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Revised Outline Planning Application  

60 members have voted

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Mrs. Sideburns has sent this letter:


Dear Mr. Bennett


Revised Outline Planning Application by Oldham Athletic Football Club


As you are probably aware, four years ago Oldham Athletic Football Club went into administration and it was feared that the Club would go out of existence, but three British businessmen based in New York saved the Club. Since then they have worked tirelessly to plan improvements to the ground with a view to financing the long-term security of the Club, including inputting £11,000,000 of their own money to purchase the ground and keep the Club afloat. If attendances were bigger, the Club would be self-funding but this is not the case, and the redevelopment proposals for the land adjoining the stadium are crucial towards the Club’s continued existence.


I love the old football ground but it is true to say it is looking a little dilapidated and improvements to the area would be of benefit to all, as well as providing high quality housing, hotel and conferencing facilities and increased employment opportunities.


I know the issue isn’t about what happens on a match day but the ground has been there for over 100 years before any houses were built and, if anyone does not wish to live near a football ground with adjoining brownfield land ripe for development, then they should not purchase a house there.


The Football Club has three ‘fairy godfathers’ willing to fund these improvements for the benefit of the Borough as a whole. Can Oldham Council really afford to ‘look a gift horse in the mouth’? I implore the Planning Committee to give careful consideration to granting outline planning approval for the proposed improvements to bring benefits to Oldham and to save an historic football club.


Yours sincerely

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Sorry that it took so long to post but I wanted to be ensure the list was as good as it could be made.


Why not copy the following people into your messages of support for the Application? You should be able to just copy and paste the email adresses in to your "CC" box.


Please use the suggested lists below for your messages of support for the Application. Hopefully you can just copy the list and paste it onto your email To and/ or CC box:-


planning@oldham.gov.uk, regeneration@oldham.gov.uk, andrew.kilburn@oldham.gov.uk, jim.bennett@oldham.gov.uk, tom.flanagan@oldham.gov.uk, battyej@hotmail.co.uk, asaf.ali@oldham.gov.uk, hugh.mcdonald@oldham.gov.uk, glynis.shaw@oldham.gov.uk, j.greenwood@oldham.gov.uk, eileen.hulme@oldham.gov.uk, colin.mclaren@oldham.gov.uk, len.quinn@oldham.gov.uk, jeremy.sutcliffe@oldham.gov.uk, david.hibbert@oldham.gov.uk, david.r.jones@oldham.gov.uk, joy.wrigglesworth@oldham.gov.uk, abdul.jabbar@oldham.gov.uk, jilad.miah@oldham.gov.uk, mohib.uddin@oldham.gov.uk, john.dillon@oldham.gov.uk, philomena.dillon@oldham.gov.uk, ann.wingate@oldham.gov.uk, peter.dean@oldham.gov.uk, barbara.dawson@oldham.gov.uk, james.mcmahon@oldham.gov.uk, aileen.bell@oldham.gov.uk, glenys.butterworth@oldham.gov.uk, john.johnson@oldham.gov.uk, stephen.barrow@oldham.gov.uk, jean.stretton@oldham.gov.uk, gerald.ball@oldham.gov.uk, jean.jones@oldham.gov.uk, ateeque.urrehman@oldham.gov.uk, olwen.chadderton@oldham.gov.uk, bernard.judge@oldham.gov.uk, david.shaw@oldham.gov.uk, riaz.ahmad@oldham.gov.uk, shadab.qumer@oldham.gov.uk, a.a.salamat@oldham.gov.uk, jim.mcardle@oldham.gov.uk, jackie.stanton@oldham.gov.uk, mike.buckley@oldham.gov.uk, derek.heffernan@oldham.gov.uk, alanroughley@talktalk.net, richard.knowles@oldham.gov.uk, john.mccann@oldham.gov.uk, barbara.beeley@oldham.gov.uk, brian.lord@oldham.gov.uk, val.sedgwick@oldham.gov.uk, mark.alcock@oldham.gov.uk, rod.blyth@oldham.gov.uk, howard.sykes@oldham.gov.uk, john.anchor@oldham.gov.uk, kay.knox@oldham.gov.uk, lynne.thompson@oldham.gov.uk, shoab.akhtar@oldham.gov.uk, fida.hussain@oldham.gov.uk, inspiral_carpet@owtb.co.uk.


Email addresses of those against either via vote or action (those who voted for the Application last time are included in previous list):-


philip.rogers@oldham.gov.uk, keith.pendlebury@oldham.gov.uk, tony.larkin@oldham.gov.uk, steven.bashforth@oldham.gov.uk, roger.hindle@oldham.gov.uk, christine.wheeler@oldham.gov.uk, javid.iqbal@oldham.gov.uk, philip.harrison@oldham.gov.uk.


