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Everything posted by shefflatic

  1. Yeah, so selfish he tracks back and tackles for us and sets us away again, constantly running and chasing for the team, for a bloke of his age at a small stagnant club such as ours, it is brilliant to see. If the other 10 players in our team put their chances away and worked as hard as he does then it wouldn't be the case that apart from Kuqi, Simpson and Reid have only 4 or 5 each and fook all from anyone else in the team on the goals front this year. Taylor has been :censored:e this season and i don't think i have ever seen him as bad as he was on saturday - completely useless and disinterested. But yeah i forgot, Taylor is the best player we have and Kuqi is :censored:e.......
  2. i think also (and before anyone starts i know he aint coming back) what difference a wellens type player would have made last night - someone who carries the ball at teams, tackles back and can also pass it. Furman/Wes alongside a wellens 'type' player in that team last night would have been ideal to slip it through for KBM, Taylor, Morais etc. Thats why if i think we can keep Lee, KMB, Furman/Wes, Simpson, Morais, Kuqi and add around them at LB and in the squad i think we could be a top 10/outside chance next year. Although i havent given up on 6th this year - i may well be dilusional and even i know deep down it is unlikely, i have the positive view that whilst it is still possible why the hell should anyone dismiss it? cannot understand the negative views on here and at games sometimes - yes in 6th we would be 'punching above our weight' if you want to call it that; but i don't hear the average :censored:e of Notts County and Stevenage decrying their playoff chances when it is still potentially possible. We have a chance for 6th whatever your negative/positive mindset - lets bloody well be positive and try to grab it when we still can.
  3. shocking tackle no argument there but can everyone shut the hell up and get behind someone with clear talent - it seems Morais has finally smelt the coffee at the age of 25/26 and has started to act like a pro in his performances. The lad is only 19 - clearly not the sharpest knife in the draw up top, but he ran the show for 60 mins last night, aided by the 'he is always missing' Adeyemi who again underlined his ability and potential with a great display (his effort every game is commendable, don't know what some people want - an all round midfielder we aint gonna afford). Back the lad and he MAY just want to stay and prove himself with us and earn us a few hundred £k in the process. of the ones out of contract: Lee KMB Simpson Kuqi Morais we need to keep and a build a squad around these guys as our base The rest i'm not too fussed about and yes that includes Furman and Wes - both similar players and neither is really an attack minded player - either/or on these 2 for me. I'd sign Adeyemi if we can, great engine and getting better all the time, best game for us last night. The rest can be replaced including taylor, thanks for your efforts but time to move on.
  4. i will eat humble pie gladly end product and purpose from taylor for the first time in ages - no faffing about coming inside then going back/losing it. kept it simple and ran/crossed when he could/had to. well played - KEEP IT GOING!
  5. I don't want to burst anyone's bubble after yesterday's great win but lets have a bit of perspective for the 2 games this week. Before anyone starts, of course we want 6 points from 6. BUT...... We all know it aint always that simple - we still have a young team especially in midfield and it will take time for Brown to settle in, albeit he got better as the game progressed yesterday. We all expected nowt from yesterday including myself, i was looking more at these 2 games coming up as 6 points to compensate for any defeat. If you would have said that we will get 7 points out of the sheff utd, scunny and yeovil games then we would all have took it. If this would have been draw, win, win then no problem; but you can bet your bottom dollar should we only draw on tuesday the simpletons of our fan base would not put it into perspective and will be the ususal moaning contingent 'rubbush, :censored:e' etc. were we to sheff utd W, then D, W or W, D - we still get the same number of points over those 3 games it is just how it is perceived as 'points lost' against the lesser teams that clouds the actually points total. I guess my point is to just keep a lid on things regards expectations - we SHOULD win thses next 2 games table-wise, but points wise should we W/D or D/W, after yesterdays result in aint as ':censored:e again' as it seems.
  6. Great 2nd half fight from the lads, i just wish we would have that mentality to go for it in every game home and away whether we lose or not. That is what holds our team back i think in some respects, the fear of attacking a team in numbers and losing the ball, thereby getting caught out and letting in a goal. I cannot think of one fan who would slag off any players for attacking the opposition and trying to win a game, much like the old royle mentality of if you score 2 we will score 3. Our lads showed in the second half against 10 men or not that when they all want to they can really hurt teams. They all have the ability it is the psychology that stifles us. If we went at teams in a pack of 5 or 6 like we did 2nd half yesterday, we will score enough goals to then relax and play football; whereas we normally get 1 and then tentatively try for a 2nd whilst getting pushed gradually further back in our own half before conceding. We need to be ruthless as an attacking force. KTF, great effort from everyone from players to fans - personally i don't really truley feel shocked that we won - sheff utd were gifted their goals and given too much respect 1st half. We then got at them and had a go and every attacking chance we had we made the most of with a goal or 2. Anyone who CAN, get your arse down to BP and back the lads, they derserve it after rescuing themselves yesterday.
