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Everything posted by HarryBosch

  1. Isn’t three tenners this seasons playing budget.... ?
  2. He’ll get in and stay in at some point
  3. I second this. Came on big money with a big reputation too. Bury away was one of the worst performances I've ever seen
  4. We've already done this - O'Grady is, pound for pound, our worst ever striker. Never has someone so bad started so many games.
  5. Is he not as entitled to do that as the owner of any other business would be?
  6. Nepo's my favourite current Oldham player. He's probably our best player. He's still shite.
  7. Captain's are a bit of an English obsession. And an obsession of fans moreso than players at that... The forrun's place little importance on them, similar to how they are about managers...
  8. Both are a big reason we dropped to this league and are still in it. You'd like to think the combined wages of the two of them could get us someone much better than either of them, however........
  9. Very encouraging if it's true but, surely if we're able to pay such a fee for a player there are much better options out there who would be far less of a gamble?
  10. I honestly don't think I've ever seen these words typed before and hope I never will again......
  11. For the record, I'm fine without any of that in case anyone from the club is reading who might ask LB to waste valuable time that could be spent making the players less shit.... I'm sure we'll get something along those lines at some point between now and August...
  12. I’d like to have kept him as much as the next person but, I wonder if (and it is an if) we play with two younger, faster CB’s will we be able to play a higher line, score more goals, win more games..?
  13. Sadly he's right. We do have a lot of fans who adopt a stance and would then rather be proven "right" to the detriment of the club than give credit where it's due if they're proven wrong. They're a psychologists dream I'd imagine.... A lot of them also wrongly use the word "fickle" to describe those of us who just try to call it as we see it - i.e. praise us when we're good, slate us when we're shit - rather than adopt an agenda that must not be deviated from....
  14. I'm not totally against the idea of someone who's never been shit enough to know League Two football....
  15. Are we unusual in so many greats having been wingers? Or the way we like/appreciate wingers? Tommy Wright was my first ever "favourite player", then we had Holden, Adams, Eyres, not in the same league but Chris Taylor was good and a big fans favourite, even now Nepo is probably our best player and one of the most popular....
  16. It could be, yes. We may or may not find out soon..
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