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Embarrassing incidents for me have generally involved beer, puke, and mothers. I think they have been covered previously on t'other big thread. The most infamous of these have to include the time when I threw up down the side of the sofa drunk, in front of my mum. On that same night on the way home I also fell in the road in front of a passing car, avoiding certain death by "around 3 inches" according to my very shocked mates (whose job it was to hold me up. Gits! :o ) The other time was when I chundered in my mate's mother's bed. :unsure:

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Anyway, I'll presume you've all had your tea now.


Many moons ago, I went to my college Christmas dinner, it was a full on penguin suit do. Must have been a blue moon that night, as I ended up getting lucky with a young lady. Went back to her campus room for x, y and z - so the next morning, I'm walking home, still 3/4 cut from epic quantities of wine, wearing my dinner suit complete with undone bow tie hanging down my neck. Obviously also wearing a big grin.


Now I thought in my hazy condition that the reason I was getting so many horrified/iffy looks was that the locals were outraged to see a styuuuudent walking through town, clearly in a state and dressed up like a prize ponce, whilst they were on their way into work. I did after all walk straight through the middle of York centre just before 9AM.


Only when I got in and looked at the mirror did it occur to me that they might have been staring at the thick coating of what I will politely describe as, "lady's love juices," that was forming the appearance of a smutty mask over my face and head.


Ah well, these things happen.

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I'm so far behind with this thread, ain't got a scoob what's going on.


Nice cheating LL, superb story too. I have a few such tales, but they'll have to wait for another time.


Stipes, if you're coming over at Chesterfield, I've a decent album for you, repay the Midlake, which I'm enjoying. Very melodic.


Unlike the equally enjoyable rabble IM gave me. Superb country punk (note to admin, need a proper punk smiley thing).

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Glad you liked it mate,thanks for reminding me as well said i'd do Mr S a copy and it had slipped from my mind. :wink:


Mind it had slipped mine that I said I'd do you copies of Midlake too IM, I will, Jason Lee of "My Name Is Earl " is a fan, which is recommendation on its own.


Ok Jimi I'll take a copy whatever it is, glad you like the Midlake.


Nah then LL "how rude" on soooooooooooo many levels, cheating, vulgar, shameless :lol:

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