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Everything posted by jsslatic

  1. Yet the FL appear to be pissed off about it - it's the FA's rightful insistence that FA Cup games should be at weekends that has done for it.
  2. This competition is a disgrace. Fawning over win bonuses is exactly what the League wanted owners and fans to do as the carrot for a :censored:ing awful stick. The best thing we can do is play the :censored:test side possible, get knocked out and leave it for the u23 teams to play in front of empty grounds and hopefully an empty Wembley.
  3. Maybe I'm being stupid but I can't remember any similar offences. The ball was 20 yards away, it wasn't coming anywhere near them, he takes a run at him and smashes him in the face...
  4. Pretty sure we beat Donny in the early rounds of both our 'recent' runs, i.e. 2007 and 2013.
  5. Agreed. They'd battle to a respectable 22nd.
  6. There was no disguise or clouding of judgment. We played genuinely well on Tuesday and that should be at least the level of performance the team should be hoping to put in every week.
  7. Flynn threw his arm out and caught him almost with his armpit. He was lucky not to be sent off but that doesn't stop the fact that Taylor's reaction was ridiculous or that Flynn's reaction was to him clearly being fouled and the ref wasn't blowing.
  8. Not sure about anyone else but I thought tonight our performance was good and we dominated the game.
  9. Flynn was absolutely goosed by the end, ran himself into the ground. Superb performances all over the pitch, two good goals and attacking full backs. Had the horrible feeling we'd make a pigs ear of it whenever they went forward, but realistically and in hindsight they didn't have much of a sniff at all. Well done, Latics.
  10. On a slight tangent, Wigan being charged £40 POTG at Leeds.
  11. Not sure why they're bothering with the trial when they could just direct the jury to the Ched Evans website for the facts.
  12. 793 and 123 respectively more than there should have been for this abomination.
  13. It's probably not a random sting though is it. They will know it goes on and that this is how to expose it.
  14. Long way to go with this one. It's already close to the doorstep.
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