  7. Taylor was back to somewhere near his best yesterday. Not had chance to review the game since going to a family gathering straight after the game, but what a comeback! Looked toothless at HT, one Adeyemi one-on-one which he should have put away. The midfield looked weak in aggression and happy to let them have the ball and go home at 4:45 with a whimper. Winchester was in no mans land in the first half, definately has ability but his physicality for me at this moment in time is his problem and we looked a lot better 2nd half. Just like the 1st game of the season sheff utd looked average at best, like all the other big guns this year, an over-hyped team yet again. We gave them their goals and chances in the game through our own poor play, doing the hard parts in winning the ball back and then giving it away with a sloppy pass etc At 2 down i'd rather have lost 3-0 having a go than carrying on the 1st half display, To be fair, PD changed it around and we had a go - through our own pressure we got the first and then just kept going as is to be expected - a bit of belief. Taylor did the simple things all game, ran with the ball when he could and when he had to, he produced an END PRODUCT whether it be a pass or a cross - dont think he faffed about with it once like he always does; a couple of touches and then he played it like he should do - MORE OF THE SAME CHRIS!! I know Simpson gives us good link play and yes they had 10 men, but i thought with KMB who was outstanding going forward and Reid up top we gave them another option to deal with aside from Kuqi. Reid looked sharp and not to have put on any excess pounds - he can only get back to first team match fitness by playing first team games and running his arse off for as long as he can, so deserves a start on tuesday. All in all well done to all the lads and PD for having a go and believing. I've said it before and i'll say it again - PLAYOFFS ARE ON!! - yes we have a 1 in 6 chance given the teams chasing 6th, but this result can only help the confidence and whilst we can go for 6th mathematically, WHY THE HELL NOT??!! LETS TRY AND GET THAT 6TH SPOT!! ktf and WELL DONE CHRIS TAYLOR
  8. hudds and sheff weds have massive debts and overspend - both need auto promotion to guarantee the extra finance the championship brings - they can't afford the 'what if' of the playoffs. No promotion = severely :censored:ed. Granted we have a large loss every year however (as far as we know) we don't have any debts aside from the blitz loan. £8m wage bill and £5m debts at hudds, probably double the debt for sheff weds and the same wage bill. Serves them right for going gung-ho.
  9. - Because he is nowhere near as good as most fans and the player himself thinks he is - a willing trier but nothing to show for it end product-wise - i personally think kuqi does too much running for the team - i know he does it cos he gives a :censored: and wants to help the team but i can't help thinking if he saved his legs a bit more then the bursts of running he saves can be used higher up the pitch in and around the box. he needs SERVICE and on the most part taylor and morais/kmb don't provide it. If Kuqi knows the wingers will get it and look to go outside/inside their fullback and cross it over for him then he suddenly gets a lot more chances....not difficult to work out really is it..?
  10. is that they are nowhere to be seen in the bad times but will always come out in force to milk the successful times/days out. I have said this a while back, but IF...IF we can win our games in hand my (in my opinion) 30-70 odds of us getting sixth spot will be well in sight. The mood will suddenly go from 'Dickov out', ':censored: team :censored: ground' to 'always backed dickov', 'always knew we were building a decent team'. These fans should be here in the most part now, given the fact that we aren't unrealisitically short of getting 6th PROVIDED we win those games in hand - i know in my heart of hearts its unlikely but it is not implausible. As soon as chesterfield JPT was thrown away the target was (or should be) 6th spot. Granted we aren't playing like a top 6 team but if we can somehow grind out a few consecutive wins sheff utd game aside, the mentality all of a sudden amazingly becomes positive. We have the players i think - if furman gets back involved (medical timescales on a medial ligament injury is 8 weeks so he has another 3 to go on that basis since hudds)we have a decent little squad. If Carlisle and Stevenage is the benchmark for 6th then we have got to be positive as a squad and without being biased see ourselves as better than them. Our last game is at home v Carlisle - could be a nail-biter...........
