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Everything posted by edhunteruk

  1. you cant make such a sweeping statement like that unless you know of the other sites available can you. failsworth was favourable because the club told us it was..because the club told us it was failsworth or bust....which in light of yesterdays anouncement by the club,it obviously isnt true.... failsworth was favourable to the club as mr corney had purchased the lancaster club and its grounds...he doesnt want to waste 3.5 million.... until the new site/s are made public we wont know....until then its back to guessing again
  2. your a real barrell of laughs you arent ya eh....do you do funerals n christenings by any chance.... at the end of the day it doesnt really matter what you me or anybody else feels about our council....they have and will do as they please...because we have a new cabinet every year with no stability,each new council blames the last for there downfalls.....and each have there own agendas for change depending on how many palms can get greased.... they will come up with a plot of land to use..it will just depend on what the club wants to incorporate into it...
  3. i'd hardly say the vultures are swooping...they wanted him in the transfer window...a deal couldnt be done....and they have stated should he become available they would still be interested... the club should call there bluff if we dont get promotion..tell them he's yours for a million...just because we dont have a pot to piss in doesnt mean we have to sell cheaply
  4. i think the conversation in training since last week has probably been...if you cant do it ill name meself in the squad....whats the point in having strikers if you cant score...im sure i couldnt do a worse job meself.....leaving them to think blimey,he has a low opinion of us if he wants to play again at his age...might just be a catalyst for them to say look..we can do it on our own.... i think next season the striker situation will be addressed properly..feeneys not worked out so he wont be here...reid hasnt ripped up any trees yet so i doubt he will still be here either...tonks has for his age and ability done a fairly decent amount..but i cant see him being here either...it says it all that a team down in relegation zone has a top scorer with 18 goals...and we dont.
  5. at least he struck it....id settle for that right now i think....
  6. It's meant to be a distraction issue, but at the same time could be seen by some as symptomatic of a disregard for fans' wishes which fans wishes???? the only one complaining about it is you...... see this is the problem then isnt it.....he hasnt been disregarding "the fans choice"....or is it your choice???? for as long as i alledgedly say....he has played mouldy old dough at every home game this season.....but the music they have come out to has been fftcm....since the start and we havent lost each time its been played....you can get decent hearing aids these days if your struggling....
  7. did anybody ask this question last night???? if it was possible to use lancaster club for football with the five a side and that,and have a smaller site for stadium and other things?????? for what its worth...i still think its all willy waving with the coucil...they said this..we have said that....now its time to get together for the greater good of the borough.. they know they have let people down in this town with no leisure facilities to speak of,people spending there hard earned in other boroughs doesnt make the town prosper...so i fully expect in the not too distant future plans for a new ground with the whole nine yards thrown in...built and fully working in the next 2 years...
  8. if you dont agree with that then how can you make such a sweeping statement that we have lost everytime it has been played????? i have missed 1 home game this season...midweek the £2 offer because of work...it has been played every single match this season,it was played last season as well...just because you cant hear it doesnt mean ir hasnt been played...
  9. maybe they have considered it,but thought it was too much of a risk against the likes of posh..however once the second goal went in i would have changed it,they had free reign to put the ball were they wanted...and they used it to there advantage....its ok having everyone back providing they know who to pick up,and where there position is supposed to be...too many back not knowing what to do and by the time they have worked it out,bang the cross is already in... one on the endge of the box one in semi circle half way line one out wide on wing,put the small nippy players there then gives em food for thought,rather than 2 in centre circle where they are far too easy to manage...
  10. of course there not going to be too happy about it...its happened to me twice..i wasnt happy..but i didnt sabatage the company because my wages were 3 days late...my company on both occasions said if you incurr any bank charges as a direct result of this we will sort them out,its our fault not yours... i thought first half our morale was fine,in fact i thought we just about shaded the half,and for more accurate shooting could have been in front.....so for me morale certainly wasnt an issue.....so did they just decide to give up then second half???
  11. your changing your opinion now...so have we lost every home game since the start of the season because we come out to fanfare for the common man or not????
  12. erm..because there proffessional sportsmen and they are contracted to play for the club...your assuming that nobody at the club told them about this and they just checked there banks and hey..why no wages...i know...lets throw the game and show them if we dont get paid expect more of the same....bollocks... the club will have had them in for a meeting to say look im really sorry but your wages are going to be late this time round..but dont worry they will be in your accounts by wednesday next week,sorry for the inconvenience but someone forgot to transfer the money over...
  13. cant attend as i will be working...but im sure there will be lots more questions asked this evening rather than just the usual blowing smoke up dickovs n corneys arses.... 1: most important question....if we dont get promoted this season is there anything in place to continue next season/and will we have to sell to survive 2: when will it be revealed if or not we are in talks to build a new ground on land made available by the council 3: if we have to groundshare for financial reason...where will it be,and for how long...
