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Hands on

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Everything posted by Hands on

  1. You can't sell someone a ticket to a game even if through an agent and then deny access. It is without doubt clear negligence. Simple matter, how many seats are there? How many tickets have been sold? How many more tickets can we sell on the gate? And what a stand that is! 2,100 seats with one point of sale! It is no wonder they are going bust. Thrown away ticket sales and refreshment sales during the game. A shambles. Why is league 1 and 2 football characterised by a lack of business sense? Sue them if they don't pay up.
  2. I just don't get it! Why should we be given any money other than that which is generated by our own activity? The truth is that leagues 1 and 2 can not break even and something has to change. The market value of Fratton Park has been agreed at £3m. Our new stand will cost more than that but the ground is only worth development value less the cost of clearing the site. We have to have an owner prepared to provide a stadium but we can't expect them to pay for the football team when the fan base is not there - in the long run team after team will go bust. 5 years or 10 years leagues 1 and 2, if they exist, will be semi-professional.
  3. What our defence has lacked is someone sitting in front who they can make a short pass. M'voto is with us because he does some things well but can't do others - the hands out what do I do with it now being an example. Mellor made a real difference, mopping up and passing the ball but when will we see him again. Goals for is and remains the problem!
  4. NO! Will we be having this argument about Blair? It just goes to show that with an adversarial political system there are winners and losers. Currently with the coalition the majority are being squeezed but we are nowhere near solving our problems. Love her or hate her, she was the only peace time politician of the 20th century capable of doing what was needed at the time. In 2015 we will still be a small bankrupt island off the coast of Europe.
  5. Can I just mention that we do have one other goal scorer in the club - Dan Taylor. Why not 4 3 3 with Taylor, Smith and Barnard up front? I would sacrifice a left wing and go down the right to Croft the man that makes most of our goals.
  6. I suspect many fans are hoping/expecting a win and keeping their money for the final.
  7. Murray the reserve team manager! Whatever team we play we have to score first otherwise it will be a long afternoon so why not 4 3 3 or 3 5 2 with Simpson on gardening leave and Smith starting.
  8. I was told that I would get first pick of my old position at the front on the half way line but I suspect this might not happen. Need to find that email!
  9. LJ put his finger on it - turnover of players and fitness. Both of these are down to PD and SC and the Board who allowed him to do it and then let him stay for too long. The succession of loan players took the heart out of our own. He built nothing, the players (can't call them a team) don't give a toss - they don't even seem to realise that it is not only our future but their own that is on the line. Still can't understand why we let our Captain go as he was one of the few players who put the effort in. In an "I told you so moment" I said before the season started that we wouldn't score enough goals and that is why we are LIKELY TO GO DOWN!
  10. That is great news. We keep six points and Scunthorpe their 3. Just need to level peg them and keep our goal difference advantage. The 10 points will not be deducted until either they get enough to stay up in which case they lose the ten and get relegated or if they get relegated they start next season on -10.
  11. Why if Baxter is so good do our 'strikers' get so few chances? We stay up only if Scunthorpe are worse than us - it is in their hands.
  12. Has to be 3 4 1 2. Need a win so: Bouzanis Tarky M'voto Grounds Croft Smith Mellor Montano Baxter Smith Barnard
  13. I'm tempted to start a "Who would want to stay" thread.
  14. Baxter or Croft? My player of the season is Croft. Baxter goes missing and often does the wrong thing - with his skill properly applied we should not have been where we are - remember that penalty?
  15. I will do it. I'm hoping we can rely on Scunthorpe to do worse than us as we needed six points from these three games to take charge of the situation. Let us hope North End relax and give us a win.
  16. Teams that struggle look unfit. It is difficult to summon the energy to do something when you are not confident about the outcome. Latics have looked mentally unfit for some time. They have also looked physically unfit for most of the season. Croft was allowed to remain overweight and unfit whilst PD was here but still managed to play every game until Saturday - he however was mentally fit so that he could keep pushing himself. Players that are physically fit can battle on even when things go wrong. I'm looking forward to seeing a fit team next year but more importantly I'm looking forward to seeing a team with the right mental attitude - players of character, players with pride, players who will do the job that they are paid to do.
  17. It has to be a mix and that is why Smith up front improved matters. It was easy for them until he came on. However I agree that most of time we should try to play the passing game but when the opportunity to cross arises please give Smith a chance to head it.
  18. The difference I would like to suggest is that Matty Smith, Millar and Mellor are all Oldham players. Smith is going but a bright lad who gives his all and Mellor and Millar are probably playing for contracts - I suspect LJ has correctly decided that Smith is not fit enough to play 90 minutes but I would rather see him start and be substituted than come on when we are behind. Simpson has been injured and has not played to his potential in the league but he was asked to do too much yesterday. I want to see the back of him because I don't like the way he damages people - they are not fair tackles and he should have been sent off more times this season. Wes is no captain and played best when with Furman. Brown and Tarky are raw improving talent but I suspect will always need a bit more time. Baxter is as Baxter does and I would favour 3 5 2 so that he can be allowed to do what he does best.
  19. I was a shoe in but after that I'm not sure I can stand three games this week with the trip to Bury a must. The pattern we have is play well in FA cup, play well for new manager and then something turns off. Its not so much a lack of effort but a lack of pride and determination - the will to win just isn't there most of the time. I suppose anything less than a 3 0 loss at Preston will be a good result! Sounds like I lack the will to win as well - this is horrible!
  20. I didn't boo I gave a half hearted clap but why shouldn't paying spectators boo. Is it possible that some of the players looked at themselves at half time and realised that they should put more in. LJ only changed three players, what has he done to Millar?, so eight of those who competed so badly in the first half made up what was a much better effort in the second.
  21. Could be that the buggars are so thick that by half time they have forgotten not to bother. Only Scunthorpe can keep us up!
  22. They didn't play for us, the didn't play for their own pride and they didn't play for their manager. Three substitutions and a different team but then we had already lost.
  23. If Portsmouth are expelled before the last game of the season all their games are excluded and we lose 6 points whereas Scunthorpe lose only 3. We need Balram Chainrai to allow the Portsmouth Supporters Trust to complete the purchase Fratton Park before 27th April or Portsmouth will be expelled.
  24. There are signs of what LJ wants but players who can't deliver. Everyone was better in the 2nd half but failed in the 1st.
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