  11. why doesn't whoever wants to invest just invest and threby removing corney?
  12. before anyone starts, this is not a continued pelting of criticism towards what a lot of the idiot clique on here regard as my personal hate of Chris Taylor. This is complete and utter rubbish - i personally never ever want any of our players to play badly or for the team to perform poorly, as i am sure is the case for everyone. I have my own opinion of CT in that although he has footballing ability and always gives his all, he is not the great 'star' player that a lot of fans view him as and we could carry on OAFC without him quite easily with KBM and Morais. Anyway, to my point - i have been informed by someone who knows his close family that (and to quote him) 'there are a number of rumours' after i asked him if he is staying or going. I then asked him 'a team higher or lower?' and to be fair he said he didn't know who was interested. 'There are rumours, that's all i'll say' was his main answer. I am no detective but i'd gather that that implies he is likely to be offski in May - it may be that he (CT) sees this as his only chance to play higher and he has to do it now which is fair enough. Personally speaking i can only really think of Barnsley who may be interested in him, given that i doubt he'd want to move too far from home and Keith Hill will know a lot about him. Should he go, good luck to him and who knows he may well prove us all wrong and show his true potential/ability - i hope he does.
  13. Mellor for me but yes i agree 100% - Taylor has been :censored:e all season; yes he does always try but then that is to be expected of anyone in any role in life that they put the committment in. He needs to leave the club for all concerned IMO, has become way too casual and stagnant in his performances and there is no reasonable explanation as to why he has never (since he has been in the first team) ever been dropped aside from if he is injured or suspended. PD has joined the bandwaggon of his predecessors and has taken the view that he can't be seen to drop him because he is in oldham lad/fan and the fans wouldn't like it. Not even the staunchiest supporter of CT can say he has played well at any point this last 12-18 months (as to the levels he showed under shez when he was at his peak). KMB and FP DO NOT deserve to be dropped - FM scored and KMB was our best player for me, effort all night and an attacking threat in the first minute to highlight just how ineffective taylor is when on the wing - KMB one touch inside and a cross - notice how we had 4 or 5 in the box as soon as he got the ball as they knew his aim was to cross it and not faff about cutting back this way and that like CT; proper wing play. But no doubt PD will come out with some rubbish along the lines of KBM is tired after his first 90mins and we need to look after him. Be a proper manager PD and drop CT.
  14. obviously the officials at both us and stevenage have never heard of the month of April - there are 2 or 3 free tuesdays that month if anyone hadn't noticed. No use moaning about the mountain of games in March when one or two could have been put into the following month, thereby spreading out the backlog. Typical Latics...
  15. for all the raving about him i've never been fully convinced as to how good Furman is - sure he is a good player for us at our level, but he doesn't seem to be either a playmaker or a defensive player, somewhere inbetween (which i guess makes him ideal) - his passing has never struck me as fantastic and he does seem to have a few very good games followed by some sluggish displays but then again as does every player in our league. Probably a squad player in the championship, i would say. Like all our players i'd hope our most key players stay, but anyhow i'm really not too fussed about who stays and who goes. At the end of the day, no matter what we as fans think, players which we would all like to stay will either stay, or go if they want to. Who stays is who stays and who goes is who goes - the club can offer as many deals as they want, but if a player wants to leave full stop or for more money then so be it. There is naff-all that any of us can do about it - it would be fantastic if we could actually build a squad up over a few seasons and then achieve something; which i think having Dickov in charge lends itself in some degree to doing this given the good team spirit which may persuade some to extend their stay. However, it does seem more and more like we would need to achieve a promotion/play off season in the 1st season if having a decent team for fear of it breaking up (As is possibly the case this season). Sadly that is the way lower league football has gone, a continuous yearly/2year revolving door. What will be will be - i hope we can keep the majority of the team together but if not we move on just like the players do and support whoever we have next season - no point saying 'oh i wish we would've kept him' - as a club if we wanted a player to stay we would offer the best deal we thought was appropriate and the player either stays or goes and we have who we have. Ke sera sera (and we ARE going to wembley )
  16. if Adeyemi signs on again til June then cover is there, aside from this i'd have Mellor in there. He is a CM by trade and more importantly is a big bulky lad with pace who doesn't shirk a tackle, not a bad replacement to have. Whatever happens we go with what we have/can get - just like having simmo up front, it is a sad sign that having 2 key players out of a team totally de-rails the rest of the team. Granted mssing 4 or 5 of your key players will affect any team, but we shouldnt rely on Wes as being our only midfield hope just as we should be able to beat teams and score goals without simpson. Reid on the comeback trail will help us massively as well, gives us more options regards formations Could play a 4-1-3-2 with furman sitting then taylor, simpson, morais behind reid and kuqi - simmo puts a foot in and is a good dribbler.
