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Everything posted by GlossopLatic

  1. Yes my god they were dark days that season for me that season was the most depressing of all time. That was in the days when we got excited about the prospect of Mathew Tipton and the pre season excitement of our man to solve our stiking problems step forward super Steve Whitehall.
  2. There is your answer people its a friendly one week before the season starts I would hazard a guess that the last thing any of the players would want at this moment is an injury in a game that means nothing.
  3. Between 3rd and 8th but we won't get promoted we need a left footed left back we still don't quite have the balance IMO.
  4. Very good post agree 100% If we have learn't anything from being in this division it is that its not easy at all to get out of this season will be no exception. As has been shown we have only won 1 promotion in the last 30 years they don't come around too often.
  5. 2 questions 1. Why do you think Colchester will do so well 2. Why won't we get in the top 6
  6. I don't know about promotion or bust but certainly top 6 that is a realistic expectation Leicester and Leeds will have bigger budgets than ourselves so I won't say top 2 and the play offs are a lottery we are one bad refereeing decision, wicked deflection, bad injury at the wrong moment from losing those games. That said it really depends how the season pans out and the football we play and how things develop over the course of the season.
  7. The only way thats going to happen is if we get all the games to kick off at 7:30 as on sat at the MEN we had an extra 4.5 hours drinking time which always makes all the difference .
  8. I would take winning the last 5 games over the first 5 games we need to peak at the right time.
  9. Their will be football fans who support this football club who will be racist and obviously I won't condone them but I think it is just a reflection of society and as a club from a town with race problems in the past then its going to be an issue. However as you said yourself people weren't on the back of Craig Davies at the same time as Ricketts. People also apprecaited the efforts of Neal Trottman, Reuben Hazel and Ryan Bertrand last season so I don't believe it is a race issue not for the vast majority. Regarding Davies firstly I'm probably in the minority but I like to see Davies drift wide and deep from time to time to drag the defenders about abit because he drifts wide it makes him more difficult to pick up. Its not as though Tevez and Rooney are always staying central they are moving the defenders about so they can't be marked out of the game. First game of last season he was driffting wide and the centre halfs looked really uncomfortable as they didn't know how to pick him up he really roasted Swansea that day. He just needs to learn when to drift wider and deeper and when to get in the box. He is a young lad so he is still learning the game and will come good this season.
  10. Spot on people thinking that Ricketts thinking that ricketts is the victim of racism is bollocks I gave Michael Ricketts a chance I'm delighted to see the back of him he it doesn't make me a racist. As far as Im concerned a Strikers 3 aims are in this order 1. Scoring 2. Creating chances for others 3. Offering a good first line of defence Ricketts did none of the above JSS you make the point about Berbatov he scored over 20 goals the last 2 seasons if Ricketts was scoring at that kind of rate I couldn't care less if he didn't chase every lost cause.
  11. Has anyoneelses voice still not recovered yet mine hasn't. I want to see the tv coverage as everyone around me seemed to be on it I must have been aswell.
  12. Think this was the incident behind me as some drink splatted over the back of me shame it had to end that way because that was a quality night. Good to see the old heroes Holden, Ritchie, Milligan, Halwworth, and some of the more recent ones to like Mini shez still see he hasn't lost his appetite for a tackle, Eyrsie and Dux and the coaching staff philly and Tommy still no doubt show some of the current team a thing or two on the training ground, and good to see some familiar faces from the fans and Rocky Latic being the shy retiring sober one sat in the corner DO IT FO ERNIE! Thats the motto for this season and good to see we got a few good chants for him going. Plus it was great to see Alan Hardy and Simon Corney mingling with the fans and being genuinely appreciated for their efforts too Corney looked touched when we gave him a song. A great appetiser for the season looking forward to it even more now great to go to an event like this and see so many Latics fans being the loudest and porudest.
  13. Think he still regualrly catches the team and did so when they were in the prem and he is probably now at the peak of his career so coming to us is unlikely at best. If we did have him in this team we would be looking at an auto spot.
  14. This is my 11 from the 2 squads think it would take some beating Pogliacomi Eardley Hall Hill Armstrong Taylor Murray Allott Eyres Davies Hughes so 6-5 to the 02-03 boys but this season hasn't started yet and the best comparison would be once I have seen the new team play a number of games.
  15. Defensively the 02-03 squad is stronger Hazel and Gregan are good but Hill and Hall were a class apart and as we have no left back in this squad where in 02-03 we had the best one in the league in Armstrong. In the middle of the park we are fairly even the 02-03 midfield had a few more goals in it I think Eyres got atleat 15 and Murray Dux and Tony Carss could all chip in. Upfront Hughes and Davies are more than a match for Wijnhard and Andrews. and O'grady and Allesandra will contribute more than killen and Corrazin. So overall IMHO its relatively even on paper.
  16. Paul Black is a genuine Left Back he maybe this seasons breakthrough player. I tell you what though having looked at the squad list there it really looks strong. I am trying to keep my feet on the ground because even in my comparitively short (18 years) watching us we have had plenty of dissapointments and people have not lived upto expectations, but players could have their work cut out just to make the 16 this season.
  17. Oh no their was a pitch invasion at the final wistle definately remember it and if you see the Match of the day highlights you will see hundreds invade the pitch. Just that they all came of the pitch to allow the players to come back on and do a proper lap of honour as you say. Sorry to be pedantic but I have nothing better to do all day.
  18. Thats more accurate and I would go for Sharp over Moore as our worst manager everytime. Poor football and am glad to see the back of Moore, but he still is in charge of a team in the same league as ours. Plus he signed Wellens, Porter, Warne, Liddell and Beckett so he doesn't deserve the worst manager title. That goes to Graeme Sharp, should never have been considered for that role he even said in his autobiography he didn't really want it. We kept taking backward step after backward step playing poor uninspiring football and the players seemed to look like they wanted to be anywhere else but playing for him.
  19. Ronnie is here we hoof it long Ronnie leaves and we build much better from the back. He kept picking and signing the players to do it he kept picking Branston ahead of Stam. Forbes and Rob Scott couldn't pass either and they were his signings. As has been said Rotherham played hoofball and so do Tranmere its not a coincidence. Anyway weve moved on from this so I will put it to bed now and say no more on the matter.
  20. Wow massive over statement there! wasn't even the best I saw last season Davies at home to Swansea, Hughes at Bornemouth Allessandra at home to carlisle were better than that I didn't see Hughes at Millwall some would say that was better too.
  21. Yes I really wondered what Ronnies idea was in signing Wellens when you told your centre halfs to smash the ball over his head. Branston was god awful, him and Terryll Forbes are comfortably the worst passers of a ball I have ever seen put on a blue shirt. Talbot or Moore? well Moore is still in a job at this level although how much longer Tranmere are going to cope with his dour football and mid table finnishes remain to be seen. Talbot just looked like a fish out of water.
  22. Well that walk over the top from Hayfield to Glossop is a killer inetrms of hills because you are right in the peninnes so be warned Ive sponsored you a fiver Good luck with your walk and the fund raising.
  23. No we have to be the fourth best team in the country for that to happen. Phil while your here Your walk and that last leg from Hayfield to Oldham are you walking through Glossop.
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