirds percent, give or take a rounding penny or two.

Yes you are quite correct, I should have said they would need to account for 20% VAT inclusively from within the gross income received.

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