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Everything posted by BP1960

  1. The youth team coach is totally opposite, brimming with confidence and affabilty which I saw rub off on the team. He has a great future so hope he doesn't move on. MM should bring him into the first team set up. He's managing some as young as 15yo playing against 18yo's and the encouragement is great to see.
  2. I don't like his style of play, chopping and changing or playing square pegs in round holes. I say what I see and perhaps a few others should too instead of making excuses. In all my 60 years watching the Latics I've never seen a team as booed off the field as much as this one -and I've seen some very poor teams in that time. Let's see what he does about it next season, I'm prepared to see what happens. If he can find a few more like Josh Stones it may not be as bad again.
  3. Came highly recommended from David Eyres and he should know all about left wingers. I feel Walker has been used badly by MM and needs a run in the team in his best position, which is not where he was played at Dagenham.
  4. It will be interesting to see how attacking midfielder Marcel Lewis who has just signed on loan at Curzon Ashton from Burnley shapes up. When I saw him earlier in the season he had some flair about him and I asked ST if he could be monitored. Wouldn't surprise me if a player of his calibre helped Curzon to promotion to the NL. https://www.burnleyfootballclub.com/player/marcel-lewis
  5. He should, but maybe doesn't rate him? Although definitely a right wing back he's been playing centre back a lot this season. ironically, a reversal of what Will Sutton's been doing. https://cbfc.wales/player/alex-downes/
  6. Been there done it, teams can be completely different even in the next game, you look for strengths and weaknesses and set plays, more often than not players forget what they've been told anyway. I once warned a manager about a centre forward who I said must not at all costs be allowed to turn on his left side and shoot at goal. What happened you ask? Well he did just that and scored in the first minute of the game. When I asked the manager why this was allowed to happen he replied. "Let it happen...I told them and pinned a big #@>&× note on dressing door before they went out".
  7. I'll have a bet he goes higher in the next couple of years.
  8. Yes, some think managers by definition know it all, but in fact can have less knowledge than the average fan. They can bluff well though.
  9. Yes you were right, the January transfer market should have made a difference, alas not. Maybe if Josh Stones had remained fit another we might have gained another 9 points or so? One player can make a difference and I hope next season more dynamic young players like him can be signed instead of too many old, weary or injured players.
  10. I don't know why @mcfluff1985 replies to me, I don't read them I just see his blocked name.
  11. To @Dave_Og I've seen Walker play and not gone off past statistics. My judgement is based on watching many similar players who have gone higher than us. I did the same with Adam Crowther of Kings Lynn (now a regular at Southend) who you queried my judgement last season. Is that answer okay with you?
  12. It's pointless not doing current scouting, the team watched a month ago may be not even start half the players and change their formation. As Matt Busby used to say, let the opposition worry about us. You do need good players though.
  13. Yes, I wonder what his long standing injury problem is though that he's put up with for years now?
  14. We have 2 in Atherton and Walker, but have never been played together. We will regret not giving Walker a proper run, he will go on to play at a far higher level than us.
  15. Forshaw wasn't one of mine, it was Harry Vaughan before he made a first team appearance. I have watched and recommended Alex Robertson from Manchester City (I urged ST to sign him on loan immediately) Nick Haughton, Ryan Colclough, Conn Clarke, Regan Linney and Adam Crowther. The one who hasn't really has a chance to prove himself is the powerhouse Colwyn Bay right back Alex Downes, although he's now playing a league higher than last season and rated as one of the best in the Welsh Premier League. I still think Will Sutton will play higher than us, but as a centre back) We don't need another CD, but young Devon Matthews of Curzon Ashton is a good prospect. Of the youths I've recommended Alfie Atherton and centre forward Collins Kagame (a really nice lad who I've spoken to and has a lot going for him with his striking ability and movement off the ball) train regularly with the first team.
  16. Sending scouts or ananysts isn't good enough, it's only a short distance and smacks of not bothering. They weren't at the recent youth match either to check if any young player was worthy of a call up. I spotted one. Training the first team is no excuse, you can't do anything more with that lot, it's only running them round cones anyway.
  17. Problem is the same players who were supposed to raise their game against Fylde and Altrincham will be selected again. MM needs to root out those not prepared to battle and let them know its unacceptable at this club and they won't feature v Rochdale or in in any future matches here He's been far too soft with these players IMO and they may even cost him his job.
  18. Do we really know what Gardners injury is and can it be treated with a 3 months pre season break?
  19. Who made that ridiculous decision? Half a loaf is better than none.
  20. Top players can be regularly watched so it's easy to check on their current form. At our level we are looking at statistics from sometimes previous years thinking they are still the same. That's the big mistake. Let's put in another way too, the stats bombs on Josh Stones wouldn't show much, but actually watching him painted a very different picture. it's that method I'd like to see MM use in future to bring in young dynamic talent, rather than 'we've not seen him play, but he used to be good according to his track record'.
  21. 34yo old on Friday. Joe Garner 36 a week later.
  22. They have a place, but the game isn't played on paper.
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