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Everything posted by oafc1955

  1. Where the hell have you been for the last 5 months of the season......We have been absolutely dire and declining by the week since December. There was so much wrong behind the scenes and what we have all found out is probably only part of it!!! Do you honestly think that Shez would have got us promoted? Optimism for what..... another season of garbage!!! Shez was a great player and for that he will always be a legend at this club, however, as a manager he has been a big dissapointment! I hope he learns from his time here and goes on to better things but somehow I doubt it! Why don't you have 100% trust in the new manager?
  2. Exactly like ourselves before TTA bailed us out!!!
  3. I don't get it with you................who the hell did you think it would be!!! We're a pretty small club of similar stature to Doncaster and slightly bigger potentially than Darlington and who in the last 15 years have done absolutely bu**er all. Just tell me why you think that a shed load of top coaches would be queing up to come here!!
  4. There's no pleasing some people...Back to back promotions with Doncaster and without the admin deduction would be in the shout for at least a playoff place with Darlington this year. What makes you think the likes of Ince or Gannon would want to come here.....He's as good as we could hope for cos we ain't Real Madrid! He's got bags of experience in the lower divisions and must have liked what TTA have said about our club.....He will get my backing 100%
  5. Who did you flamin expect someone like Mourniho or Keegan!!!!! Look at his CV on the website.......... it ticks most of the boxes and is probably as good as we could have hoped for under the circumstances........ I will be more than happy with his appointment.
  6. I'd say the last two were no matter how you gloss it over...To say we're 4 years down the line with very decent budgets and yet no nearer promotion. I'd say that's pretty disasterous and the main reason our support is dwindling year on year!
  7. I'm a little sad that Royle isn't going to be the man to turn our fortunes around but I suppose it was asking alot for him to do it twice without money and, as many have said, it is probably better to remember him for the successes of his first stint here rather than have it all undone in an instant when we fail to set off like a house on fire next season. I would hate to see his name dragged through the mud as would probably happen here if we weren't pressing for the premiership within 3 years!!! I just hope the TTA have thought long and hard about their next choice as the previous regimes have been nothing short of disasterous. We simply have to get it right on the pitch this time and boost our dwindling home support....I dread to think what will happen to the club if we get it wrong again!!
  8. On the OAFC site rumour from a reliable source within the club has it that TTA have sold up and are leaving at the end of the season!
  9. They're not screwing anybody.......It's your choice to buy or not to buy, revenue has to come from somewhere!!
  10. Lomax for a start...I'm sure there will be quite a few available for that position at the end of the season.
  11. As I have suggested earlier.....Perhaps it's not such a bad idea to sacrifice your saleable assets for the future good of the team. If we were to get a million + for Eardley and Taylor and give the lions share of it to Royle for new players maybe that would be enough to make the difference. As good as Taylor is... his final ball still leaves a lot to be desired and I don't think he's going to improve much more now and a replacement for Eardley shouldn't be too hard to find!
  12. Has he publically stated anywhere that he doesn't want it!
  13. Joe has said in the press only last week that we have forward thinking and ambitious owners who simply don't want the club to stand still...they want promotion to the championship. For the club to stay in this division for another two or three more seasons, would just be a disaster. They'll know through Alan Hardy, that Joe, with his contacts and experience, could probably get us up within the next 2 years but they also know that he will need cash to do it.....I just have a feeling they will some how find a little extra money for a decent enough budget that will give the club a fighting chance of getting out of this division. I just don't think they will want to gamble on yet another unproven managerial prospect....Joe at this moment in time is the best man for the job!!!
  14. I still reckon Joe will be here next season....with a very decent budget!!!
  15. With all the injury problems such as he's had at the club in the last couple of seasons, most players would have been ousted long ago....The fact that he's still on the payroll should tell you something, he's obviously very well regarded by the coaching staff. I reckon he could be very effective playing off a big striker! We probably haven't seen the best of him and he could turn out to be a real gem given a good run in the side.... however, next season will be his last here if he can't remain fit.
  16. I think much of the problem since Joe's return is that half of the players will already be aware of not being here next season and it looks like the majority of them couldn't care less!! With the transfer window shut, Joe had no choice but to go with this squad and I think he realised pretty quickly that many of them just aren't good enough. One thing I don't understand is players not performing when the majority will be looking for a new club next season. Perhaps that is a sign of their general attitude and the real reason we are in such a mess!!! If Joe sign's the contract I reckon we could have the biggest movement of players we've ever had at the club and if that happens a promotion campaign next season might be a bridge too far!!
  17. I think Joe will know all there is to know about Crossley!!!
  18. Don't understand the thinking of playing Crossley before Fleming!
  19. The set up at Boundary Park suggests a D.O.F isn't required....I think you can safely say that Wright and Duxbury will be leaving the club at the end of the season and probably linking up somewhere with Shez. The way I see it Royle and an assistant would have full control over team affairs and along with the scouts recommend players that they want that would improve the squad. Corney and Hardy would then negotiate fees and contracts as has happened for the last few seasons. You have to agree that we have a pretty good success rate with these two once we have identified our targets. The only way I see Joe staying on if not as the team boss would be to ( if he want's it ) give him a place on the board or maybe the position of president of the club because his contacts and experience in the game would be invaluable and something the club would be silly to throw away.
  20. Surely if he was a decent player Grimsby would have taken him on full time...He is available on a free and as far as I'm aware he's out of contract at the end of this season.
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