  17. i'm sure if he carries on his good form, 2 years with us at his age wouldn't be a bad move - improve again and he'd be off for a nice fee, works both ways. I didn;t rate him at all at first but the past 6 weeks at RB and CM he really has come on leaps and bounds, passing is much more precise and believe it or not the racism issue seems to have really made him get stuck in - i was really impressed with his work rate and physical graft on saturday. He has proved more than an adequate RB, but as a CM he has the physical presence to burst forward and create something when maybe not having his best game. 2 years with us until he is 23/24 with maybe a move in between if he improves - if he is ambitious then although on the one hand he may think he can do better than signing for us; it gives him first team football in an environment he knows and it would be up to him to work hard and get that better move. Hope you sign Tom!
  18. Wes needs an op to strengthen the ligaments around his shoulder. He could have - well he NEEDS - the op now, but this would set him back minimum 3 months as its quite a difficult procedure and obviosuly the area needs good time to recover. So we either continue with Wes being a bit part player given how it will keep popping out even when he hasn't been touched, or PD says get it done now and we go out and get a tough tackling midfielder in on loan and ditch the Clarke bid. Tough call but how many games is Wes gonna miss/start and come off in? Or PD plays him in his correct position and plays Mellor there whwn furman and adeyemi may not be available obviusly.
  19. he was, as always, steady and reliable when called upon. The best all round keeper for me since Gary Kelly. He was so accomplished i felt Cisak didn't need a mention as it's what we've come to expect - a steady, calm, quality keeper we can rely on.
  20. Don't know what game you were watching - in a farcial game ruined by wind it was never going to be too enthralling and 2nd half i thought we did fairly well for an average, low budget 3rd league team which is what we presently are when all said and done good performance overall, no one did poorly really, just cannot for the life of me work out how players can be so thick and clueless in the final third. For doing all the hard work Taylor did winning the ball back on their box and running it in, ALL HE HAD TO DO was slip it across 5 yards to Smith for a tap in..........his ego takes over and he goes for a shot. Adeyemi, Mvoto, Tarky and Morais the standouts for me to varying good levels. Scapuzzi has the ability, it is our players who cannot read the game/move quick enough for the things he wants to create. Put him in a good team and he would do great - granted he hasn't done much for us so on that score needs sending back, but i'd blame the team he is in for us not seeing the best of him; we just don't suit his game/footballing brain. If we have simpson, furman and reid back for the chesterfield game i think we will win it. We have to win the game outright, end of. My only worry is that our 'we have to go for it' mentality will lead to us rushing the moves and not scoring and also leaving ourselves open to a smash and grab 1-0 to them
  21. get off high horse would you - as stated below this board is for stating opinions and discussing the pros and cons of players, in this case Taylor. Just because people may disagree and/or have a go at players on a matchday; whilst personally I don't have a go at Chris Taylor et al - believe it or not despite my previous post, I always encourage Chris and the team in the vein hope that Chris mught actually perform to his once high level. I encourage CT and the team - sure like all of us i get frustrated when a move breaks down through sloppyness or the wrong option, but NEVER boo the team/players - I agree it is just not worth it. We all see things differently in some way, please can those who do it, stop with their hard-done-by posts whereby if one or two are in the minority on a topic, they feel the need to publicise this with a 'oh well, i'll have to start booing and calling Parker crap too then' type of post. It really is quite sad - i would hope that none of us on here take any views expressed by posters to heart - sure agree/disagree but leave it at that. If people boo/shout at players at games then sadly whether we like it or not if they wanna do it, they'll do it - those who encourage the team just simply need to drown those others out through their support. I must admit i have had a go at 2 'supporters' at the sheff weds game who did nothing but sarcastically slag PD, the team and Parker off 'It's Half Time, let's see if Dickov has chnaged it....no he hasn't cos he's crap' - said as loud as a church bell so the whole stand could hear them, not simply mutterings between 2 pals at a game - a real dislike of the club with comments about Hardy and our stagnation - a real dislike and seemingly an enjoyment out of us being in the state we are in. Say what we want on here, that's its purpose Lets stop all the bitching and snipe comments at one another, it really is tedious and spoils what is quite an inquisitive and humorous (on occasions) board.
