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Everything posted by 24hoursfromtulsehill

  1. Hand-job and cigar for that man! It could be a singular datum that tells us about the atrocity, or more, in which case the sentence would have to read...the data show. The Fishul Report needs You, Mr. OldhamSheridan.
  2. Charming. Nothing wrong with the moral content of the sentence. The trick is to look beyond the moral content, into the world of grammar.
  3. ...is true. But the sentence was written last week. Try again.
  4. I got in there a few years ago in jeans and a German army jacket--my transgression of the dress code was so complete that the clowns on the door just didn't see me at all. This afternoon I'll be transcribing an exciting and important debate on a report by the HoC Work and Pensions Committee. Anyone who can say what's wrong with the following sentence can get a job doing the same thing. Enjoy. The data shows that last week, the Fairies massacred over 1,000 Pixies.
  5. Forty-two arrests, a riot and a stabbing. They say it was a good-natured riot and a cheery sort of a stabbing. They're such a nice bunch, especially when they're drunk.
  6. Who says that science and religion are necessarily opposed to one another? Stephen Hawking always talks about seeing the mind of God, and Richard Dawkins has spent the last 20 years or so foaming at the mouth about an entity he swears blind does not exist.
  7. I heard on the Today programme today that the sweaties are having to camp out because the wealthy Ruskis have bought up all the hotel rooms. There's a camp site somewhere on some playing fields in south Manchester. Any community-minded individuals in the area should get down there and offer to look after the tents while they're at the match.
  8. Professing atheism kind of counts as joining in. You're wrong, incidentally.
  9. A relative of mine told a relative of yours the longest confession of all time. They went in on skateboards and came out on zimmers.
  10. Let me kick this off: Religion is okay so long as you're a Roman Catholic. All other religions are bogus superstitions.
  11. A friend of mine got a ticket ages ago. He's a Catholic Hearts fan with a special reserved place in his pantheon of hatred for "Rangers". He's called Paddy but has had to change his name for the game. I think he chose Eric or some such. No need to wish for the hun to burn in hell because, barring a miracle, that will happen anyway, but I sure hope they get beat in this one. What's the Russian for come on you St. Petersbergers?
  12. Typical Man City. The faces change, but it's the same old story. They put up for ages with a rubbish manager, then get a good one in. He does alright for them, so they sack him. Okay, they're not sixth in the Premiership, like they were when they sacked monkey man, but they're not doing that badly. Great news for us, no question. Mercenary squad discontented and looking to do the off. Micah off to a non-comedy club for zillions. City down next season. Happy day.
  13. I yield to no one in my respect for farm folk, but sending teams down or landing them further in the mire is a really healthy pleasure. Who's to say that the Cheltenham fans are the real dedicated yokels from the non-league days? Chances are that they're a bunch of glory seekers. I hope their tractors were alright there in the car park. Also: the pitch is like Vietnam because occasionally people invade and make a complete arse of it.
  14. Totally agree. Whatever happened to ABFL? I absolutely despise Liverpool, so the best thing for me is that they get to the final and get caned on the world stage by a real football team. If that's Man Utd, so what?
  15. The last thing we need is another clear-out. I'm not one to knock Shez, but this is his team and he should stick with them for the most part. He needs to build on what we've got, not do another demolition job.
  16. Burger King's contracts are less complex. Keep your eyes peeled on eBay for a second-hand Bentley. One owner, ex-England and Oldham footballer. Too fat, lazy and arrogant for professional football.
  17. It's not all over for Ricketts, not by a long chalk. I've heard that the DVD section at ASDA is recruiting again.
  18. That's not the only problem. The powers that be force some of the most promising young right-handed ball boys to throw with their left.
  19. That's a better idea for a thread: what is Coco thinking? Can we not just leave Hughes alone now? Can we not just think about him as a footballer?
  20. The first part is true but, alas, the second part isn't. My friend Paul wanted a standing ticket, so the tout agreed to exchange mine for a standing one so we would have two the same. Had it not been for my ingenuity and bargaining skills, I would have been fuming in the seats with Diego.
  21. I'd not been to a game since Everton. Leeslover turns to me after Hazell had his first touch and says: "He is absolutely immense." It was only a matter of time before he got himself sent off after praise like that from the Dark Lord of Misfortune.
  22. Whenever Big Ron had that big on-air rant at Dessailly he said: "He's what's known in some schools as a lazy, thick [etc]" By "some schools", I think he might have meant "chairmen". Let's not be blind to that element in footy, however stupid positive discrimination is.
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