  14. its been used as the teams come out since the start or the season....admittedly sometimes it is nowhere near as loud as it should be,but it has still been there.... considering it was played whilst we had our most triumphant years in football i can't honestly see why you dont like it....its an instrumental piece,builds slowly to a crescendo and makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up....much more inspiring than mouldy old dough ever could be...
  15. probably because most of the goals came from his side of the pitch..hes a young lad but got dragged out of position too many times they just looked up and fired it over the top to the winger,acres of space to pick the perfect pass...so how can you say he was man of the match???? stephens was probably one of the only ones,along with todd and moraise who never gave up....
  16. considering that this song has been played at every home game since the start of the season,i hardly think we have lost every home game have we ????
  17. hahahahahah..oh dear.... first goal taylor should have just cleared his lines instead of trying to bring it down,take a second touch and run with it...second goal shocking defending...the only decent goal they scored was the volley,and me and about half the rre end applauded it it was that good... stephens never stopped fighting battling all game,to say he hadnt played for a few games his fitness was good..his distribution on the whole was good and he got stuck in....along with moirase and todd they were the only ones who kept going all game.....the problem is todd is 36 and cant play 3 games running,and certainly not against such an attacking side as them...everyone else head went down and they didnt know what to do...brooke for tonk was wrong,feeney should have come on instead, far too many went into hiding yesterday...amos had no confidence in the defenders in front of him...the ball just kept coming back because nobody was holding it up...
  18. pmsfl....too much rock,hahahahah......journey is the only rock song played..the rest is indie music..... i agree it should be more varied but come on....the grounds nearly empty until 5 mins before kick off...do we go to watch football matches or listen to the music??? im going to see iron maiden live in july..shall i put a complaint in saying they didnt play enough football before they came on!!!
  19. your talking bolloks....quite frankly... ferney fields..farmer pulled the plug originally because he was a rugby fan,and didnt really want to sell to latics....then he reopened negotiations..but upped the price..board gave him a deadline to accept original proposal or finish the deal..he never responded board let it go...how is that ian hills fault???? redevelopment of bp....the initial idea was greatly recieved,however to comply with council regulations they had to lower the height of the flats..by the time the council finally got round to issuing outline planning permission the credit crunch had hot....land values dropped and it was no longer viable to do.....as they didnt have 80 million to fund it themself...how is that ian hills fault????? lancaster club....given assurances by council that land could be transferred,the clubs project would go ahead,and everyone would be happy...council presented a piss poor case as to why they wanted land transfering....charitys commission said no due to not enough info from coucnil and other errors on there part..how is that ian hills fault????? the land that bp sits upon is owned by a different company than the board....but in essence is owned by the same people who own the club... for all you and i know.mr hill could have advised for or against any or all of these schemes..at the end of the day the majority rule will apply...if he gets outvoted how is that his fault????
  20. i think :censored: is a bit strong....he does some decent things for a big lad..has great pace chases down well,that said his first touch leave a lot to be desired,he cant win jack in the air considering his height,and gets knocked off the ball for such a big man... think today summed up our season...either briiliant or rubbish....first half we didnt take our chances...didnt press them enough and didnt make it count,there defense was all over the place...second half i thought right...there gonna be up for this now...8 mins in 2 goals down,really soft goals and we collapsed....credit to stephens moiras who kept going..but our defence is crap...you cant play a 36 year old 3 games running and certainly not against the best goal scoring forwards in this division....least were still 8th eh...
  21. classic track by a classic band....whats wrong with it??? although admittedly,i think we should have a variation on the music..does get boring same songs week after week....how about some bon jovi keep the faith....
  22. it doesnt seem to bother them down at the reebok... clever planning and engineering and you could quite easily put parking underground and just have certain entrances for the other stuff...all depends how it is laid out...whether its built into the stadium or the stadium is seperate....to some degree..
  23. but this is if our greater plan does include a hotel cinema and bowling alley in it....the last one at the lancaster club didnt....it was just mere speculation from a lot of us on here(me included) that this was what they wanted... the only time i know a hotel has been mention was in the proposals for redeveloping bp...and even then a cinema wasnt mentioned just corporate facilities. just seems very strange to me that the council has spent decades wiping out or leisure facilities in the borough,and now has decided it wants new ones???? coincidence or not...
  24. thats a great idea.....however you would need to buy them in plenty of time to get them mailed out to you...or simply take your reciept to the club shop on match day and get your ticket... the point of the outlets is in response to people finding it difficult to get to the club during the week... one thought...what price are the tickets being sold at £18 or £20 ???
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