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Everything posted by shefflatic

  1. i don't appear to have had a personal dig at you Lags - i know from this forum you are a diehard fan so no qualms there, moreso than myself in many ways i can admit. I just don't understand this moving of goalposts - the Brum friendly would have been a tenner no doubt - but for the sake of £5 more and the chance to see some fairly skillfull players, in an atmosphere and for the club to earn some money which would potentially aid us in getting that 15-20 goals striker?? - Don't see the issue. Latics never said the Brum friendly was the designated free ticket game for ST holders Fans have got it in their heads that it is a rip-off - when you weigh it all up as regards why the club are doing it etc it really isn't. If we were making a profit every year then yes a different ball game. No problems with it when all said and done - as i have said not the cheapest friendly ever but there are reasons.
  2. Agree Palmer1 - the same people wanting things for free are the same morons who then wonder why the ground is in bits and we aren't able to sign players on £3k a week. Everyone on here WANTS the club to do well i'm sure, but some have a darn funny way of showing it. We also all know that the club needs money. Go if you want to/can afford to - don't go if you don't want to pay it. Personally, if i can go and can afford to go then i will. Given our circumstances and the potential decent players on offer, £15 is reasonable IMO. Nothing more apart from go or don't go needs to be said. But hey, lets all go OTT and lambast Corney for being a 'robbing bastard'..............
  3. blame the need for policing as the reason for £15 price - i'd bet latics would love to charge a tenner a head but need to factor in various things as well as the obvious profit potential. 'why don't we play city in a friendly? we never get any decent friendlies' - as soon as we do 'booo i'm not watching us play city reserves sod that' it will likely be a mixture of the Euro lot and kids - latics would have been better off with the brum game than play their kids - thats the whole reason for the swift change as we've got wind that they'll be involved = crowd puller WELL DONE LATICS! Damned if they do, damned if they don't - go if you want to go or don't go if you're not willing to pay the £15 or aren't willing to pay/realise that the club needs all it can get - as sad as it is it is where we're at whether you like it or not. Oh and for those who are bleating about having bought a season ticket simply because of the free friendly admission (when i'd guess many are away at varying intervals over summer and would therefore not sychronise their summer break against a possible free gig home friendly) there is always the Huddersfield friendly. If the club were to say that ST holders with a free friendly voucher could submit it for the cup game vs Sheff Weds and be entitled to half price admission on the night the moaners would soon shut up!. And YES i am a season ticket holder. All the moaning would again also be forgotten if 5k adults + 3k kids = £90,000 allowed us to get a decent striker in. We are a club in need - admittedly not the cheapest friendly ever, but its a chance to earn money and if we nick a win then more will come along for the wednesday cup game. Also it will be a friendly with a bit of atmosphere rather than sitting in a morgue like most weekends in the season! Well done Latics, not a problem
  4. can't say i'm too fussed - he would be a good one to have so long as he is truly prepared to stop being a nomadic player and a lazy git when he feels like he wants to be one and actually start doing his job and making a decent name for himself. If he doesn't want to be at Oldham for the right reasons then give me Tonk every day of the week - 10 goals plus 100% effort to the team, not too shabby. Thing is with Clarke, he is just the sort of player you wouldn't want to play against as you always know he's a threat.....oh well either way over to you PD - so long as our 2nd choice aint Paynter - now he makes a slug look quick.
  5. if we have made a proper bid, then it must mean that we cannot agree on a wage % with charlton for a loan deal? Perhaps Clarke is willing to drop wages if a perm move, but either we cannot match charlton's requested % for a loan deal nor match their valuation, I suspect 50k offer. Would've certainly been a good option to have for a league one team and would fit in well with our forward options but attitude and general demeanour is an issue for me. Tonks it is then!
  6. deal off?? http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11684/7884994/Addicks-reject-Clarke-bid
  7. preston it is - cue the boos next season and so much for the 'daarrn saarfff because of his son' idea http://www.prestonnorthend-mad.co.uk/news/tmnw/morais_in_training_748685/index.shtml
  8. a guy on twitter @paddynowheels - might be someone on here - says on twitter that Furman to Barnsley £150,000 with taiwo coming in is 'a real possibility' anyone know this guy? credible? Hope not true but if it is, we move on. Furman is very good for this level but is a like for like with wes - more mobile but too defensive for my liking. Disappointed were he to go but, again, nothing we can control so what will be will be. Could this be the hold up in the Taiwo deal Matt???
  9. Jeffrey Schlupp it is then, nice bit of pace. Or Jake Cassidy from Wolves
  10. must admit sadly that my views on adams/holden et al only stem from reams of old videos but in any case, he never truly zipped past a player ala KMB sort of pace vs Walsall, from my perspective him and Holden were similar in style; get it, jockey the ball, get half a yard past a full back and whip it in
  11. nice one on the degree Hallam - agree Sheffield is a brilliant city, not too far over the hill but far enough to be away from home/independent but above all i found it a vibrant enjoyable city, really enjoyed the trips back with Latics to retrace old steps, glad i can do it again this year! (sad or what!)
