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The other 2 of the 3

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After skimming and reading through many of the posts in the numerous topics that all seem to head in the same direction. I was wondering why Blitz and Gazal seem to be getting away with barely an ounce of resentment?

I like many posters believe Corney is being used as "administrator" for these 2 to bleed us dry whilst trying to get as much of their investments back even though "we wont be calling the debts till we reach the Money League".

Just intrigued as to why more people arnt spouting bile and putting pressure on these 2 pricks? Corney is obviously an easier target as he is still here and still "the face" of this disastrous operation.....but im pretty sure (without facts) that he still wont have much of a say in the money matters and he is still dancing to their tune of strip the club and get as much of our money back the hell with the consequences now.

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What would be the point?

That 95% of the posters on here want Corney out but there's not a cat in hell's chance these 2 are going to let him out with it's valuation at that sky high a price, i feel if people are really serious about wanting a change its the men at the top who need to know not their puppet master

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That 95% of the posters on here want Corney out but there's not a cat in hell's chance these 2 are going to let him out with it's valuation at that sky high a price, i feel if people are really serious about wanting a change its the men at the top who need to know not their puppet master

What do you propose my man?

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And how?

Im not sure and not professing to, but seems to me and only my thought that these 2 will have conversations with Corney where he is informing them that the locals are disgruntled and staying away and it wouldnt suprise me if they just said, crack on and keep trying to claw the money back as well as you can while keeping the club afloat on as tight a shoestring as possible.

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Only way you'd get any reaction is by withdrawing all financial support to the club and boycott anything that's OEC related, if as they say the OEC is flourishing stop lining the pockets of those suffocating the football team. Boycotts and protests around the OEC is how you'd hurt them most.


What are these events in here worth to the club? For instance how much does the playing side earn from the event in their with Joe Royle?

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What are these events in here worth to the club? For instance how much does the playing side earn from the event in their with Joe Royle?

This is where the Trust should have been a little bit cleverer. eg highlighting any events where the proceeds go to OAFC 2004 Ltd.

Some sort of 'kitemark' illustration featuring a down a malnourished owl.


Only way you'd get any reaction is by withdrawing all financial support to the club and boycott anything that's OEC related, if as they say the OEC is flourishing stop lining the pockets of those suffocating the football team. Boycotts and protests around the OEC is how you'd hurt them most.

I have been in the North Stand 3 times and never paid nor bought anything on the day.

I have an outstanding (FOC) invitation to go in a box-might save that for the Dale match

Edited by ChaddySmoker
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When we were up the Creek without a paddle under Moore we all boarded a bus to Oxford and demonstrated outside torex head offices. It's not that easy to board a plane to the USA. They are inaccessible.


Correct me if I'm wrong but ain't we the only business interest they have in the UK? It's not like we can boycott their products or services or turn up on their doorstep of other business interests away from bp.


Corney is the face of tta. Therefore Corney gets the brunt.

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