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Everything posted by Careca9

  1. all for some sort of protest as AL needs to go. i dont believe he was left a great club but he's not the man at all we need and things are going worse. also not up for total boycot of the game, we cant stop people going and they have paid money for tickets. coming in late so kick off is in an empty stadium would be as far as i could see game boycott going. best done at the TV game. throwing things on the pitch isnt ideal either as can unsettle the team. maybe just do the normal and produce a big banner with AL out on it and protest in front of him during the game so he stop attending.
  2. i was referring to the fact he set up to be resolute and nick a goal as its difficult to play flowing football on a cabbage patch. we had a team with much less quality in a higher division and clawed results out two years on the trott at this time of year. this was mroecambe at home, 4th bottom of the league and we lost. as we saw tonight it was hard to pass through the middle yet we constantly tried to play that way. we leave o'grady up top with minimal support. hardly an ideal way to play. you cant sit here and say that the set up was spot on and it was all the players fault for not carrying out the intstructions well enough
  3. That was poor tonight. Can’t help but feel we set up wrong, tried to overplay which was obv the tactic. Only shez has worked out how to win at BP when the pitch is bad and I’m afraid to say it but direct football is the only way. Odd ogrady was left up top with no real support but it’s his first job and will take time to work out what he wants. Just hope he learns quickly as our team should be beating morecambe’s as We have way more Quality. Nepo back to left back where he was class recently and get Lang back quickly
  4. having 2 defensive mids last two games has give them the option to play nepo at left back as we have cover if he bombs forward. he put the cross in for langs goal didnt he from touchline in 88th min?? i thinks he's done well there and works well with branger so would look to replace lydon in mid and keep him there. Dont think FGR get the credit as they are a tiny club but will be difficult game, no need to change shape for me just stay 4-5-1 even though we are at home and push full backs on more.
  5. 150k it says. ex mossley as well and after watching that looks more like his level
  6. Agree. Absolutely garbage from first minute to last. Not seen a team with such little threat. And they have spent a fair bit. U’d be devastated if that was ur team. Got a good run of league fixtures. Win a decent percentage and can be amongst the leaders by end of Feb
  7. yeah but he'd been a pro player prior to that at a few clubs i think
  8. yeah prob but id imagine clarke getting up infront of the team and laying out the tactics or getting stuck into people at half time would still go down better than wild doing it. i would pay a fortune to be in that dressing room before game and at ht to see what happens.
  9. its not the fact he has a badge vs not having a badge. its how a bunch of pro players will react to whose in charge. clarke would surely get a better respone. imagine being a player and being dropped by wild or told to do something you dont agree with. he may be right but will he be able to get that from the team. im not sure. as a min clarke or another senior player should be involved and the club should not be putting wild in this position. im sure he'll love it whatever happnes as anyone one of us would getting chance to manage a league game but club are hardly helping him. bad move for me and senior player should have taken team
  10. must have the poorest credentials ever to manage a game for a pro team. would hope the team see he's a fan and wants to win and put on a decent display. .he's unlikely to change anything major so players need to put in a good performance. ill be all over a port vale win though on bet 365
  11. the only positive is ints unlikely we are going to go down this year so hopefully anyone that comes in who isnt up to it again will be gone by summer. id take a foreign manager, take anyone as long as they have the experience to do the job, not clarke. constant sacking of managers and different teams wont help us at all as this is really frankie's team he's assembled. how they will all cope with another manager will be interesting to see
  12. Just seen it also but the only reason clubs are losing money is they are paying too much of their %income on wages. Not even bonus related to pay for wins/goals. Struggle to feel sorry for them including latics. Wimbledon/Accrington show it’s possible so losing money to that tune isn’t a must. Sacking people every other month can’t help though.
  13. come a little out of the blue seeing as won tuesday. club has always had this in them though, you never know whats going to happen next and this will only destabilise things further. hardly likley to galvonise us to produce at weekend. i would imagine chairman not happy at leage position and something had to move so it was his assistant rather than bunn. although dont think it will be long until he gets the boot now
  14. shows that all is not well, hence the rank performances. thats why i think if we are expecting a massive last day push from the boys and management it may not be coming. also surprised to see wellens constantly saying he's cool and calm about things even though we have been terrible and facing a win or bust game. i think he has his eye on other things and relegation wont be the be all and end all for him. also heard davies is still hugely pissed off at the rejection of a move in jan by AL that would see him earn a fair whack per week. Hope for the clubs sake we do it sat but honestly wont be surprised to see another dreadful display
  15. you are being way too harsh on him. as its been pointed out he's been playing in a midfield 2 with fane who has the least amount of footballing talent ive ever seen from a pro. gardner, although no world beater is a decent mid for league 1, his passing at times is wayward but he works hard, picks up a fair amount of loose balls and does drive forward well with the ball. he's a step up from banks for sure and in last few games been one of the better performers.