  12. well done to PD for getting Crofty in on a full season deal (i think with year loans there are clauses in so in Jan the parent club could call him back/sell him in etc, but thats by the by) - if not as pacey as he was years back then he will at least put in a shift - as long as he fires crosses over he is doing his job - Adams and Holden never outstripped players, the just got half a yard and smashed it over, that'll do for me (and our strikers im sure) can everyone who was/has been/is moaning about PD signing no one, players of :censored:e ability etc etc we're doomed-type comments just sit back, relax and let him sign who he does/can sign????? Whoever we get certainly aint here for the money that's clear. PD will do his best to sell the club to players and i back him to know a :censored:e player from a good/promising one. All signings are gambles and not all will prove fantastic signings as thats just how it goes. We are a limited finance club and whoever we get we will have done well to get in, so lets just KTF, back PD and SC and lets all be POSITIVE!! - if things dont happen/work out as regards players as the season goes on, well thats life im afraid and wont be the fault of good intentions/efforts of those in question. We have a bloody decent little team for a club without a pot to piss in - LETS ALL BECOME ONE AND GET BEHIND EVERYONE! WOOP CROFTY WOOP!! :p
  13. if we can add another CB, 1 LW, 1 RW and another ST or 2 we will have a decent squad. I think IF some of the names that have been banded about come off we will have a VERY decent little quad and have good bang for our buck. I think a lot on here underestimate the calibre of player available and whom with PD's sales technique and genuine honesty, that we can go after and attract. There are LOADS of players out of work and some very respectable ones at that. Add to that a couple of decent loans and given how open the league is this year IF we keep everyone fit for the most part, we could be onto a winner. The biggest test will come when the loan system is eventually binned in 2014? - then we will be up :censored: creek; although in saying that it will be the same for everyone else. We will get who we can/do get and that is that, PD is damned if he does sign someone because it turns out that 'he's :censored:' and damned if he doesn't sign someone because we simply can't. PD is in control of who he signs and on his heas be it - i happen to think he is a very astute guy and is not daft in the slightest and has a pretty good eye for players - he has also proved he will rectify it if he realises he has made a mistake signing ala Feeney, Parker. ALL managers make :censored:e signings even Fergie with Taibi, Bebe via a DVD for £7m! Veron and Djemba Djemba, Kleberson, A Smith etc etc CUT PD some slack - whoever we sign we are gonna have to like it or lump it - PD thinks whoever he signs is good enough so that's that. KTF and lets be positive instead if this 'urrgh he's :censored:' 'not sure about him', ':censored: for them so :censored: for us' 'young kid gonna be crap' P.S Mchangama was at training wearing a wooly hat on the LP footage, so he may be another battler in the middle
  14. commanding all-effort CB but if people thought Diamond and Greegs lacked pace this guy takes the biscuit. JYM isnt the quickest nor is Tarky - have Brown alongside him though and it could work i suppose Not one i would have signed (if this is true), but then again beggers can't be choosers and he will gives his all and do us a job; i suppose that's all we can expect. Also seen on twitter someone says in for Doherty and Matt Oakely???
  15. mellor played CM vs Carlisle which is where we were originally told he was best in and he looked the part. I hope we look at DM, CW, DF and JW as our midfield with 2 others at LB - good robust midfield if so. Would be happy with Smith Simpson Taylor and Tonk Add in the Croft and Taiwo rumours and if so, looks a decent little 15-16 players
  16. like all our players, not arsed either way. Up until Liverpool he was awesome, after Liverpool and the Chesterfield game he was very very poor and particularly in Preston game at home he looked like he couldn't be arsed. I also don't like us playing the 4-4-1-1 system as unless the team is close together we lose any attacking focal point. 4-4-2 please PD. He will stay or go, like anyone, for one reason or another. All replacable when being brutally honest. what happens happens and i wont be losing sleep over it.
  17. Just wanted to pass on my personal best wishes to Barry in light of the article on the website as regards his health. Whatever our personal views on Barry and his role within the club, it does become apparent how pathetic it all is really when health is suddenly at stake. All the best Barry.
  18. smith, taylor, simpson and tonks as the 4 would be ok for me - smith aint gonna do the chasing down which someone like tonks does - maybe smith knowing he has to simply be in the box and work off the efforts of tonk/midfield is what he needs - tonk/taylor do the legwork and smith finds the space. Kuqi is off for me - big supporter of him but unless he was to cut back his work ethic thereby focusing on being in the box - which knowing him (and rightly so as it shows he isnt lazy) he would still want to run 50 miles per game so he aint gonna do it - then he does take away from the shape of the team by not being in and around the box when we need him to be. Who knows, we shall find out in time no doubt Really do hope we sign Tonks though, great potential and would hate to see him rip us a new one with someone else in league 1
  19. Dean Bouzanis (2013) Alex Cisak (2013 plus a further one year option) Luke Simpson (second year of scholarship) Glenn Belezika (2013 plus a further one year option) Connor Brown (2013 plus a further one year option) Jean-Yves Mvoto (2013) James Tarkowski (2013) Carl Winchester (2013) Dean Furman (2013) Connor Hughes (2013) David Mellor (2013) James Wesolowski (2014) Matt Smith (2013) Dan Taylor (2013 plus a further one year option) still to sign: Kuqi, R Simpson, Diallo, Morais, Millar, Mchangama
  20. http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/326790 Maybe Cisak still on his way somewhere, £100k for the pension hole, £75k tv money + £25k out of the Cisak would-be funds to pay for him if they are wanting 100k? or maybe Corney is just feeling generous...
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