Also, it is important that Oldham's MPs are aware of what is going on. The only guaranteed way that they will get your feedback is by filling in a form at www.parliament.uk and the links are here for MPs Woolas; Meacher and Heyes:-


Phil Woolas

Michael Meacher

David Heyes


There is only space for 4000 characters of comment so I'd suggest that you let them know what you have done and also let them know the details of those you have emailed.

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Guest sheridans_world
planning@oldham.gov.uk; regeneration@oldham.gov.uk; andrew.kilburn@oldham.gov.uk; jim.bennett@oldham.gov.uk; tom.flanagan@oldham.gov.uk; battyej@hotmail.co.uk; asaf.ali@oldham.gov.uk; hugh.mcdonald@oldham.gov.uk; glynis.shaw@oldham.gov.uk; j.greenwood@oldham.gov.uk; eileen.hulme@oldham.gov.uk; colin.mclaren@oldham.gov.uk; len.quinn@oldham.gov.uk; jeremy.sutcliffe@oldham.gov.uk; david.hibbert@oldham.gov.uk; david.r.jones@oldham.gov.uk; joy.wrigglesworth@oldham.gov.uk; abdul.jabbar@oldham.gov.uk; jilad.miah@oldham.gov.uk; mohib.uddin@oldham.gov.uk; john.dillon@oldham.gov.uk; philomena.dillon@oldham.gov.uk; ann.wingate@oldham.gov.uk; peter.dean@oldham.gov.uk; barbara.dawson@oldham.gov.uk; james.mcmahon@oldham.gov.uk; aileen.bell@oldham.gov.uk; glenys.butterworth@oldham.gov.uk; john.johnson@oldham.gov.uk; stephen.barrow@oldham.gov.uk; jean.stretton@oldham.gov.uk; gerald.ball@oldham.gov.uk; jean.jones@oldham.gov.uk; ateeque.urrehman@oldham.gov.uk; olwen.chadderton@oldham.gov.uk; bernard.judge@oldham.gov.uk; david.shaw@oldham.gov.uk; riaz.ahmad@oldham.gov.uk; shadab.qumer@oldham.gov.uk; a.a.salamat@oldham.gov.uk; jim.mcardle@oldham.gov.uk; jackie.stanton@oldham.gov.uk; mike.buckley@oldham.gov.uk; derek.heffernan@oldham.gov.uk; alanroughley@talktalk.net; richard.knowles@oldham.gov.uk; john.mccann@oldham.gov.uk; barbara.beeley@oldham.gov.uk; brian.lord@oldham.gov.uk; val.sedgwick@oldham.gov.uk; mark.alcock@oldham.gov.uk; rod.blyth@oldham.gov.uk; howard.sykes@oldham.gov.uk; john.anchor@oldham.gov.uk; kay.knox@oldham.gov.uk; lynne.thompson@oldham.gov.uk; shoab.akhtar@oldham.gov.uk; fida.hussain@oldham.gov.uk; inspiral_carpet@owtb.co.uk; philip.rogers@oldham.gov.uk; keith.pendlebury@oldham.gov.uk; tony.larkin@oldham.gov.uk; steven.bashforth@oldham.gov.uk; roger.hindle@oldham.gov.uk; christine.wheeler@oldham.gov.uk; javid.iqbal@oldham.gov.uk; philip.harrison@oldham.gov.uk


All email addresses in microsoft outlook friendly format! semi-colons instead of commas.

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To say we have well over 1,000 members on OWTB, the poll at the top of this thread does not make encouraging reading.


Someone told me at the match yesterday the rumour is that it's a done deal and outline planning permission will be granted. Nothing could be further from the truth. If complacency is creeping in, then we are doomed! We must show that there is overwhelming support for this devlopment by hundreds, if not thousands, sending emails in support. At the moment, even I am not convinced that there is anything like the support needed to get it approved, so there is no chance of the Councillors being convinced.


I am not looking forward to the next meeting one bit! :unsure:

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Its not a done deal Diego but my vote on the poll above represents 4 of us who have sent individual emails. Given the Cllrs in our area some heavy stick. To knock back the development again will be a devasting blow for OLDHAM as a whole at least this point is becoming clearer as the last decision MUST be viewed as technically flawed. I think, hope, prey they have understood this point. YOU are doing a great job but stay positive.


For those who haven't sent an email. CENSORED!!!!!!!!!!!! are you playing at, its not difficult is it. A simple one line letter of support is better than nothing. NO EXCUSES whatsoever. Do it NOW>>>>>>>>>>Literally.


