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Everything posted by penrhyn

  1. Sure is, shut the moaning numptys up for a while.
  2. Its called Herd Mentality,very common especially amongst relativley new online users.
  3. Long way to go before the end of the season,he didnt do a lot for us after christmas except get rid of Shezz.
  4. Yet another in a long line of ridiculous polls, these polls are almost as bad as some of the recent threads. It’s worth remembering we nearly had no football club at all isn’t now the time the players, manager , and TTA need our support the most.
  5. Didn't know the guy, too soon to go though very sad. Condolences to his friends and family RIP fellow tic.
  6. Very good letter, I am sure Alan Hardy will reply to you as well he has replied too me in the past a few times.
  7. A few days ago, and especially after last night I almost got to the stage of thinkihng "sod it, I've had it with OWTB - there are so many boring assholes preaching doom and gloom that it's not worth the bother" Well, we lost last night. It added to the view. So bleeding what! We've lost before, we've been lower than this after 6 games before - loads of times. Those of us with the ability to view our past achievements with an open eye have seen what this club can achieve with the backing of the fans and a bit of effort. Sure people will have a pop back, and you know what, they might, one day in the future, prove right, we might fold, we might die, we might end up a blip in history. But you know something, what will those people have to look back on - quotes of "I predicted my club will die"? What the hell is that about? We will have the right to say "I tried to keep my club alive with every breath I had, i did not falter, i did not lay down and weep the tears of defeat, I fought until the end". Sod them all, be proud, be a Latic, support YOUR club - because it is YOUR club - no matter what players come or go, no matter who the manager is, no matter who "owns" it in a monetary sense, Oldham Athletic beligns to the FANS - the true fans who will be there, giving their support whaterever happens. Get behind the team, give them your support, hope for the best. Totally agree!
  8. We were challenging for promotion under Shez, enough said!!! F*****n Challenging for promotion under Shez, now that is funny.
  9. Isnt that the truth,maybe it will change when the schools open again.
  10. Well said Harry been around long enough to remember all that,and agree with every word you have written .
  11. Correct I went to these games also.Happy days indeed.
  12. Hi Did also make league 2 team of the week for his performance against Cheltenham in the 5-4 win. Bradford fans had it in for him as some of their own will admit.
  13. Its posts like this opening one Im afriad that are killing this board, where have all these morons crept out of the woodwork from. DP is doing a good job we have virtually a new team that is gelling quicker than expected. Yes we need a centre back, and maybe two eventually. But as has already been said the players he wants are probably not available or out of our price range at present. Colbeck will be a good signing my contact who is a Bradford fan says he is reasonably quick,can beat a man and cross, on top of that he is a worker.Let him get on and do his job he knows what he wants and will get there we just have to be patient. His comments earlier this week hinted about what type of prority this game had in his thoughts.
  14. Ha Ha!! good luck to you too, hopefully Kieran will come through this but its going be tough for the lad. He has so much ability he just needs to get stuck in and work hard.
  15. Give the guy a break its probably not helping him that thry have changed the system over, sure hes doing his best.
  16. I take it, you never made it then son??? No I didnt sonny boy! probably like you the annoying thing with Lee is he appears to have the talent, but lacks the fitness or the application. So frustrating because he should be one of our best players
  17. And one that can put with his lazy arrogant attitude in training (I'm ex Man utd)
  18. Yep! here we go again comes on for four minutes and gets lucky with a fluke goal and all of a sudden hes our saviour give us a break.
  19. When Dave Penny came here he said that any loan players had to benefit OAFC, Not the parent club looking for players to get match fitness. Quite recntly he said he still 3 or so players that needed to moved on I would guess that means the likes of Lee,Lomax,O'Grady, and possibly Aleesandra. As harsh as O'Grady was treated previously he probably needs a fresh start if he can find one.
  20. Although nothing to do this post or has it, its noticebly quiter on here after winning on Saturday. Although many are trying to find fault for a performance that would never have been achieved in the past two years.
  21. I thought I read or heard somewhere that Smalley had failed a fitness test,indicating the injury may not be too serious. I could be wrong though.
  22. Now you know you cant say things like that on here.
  23. "Maybe so, but dave penney is looking for a striker and out of them three byfield is the proven one. can you or anyone else who dislikes byfield name another striker, who we can get on a free and who we can actually afford, who has a better goalscoring record than byfield?" "Well said 100% correct.... Name a realistic alternative or cant really say. " Spot on
  24. R.I.P. Sir Bobby a true gentleman and a footballing legend sad sad loss .
  25. Good move by Penney will either wake the lad up or he is out.
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