  22. 1) Mrs Sheff is not in situ 2) i don't 'not' like him, he frustrates me in his constant on-pitch whinging, his big-balls attitude when he has done nothing of note in his career to warrant such an ego. 3) he just isn't as good as he and some fans think he is - i have no deep like or dislike for the bloke; i am just saying it as i (in all honesty) see Taylor as in regards to his ability and team offering. Agree or disagree, each to their own.
  23. The guy is a complete tool - hearing him speak shows he must be one of, if not the, bluntest tools in the box - it's no wonder he can't vary his game and actually understand that if he used his pace to good effect and worked on crossing and whipping balls over, that he might actually improve and fulfill his role as a winger ala Eyres and Holden. He is all pace and fook all else. He has been average for 3 years now - i've said it before and i'll say it time and again - if he was championship standard he would have gone when he played his best football in the shez playoff year when we had serious offers for him - there is a reason he hasn't and in some ways i am pleased that people are now opening their eyes to see the average player that he is. He should be commended for staying with us when the mighty scunthorpe came for him last season - maybe not a step up club-wise but if you believe the rumours i have heard that they offered to make him their highest paid on £2.5k a week and he said no, then fair play for not following the gravy train the first chance he gets, Oldham fan or not. He does try, again not in too much doubt, but his endless moaning - in the pre season game at mossley he said to the lino 'how the :censored: did you give that throw in to them? where the :censored: did that come from?' - this is in a PRE SEASON game arguing over a bloomin THROW IN is just pathetic. He is a brilliant actor when winning us free kicks for not being touched at all. Given his performances over the past three years, his (lack of a) footballing brain in creating chances/crosses and the fact that he is 25/6 and never going to improve from hereonin, i'd suggest we ££££ in on him while we can and allow him to follow his acting career. Whilst he is with us, i do agree with others in that his pace does allow him to carry the ball a decent distance to advance us, but beyond that he is neither use nor ornament as above. He needed dropping a long time ago - it disappoints me that a promising manager like PD has immediately (it seems) jumped on the bandwaggon of 'i must not drop Chris Taylor as he is an oldham fan and the fans will get on my back if i do' - the guy has been coasting for the past 2 seasons, which to be fair most of us may do in our jobs if we are comfortable in a position and feel me may be beyond reproach in most scenarios regards performance - NO ONE should be beyond being dropped, whoever you are. Drop him, tell him to shut his fookin gob and use his energe practicing crossing the ball to our strikers - the same goes for the RW by the way - if our striker(s) kn(e)ow that as soon as person X gets it he is going to look to cross it into the box first chance he gets then i guarantee the team as a whole would be more of an attacking threat. Instead wingers will flip flap and want to beat their man every time before delivering any form of service - one thing Hudders did on saturday was an early cross from which Rhodes nearly scored. Drop Chris for 5 games and play young Connor Hughes - pace and looks to whip crosses over with a fair frequency - you know he will put a shift in and he would be no worse than Chris for end product - even if he didn't have any joy for 85mins, if he puts a cross in for Kuqi to head us to Wembley it will have been more than Taylor does in one normal game of gobbing off, short-adjusting and no end-product supply-wise. Thanks Chris but please, fook off and let us have the cash - you won't make it in the championship so that's fine by me - you've not REALLY made it as a star in our league when all is said and done and although you and some of our fans may think it, you are CERTAINLY NOT our best player, not by any means.
  24. black kit it is. why the hell aren't we wearing our traditional colours???? no clash whatsoever as they're all red really disappointed - i know its the game not the kit at the end of the day but it would've been nice to see us in the blue
  25. can't see us having clarke again - HT's manager says on their site that he has trained with them today and did very well, from the sounds of it i'd doubt he'll be coming back to us straight away if at all, but i guess training doesn't mean he is wanted again, may have trained and then signed forms; who knows. Key for me is scapuzzi for the season and also adeyemi - not a massive fan of adeyemi but he is more than a useful option and is a powerful lad to have in the squad - we have JYM and Tarky at the back and can go and get another CB if needed. Never felt Clarke has been brilliant - steady but nothing amazing and i think Diamond/JYM are the better 2 out of the three.
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