I'm finding it very difficult to stay positive in the face of complacent apathy!


Thanks for your less subtle approach!

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Someone told me at the match yesterday the rumour is that it's a done deal and outline planning permission will be granted. Nothing could be further from the truth.




From my conversations with councilors it certainly isnt a done deal and im worried because the majority of responses I have had have been negative....

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As for myself, and I don’t use this as a threat more a result of inaction on the council’s part, I fear I will move away from this town if no change occurs, and especially if the football club does not survive, as I don’t feel this town has anything to offer me or any young family I may wish to have. I feel others my age may feel the same
sadly its true about oldham for young familes, no new jobs etc
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I don't normally post, but




I've sent an e-mail to the Planning Department in support of the Application and would urge everyone to do so. How long will it take? I don't think it matters how long it is, as long as you make it clear that you SUPPORT the application it will be taken into account (so the automated reply says anyway!)


My latest reply from my local Councillors is, I think, a bit more encouraging. It seems that at least it is now being discussed amongst Councillors not on the Committee. Let's hope that the pressure will tell on the waverers.


Thank you for your e-mail concerning the above. I am given to understand that the application has now been revised and will be reconsidered by the Planning Committee on Tuesday 11 December 2007.


It is evident from informal discussions with various elected Members, that the majority of the Council would wish to see the proposal succeed. It is to be hoped that the Planning Committee are able to reach this conclusion at their next meeting.


I hope that this clarifies the position for the present.


Sent on behalf of Councillor Colin Mclaren

Chadderton Central Ward



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Having spent all day in Oldham, I get back to find an email from Alan Hardy which says:


If we can get some more letters of support that would be great.






I look at the numbers polled at the top of this page, and it looks as though nothing much has changed in the past 24 hours! My efforts seem to be falling on mainly deaf ears, presumably due to apathy and/or that lack of trust of TTA, referred to elsewhere on here. The residents must be rubbing their hands in anticipation of another victory next Tuesday.


All it needs from those who haven't written so far is an email saying:


I wish to register my full support for the revised outline planning application for the redevelopment of Boundary Park and the adjoining land.


Then send it to:


planning@oldham.gov.uk; regeneration@oldham.gov.uk; andrew.kilburn@oldham.gov.uk; jim.bennett@oldham.gov.uk; tom.flanagan@oldham.gov.uk; battyej@hotmail.co.uk; asaf.ali@oldham.gov.uk; hugh.mcdonald@oldham.gov.uk; glynis.shaw@oldham.gov.uk; j.greenwood@oldham.gov.uk; eileen.hulme@oldham.gov.uk; colin.mclaren@oldham.gov.uk; len.quinn@oldham.gov.uk; jeremy.sutcliffe@oldham.gov.uk; david.hibbert@oldham.gov.uk; david.r.jones@oldham.gov.uk; joy.wrigglesworth@oldham.gov.uk; abdul.jabbar@oldham.gov.uk; jilad.miah@oldham.gov.uk; mohib.uddin@oldham.gov.uk; john.dillon@oldham.gov.uk; philomena.dillon@oldham.gov.uk; ann.wingate@oldham.gov.uk; peter.dean@oldham.gov.uk; barbara.dawson@oldham.gov.uk; james.mcmahon@oldham.gov.uk; aileen.bell@oldham.gov.uk; glenys.butterworth@oldham.gov.uk; john.johnson@oldham.gov.uk; stephen.barrow@oldham.gov.uk; jean.stretton@oldham.gov.uk; gerald.ball@oldham.gov.uk; jean.jones@oldham.gov.uk; ateeque.urrehman@oldham.gov.uk; olwen.chadderton@oldham.gov.uk; bernard.judge@oldham.gov.uk; david.shaw@oldham.gov.uk; riaz.ahmad@oldham.gov.uk; shadab.qumer@oldham.gov.uk; a.a.salamat@oldham.gov.uk; jim.mcardle@oldham.gov.uk; jackie.stanton@oldham.gov.uk; mike.buckley@oldham.gov.uk; derek.heffernan@oldham.gov.uk; alanroughley@talktalk.net; richard.knowles@oldham.gov.uk; john.mccann@oldham.gov.uk; barbara.beeley@oldham.gov.uk; brian.lord@oldham.gov.uk; val.sedgwick@oldham.gov.uk; mark.alcock@oldham.gov.uk; rod.blyth@oldham.gov.uk; howard.sykes@oldham.gov.uk; john.anchor@oldham.gov.uk; kay.knox@oldham.gov.uk; lynne.thompson@oldham.gov.uk; shoab.akhtar@oldham.gov.uk; fida.hussain@oldham.gov.uk; inspiral_carpet@owtb.co.uk; philip.rogers@oldham.gov.uk; keith.pendlebury@oldham.gov.uk; tony.larkin@oldham.gov.uk; steven.bashforth@oldham.gov.uk; roger.hindle@oldham.gov.uk; christine.wheeler@oldham.gov.uk; javid.iqbal@oldham.gov.uk; philip.harrison@oldham.gov.uk


Something that would take less than a minute to do could guarantee you years of 'roller-coaster rides' following Latics.