  16. a character issue! as if they aren't bothered,, no not a chance. this is down to wellens and them understanding how to play and he's responsible for motivating and coaching them to do the jobs he wants from them. if they don't he has a number of options at his disposal as we have a large squad that could play a number of formations. he doesn't he keeps picking the same team so it can't be lack of character or they'd be dropped. we all know bryne doest work hard, we've all seen it all year thats how he plays he should have worked out how to get him in the team and win by now. davies constantly selected over AHH who looks more of a threat and nazon played as a wide left striker, again not his position. they look disjointed, they look like they will concede goal nearly every opposition attack, how can you win games like that with lob sided formations. that isn't down to character, wellens is fully responsible, more than enough in this squad to be at least mid table and he's had long enough to sort out what his best team is.
  17. its too late to sack him........i totally agree the way he is setting us up isn't getting the best out of the squad but could we get someone in with enough time to get a tactic across in training and select a winning team without knowing the personel? . AAH does create problems, id have to ask why nepo can't get a game. nazon is great but it just isn't working with him in a 3 as he just wants to shoot all the time and he gives no cover to the full back behind him. the defence is another issue but bryne in a 3 when he doesn't work that hard hardly helps
  18. that was an absolute shambles.....from the management team. i loved wellens when he started, played some of the best football in years but since xmas he seems to have totally lost the plot. tonight was the first time I've ever seen a pro game descend into a sunday afternoon game in park where our striker is slide tackling the opposition on the end of our box when one of the other 3 strikers argues with our sulking midfielder in oppositions half. also playing 4-2-4 for 40 mins with no wide play is rubbish also got his tactics wrong at start and had to change about 15 mins in when we should have already been 2 or 3 down. he hasn't got a clue of how to set us up to win games or keep it tight, we as a club should no after having shez save us for years on end that you have to keep clean sheets in big games. we look like letting 3 a half in. i literally hope the hammering tonight gives him a wake up call to change things, it could be the best thing for us as a 1-0 and he stays the same. i just hope the players haven't all kicked off between themselves after having to play in that tonight. get a winger or two in, play a solid formation and count on doyle nicking one or throwing strikers on for last 10 to win it 1-0. still can survive but for me this lot, even though they have more talent are destined to drop
  19. Ha not quite. I’m not saying we are a Good side. We look poor and not everyone puts a shift in however we have more than enough ability to win games if they can pull it out. Doyle averages nearly a goal a game at this level. Whether they will get it together is the question
  20. Kind of agree on this. I think Doyle is the match winner for us so drop Byrne and get wingers in the team and crosses into box. Not sure Byrne behind one striker is our best option. Rather have 4 hardworking mids and two strikers than Byrne at moment
  21. Not playing team who are at top and in form or winning. Jesus who else do u want other than 2 more teams at home with nowt to play for and 3 sides in bottom 7 away. We have more talent than all of them and although we aren’t a great team you’d still have to say they could win every game
  22. Didnt really do enough to win but wtf we have seriously shot oursleves in the foot. Like a lot of comments im worried we dont have the effort in this team. More thsn enough ability but i dont think wellens is getting the best out of whats available to him. How we still set up woth 4 centre mids i dont know. At least he moved byrne to his best position and he had some influence. Edmondson was also another major positive and had a good game. Still should stay up as have a good run in
  23. That was awful. The tactics have to come under question as it just isn’t working. Fane is clearly not good enough to play in a 2 in midfield. Gardner left as only central mid with any passing ability so we can’t put anything together. Byrne and Pringle aren’t wide players and can’t get in game. At least Pringle works hard though but why nepo, mcglaughling or the Irish lad who can dribble aren’t used amazes me. urgent rethink for rest of season on team or formation for me
  24. he got two individual goals but did very little else, no hold up play and wasnt in the game for large spells on sat. In fact in both games its been davies who's done the majority of the work down the channels so there';s never anyone in the box who will win us a header if we do actually whip it in. if he scores an individual goal every game and wins us points then fine he'll have justified his role but for me unless he offers more for the team he should be behind holloway, especially at home on our pitch. last night he was carried by davies who may as well have been up top on his own. his ability to play with his back to goal looked really poor, and he's going to have to play like that because of our pitch so we need someone who can do that. although i admit its only two games but he doesnt seem to want to challenge in the air and he's just waiting for a through ball to run onto and thats it. holloways' physical style and play meant he was more dangerous and a better option for us as a team in my opinion, as he was able to hold up the ball and wrestle through challenges to get us up the pitch. therefore i think he needs to do more to justify starting games.
  25. Massive win. They were terrible but good to win a tight game where 1 goal takes the points a bit like last two years under shez its tight and I fancy both dale and bury to pick up. Mk with an unproven manager look in trouble but hopefully we keep up the recent form and pull clear don’t like out 4-1-3-2 tactic with no width, never anyone in box and we never cross it. However if it brings wins I’ll take it
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