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Everything posted by bozman

  1. 3rd longest ban the FA have given a player apparently, so must be something more than an elbow surely.
  2. That's one hell of a ban. Seems bizzare that they still haven't confirmed what he actually did.
  3. Absolutely. It's the biggest game of the season for Corney and therefore the biggest game of the season for Robinson. Wouldn't be surprised if it was Corney himself who started the rumour about Robinsons job, just to hammer home how important a cup run is.
  4. I think they believe it encourages more people to come. If you buy in advance you're pretty comitted to coming and the clubs gets your money whether you turn up or not. With the quality of football on show at the moment, it only takes a bit of bad weather or an invite to some other event for fans who were going to pay on the day to think 'forget, I won't bother going today'. I know there have been 2 or 3 games this season that I woiudn't have bothered going to if I didn't have a season ticket.
  5. At the time , it looked to me like Clarke got an elbow in the face ( he was provoking him to be fair) but I'd have thought that would fall under the normal 3 match ban remit, so may be it was something else..
  6. I disagree. I reckon Corney makes all the decisions on hiring and firing managers. He's said himself in the past that he canvasses opinions from the board but ultimately he makes those decisions. The only way Moisley could have that conversation with Robinson would be with Corney's prior approval. He may already have that of course.
  7. It's certainly a bold move and definitely worth a try on a trial basis. You have to congratulate Moisley on his decision to take immediate action upon his appointment as Cheif Exec. As people have pointed out, this probably should have been done quicker, but that would have been down to the prebious Cheif Exsc. Moisley can't be blamed for that. He came in, got the survey done quickly and acted on the most important factor under his control - I'm assuming he doesnt have the authority to tell the manager to change his style of football. i really hope it works but, as I mentioned earlier in the thread, the attendance at the Scunthorpe game for the 2 for 1 offer makes me worry about how effective it will be. I do think that, if it coincides with an upturn in form/excitement, it can be successful - Bradford have shown that with their cut price season ticket initiative. Here' s hoping the manager and players can deliver their part of the bargain.
  8. Good effort on the club's part. I would have been quite optimistic about this until I saw how little effect the 2 for 1 offer had. It does say that the initiative is a direct result of the survey. Seeing as the number 1 finding of the survey was the quality of the product on the pitch, may be someone will have a word with Robnison about that and tell him to try to score some goals.
  9. He's still training with us. Klok tweeted a picture of him in Latics training gear today.
  10. Yeah, I noticed that too on Saturday and in several other games. I think with regard to our midfifeld, we don't have anyone in there with engine to get up and down the pitch quickly on a consistent basis. We never seem to get significant numbers in the penalty box apart from at set pieces. I assume that is why Steve Eyre advocates playing another man in there to get more control of the game.
  11. Just heard Robinsons post match Radio Manchester interview. He didnt seem too confident about his long term job prospects towards the end of it. Said he understood that you dont get given time in football and how much he has isnt his decision to make. I wonder if he's had a word of warning from Corney already?
  12. Listened to Steve Eyre on the radio on way home and he expanded on his theory as to why we dont create chances. He says it's because we dont control the midfield so hardly ever have good possession iN the final third. Says we dont retain posession long enough so tire from chasing the ball all the time. He did say though that he doesn't think our problems are huge and reckons they could be fixed with a few small changes. He thinks we should play the extra man in midfield.
  13. So sounds like it is going ahead then. I thought they might have used the money to fund the ' Be the Best Team out of Possession' banner.
  14. And did his cruciate soon after returning to the team. Only played a hadful of games for Shrewsbury in 2 years. I think they did offer him a new contract for this season on significantly reduced terms but he turned it down. May be not such a good idea with an injury record like that..
  15. It's obvious to us what the issues are but may not be to those in authority who see things from a different perspective. For example, I doubt that if the manager filled the survey out he'd say it was because we're boring to watch and don't create chances or if Corney filed it out, he'd say it was because the owner was disinterested and lacked ambition. I've worked in several organisations where survey like this (normally employee statisfaction surveys) are used specifically to convince senior people,who just don't see what everyone else is seeing, of the way the majority of people are thinking.
  16. They have put a survey up on the official website asking fans for their opinion on why attenances are declining. I'd encourage everyone on here to fill it out - especially those who are currently not attending. http://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/news/article/2016-17/supporter-survey-we-want-your-views-3381818.aspx When they understand the reasons properly they can start thinking about what they can do about it.
  17. Listened to Steve Eyre on Radio Manchester on the way home. He reckons our problems stem from not being able to control the midfield. Said we are short in there. Not sure if he meant the quality of the players of he thinks we need an extra man in midfield.
  18. To be fair, given he's yet again been out of work for several months, if we do sign him, it'll probably be on a lot less money than he was asking for in June. From Robinson's comments in the Chron, it seems like he's very keen to sign him and it might happen pretty soon - probably when Clarke picks up his next booking.
  19. Interesting, I didn't know that. If they formed a partnership together that was good enough for the Championship, it would suggest that my theory is probably wrong.
  20. Although they are both excellent defenders at this level, I'm not sure how well Gerrard and Clarke would work as a partnership. They are very similar characters, both very vocal, both want to be the organiser of the defense. I could be wrong but just wonder if they might rub each other up the wrong way and not work so well together.
  21. From where I was ( near half way line in North stand) ours was a penalty - mistimed a genuine attmept at a tackle and tripped him and there's wasn't a pen - saw the leg and threw himself towards it rather than being tripped. Have seen them given thoungh.
  22. Yeah it was. On the basis of his comments post Bolton I thought he was going to claim we were like Barcelona last night, but he really played it down.
  23. The difference tonight for me was the we got more men forward and moved the ball around so much quicker than in every other home game. Played some good stuff and it was actually very entertaining. A complete turnaround from the previous 2 home games. Long may it continue.
  24. Anthony Gerrard back training with us again according to the Chron.
  25. If its offered,and the money is right, which it will be, he'll take it.
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