If you haven't done it yet, please do it now and then click on the poll.


I don't know what more I can do if people can't be arsed.

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Sent the following


Dear Councilors, planning and regeneration committees


I wish to register my full support for the revised outline planning application for the redevelopment of Boundary Park and the adjoining land.


My reasons for support are:

  • Safe guard the future of Oldham Athletic and professional sport in the town
  • Much needed housing for the general public and hospital "key worker" staff
  • Much needed employment within the town
  • Provide top class leisure facilities including a gym and changing facilities for Clayton playing fields
  • Will generate pride in the town
  • Will give our children something to proud of for years to come!
  • Will say to the country that Oldham is open and ready for business!

Please join me in supporting this application and allowing the town to move on from its industrial past!



Kind Regards

Edited by oafc0000
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Sent mine and have emailed a couple of fellow supporters of other clubs to do us a favour. Will get various relatives to do the same over the next few days.


Bump, Back to the Top

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Have re-sent mine again x 4 in house as no response.


I have to say, having done this for the second time it is worth it for some of the responses you get back... they seem to be responding more as opposed to the first round.... this is my favourite...


Dear Mr BFL,


Thank you for your email, which is one of many I have received. I note what you say. I am not a Planning Committee member, but I trust my colleagues to weigh all arguments carefully.




Lynne Thompson


Councillor Lynne Thompson

Liberal Democrat

Waterhead Ward


Phone: 01457 829304


Its a total copy and paste - but at least it shows they are starting to get lots of comments from us - keep it up boys and girls!

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Mine was a little longer from my Waterhead ward councillor - don' think i can leave it there though :naughty:


Dear Mr Haigh,


Thank you for your email, which is one of many I have received. I note what you say, and appreciate the trouble you have gone to. I am not a Planning Committee member, but I trust my colleagues to weigh all arguments carefully. As you probably know, they have a duty to keep an open mind and make an independent decision, rather like a jury.




Lynne Thompson


Councillor Lynne Thompson

Liberal Democrat

Waterhead Ward

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I've Just forwarded my email to the Planning Department to the various concillors on the comiitte and the regeneration email, exsplaing my submission and the hope they will consider it and the opportunity of inward investment and the chance to change preconceptions by people atttending the conference centere for example

Not done to everyone as I don't live in Oldham, so no local councillor to badger.

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I've Just forwarded my email to the Planning Department to the various concillors on the comiitte and the regeneration email, exsplaing my submission and the hope they will consider it and the opportunity of inward investment and the chance to change preconceptions by people atttending the conference centere for example

Not done to everyone as I don't live in Oldham, so no local councillor to badger.


It doesn't matter that you don't live in Oldham. The idea of copying your email to everyone on the huge list is to give them all an idea of the amount of support being registered with the Council.

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Now getting responses all much as posted elsewhere but makes you think it does need the 2nd attempt to get through.


Dave Hibbert VERY positive and polite.


apart from Sedgwick, Jabbar and Akhtar who just delete them without reading the contents.


Incidentally I've had an interesting conversation with Dave Hibbert re Ikea and now understand his point of view on that matter.....but as G says he's very positive and open....

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I have sent my version of the above response onto the comprehsive mailing list:


I wish to register my full support for the revised outline planning application for the redevelopment of Boundary Park and the adjoining land.


The initial decision of the planning committee to turn the application down was nothing short of a travesty, investment in this now much dilapidated borough is few and far between, so it beggars belief that a committee of elected councilors, who pertain to have the boroughs best interests at heart, can throw out the application against the advice of appointed government officials.


The swell of public feeling, not just attributed to Latics fans, must now surely show to the planning committee that they made a most grave mistake in turning down the application.


It is my hope, and that of all Latics fans, and sensible residents of the borough too, that the second amended application will be approved, not only for the good of OAFC, but for the development and regeneration of the borough as a hole.


So far, had a very positve reponse from Cllr Hibbert, and 3 rather poor 1 line group send messages from Cllrs. Beeley, Dillon & Shaw.

Still awaiting a respose to a seperate email i set to my Cllr Wheeler - though from comments on here, i'm not holding my breath in terms of a personal reply!!!!!

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